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vendredi 31 octobre 1986
Un grand entrepôt
jeudi 30 octobre 1986
Cohérence et vérité
Auteurs séparés par des siècles d’histoire et des cultures remarquablement différentes disent tous fondamentalement le même message: Dieu seul apporte la vie aux gens pris dans la mort et Dieu seul apporte la vie à travers une rançon payée, une rançon payée par un substitut pour que celui que Dieu amène à la vie puisse vivre."
mercredi 29 octobre 1986
Un mystère déconcertant
mardi 28 octobre 1986
Nos pensées internes
William Gurnall
When thoughts or inclinations contrary to the will and ways of God creep in, many dear Christians mistake these miserable orphans for their own children, and take upon themselves the full responsibility for these carnal passions. So deftly does the devil slip his own thoughts into the saints’ bosom that by the time they begin to whimper, he is already out of sight. And the Christian, seeing no one but himself at home, supposes these misbegotten notions are his own. So he bears the shame himself, and Satan has accomplished his purpose.
William Gurnall
lundi 27 octobre 1986
Le vieil ennemi du progrès spirituel
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 15-16.
There before you is the grisly old enemy to spiritual progress standing astride the path of obedience to Christ – SELF! This monster cries out daily to be served. He challenges the dominion of Jesus Christ and opposes every devotion of time, energy and love to the Lord. But it is a strange war that we may win only by feeling ourselves the painful blows we give. Every denial of self is felt keenly. How we would love to change the scene of combat! But on every occasion when we are serious about advancing in righteousness, we must contend with self.
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 15-16.
dimanche 26 octobre 1986
Mépriser ou aimer ?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nothing that we despise in other men is inherently absent from ourselves. We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or don't do, and more in light of what they suffer.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
samedi 25 octobre 1986
Job et Dieu
Bernard Anderson
Job had been talking as if he knew exactly how God should run the world. His sense of integrity had been the basis of his presumptuous claim that God should have treated him better. Outraged that he could not square his innocence with his fate, Job had dared to challenge and judge his Creator…(therefore) Yahweh’s answer came in the form of a rebuke – an overwhelming reminder that the first religious obligation of the creature is to acknowledge and glorify the Creator.
Bernard Anderson
vendredi 24 octobre 1986
En dehors de l'Esprit, ...
Octavius Winslow
Apart from the Spirit, [the Bible] cannot quicken, nor sanctify, nor comfort. It may be read constantly, and searched deeply, and known accurately, and understood partially, and quoted appropriately. Yet, left to its own unassisted power, “it comes but in word only” (1 Thes. 1:5), producing no hallowing, no abiding, no saving results.
Octavius Winslow
jeudi 23 octobre 1986
Le troisième jour après sa mort
Le plus grand point négatif de l'univers est la Croix, car par elle Dieu a effacé tout ce qui n'était pas de Lui-même : le plus grand positif de l'univers est la résurrection, car par elle Dieu a fait naître tout.
Watchman Nee
The greatest negative in the universe is the Cross, for with it God wiped out everything that was not of Himself: the greatest positive in the universe is the resurrection, for through it God brought into being all.
Watchman Nee
mercredi 22 octobre 1986
Un plat empoisonné
mardi 21 octobre 1986
Comprendre l'amour du Calvaire
Amy Carmichael
If I am perturbed by the reproach and misunderstanding that may follow action taken for the good of souls for whom I must give account; if I cannot commit the matter and go on in peace and in silence, remembering Gethsemane and the cross, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy Carmichael
lundi 20 octobre 1986
Une action sournoise
Samuel Logan Brengle
Sin does not leap upon us fully armed. It steals in through a look, a swift, silent suggestion or imagination, but love and loyalty to Jesus will make you watchful and swift to rise up and cast out the subtle enemy. Do this, and you shall live, and live victoriously.
Samuel Logan Brengle
dimanche 19 octobre 1986
Nos prières
Adoniram Judson
Our prayers run along one road and God's answers by another, and by and by they meet.
Adoniram Judson
samedi 18 octobre 1986
Comment servir Dieu ? (2)
Dieu semble vouloir te garder dans une situation précaire mais il te destine des biens meilleurs que l’or de cette terre. Il veut te faire dépendre uniquement de lui, en se réservant le privilège de pourvoir lui même à tes besoins, pour te faire bénéficier, en plus des trésors invisibles renouvelés chaque matin.
Le seigneur peut permettre à d’autres d’être honorés et mis en avant, mais il te cachera dans l’obscurité pour te faire produire à sa gloire, des fruits précieux et odoriférants qui ne peuvent mûrirent que dans l’ombre .
Ton voisin deviendra grand mais tu seras gardé dans la petitesse.
D’autres peuvent travailler pour lui et recevoir la récompense de leurs activités, mais tu seras courbé sous un pénible labeur, et nul ne saura tout ce que tu fais."
Auteur inconnu
vendredi 17 octobre 1986
Comment la foi fonctionne
Remember, the very time for faith to work is when our sight begins to fail. And the greater the difficulties, the easier it is for faith to work, for as long as we can see certain natural solutions to our problems, we will not have faith. Faith never works as easily as when our natural prospects fail. George Mueller.
jeudi 16 octobre 1986
Nos désirs
C.S. Lewis
It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.
C.S. Lewis
mercredi 15 octobre 1986
Le vrai salut
Croyez-vous ? "Je crois", dit l'un d'eux, et il commence à répéter ce qu'ils appellent le "Credo des Apôtres". Tenez votre langue, monsieur ! Cela n'a pas d'importance ; le diable y croit, peut-être plus intelligemment que vous ; il croit et tremble. Ce genre de croyance ne sauve aucun homme. Vous pouvez croire le credo le plus orthodoxe de la chrétienté, et périr. Avez-vous confiance - car c'est là l'essentiel du mot "croire" - avez-vous confiance en Jésus ? Appuyez-vous tout votre poids sur Lui ? Avez-vous cette foi que les puritains appelaient "couchée" ou "penchée" ? C'est la foi qui sauve - une foi qui retombe dans les bras de Jésus, une foi qui se laisse tomber de sa propre place dans ces bras puissants.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Do you believe? “I believe,” says one, and he begins to repeat what they call the “Apostles’ Creed.” Hold your tongue, sir! That matters not; the devil believes that, perhaps more intelligently than you do; he believes and trembles. That kind of believing saves no man. You may believe the most orthodox creed in Christendom, and perish. Do you trust – for that is the cream of the word “believe” – do you trust in Jesus? Do you lean your whole weight on Him? Have you that faith which the Puritans used to call “recumbency” or “leaning”? This is the faith that saves – faith that falls back into the arms of Jesus, a faith that drops from its own hanging-place into those mighty arms.
Charles H. Spurgeon
mardi 14 octobre 1986
Avoir confiance en nous ?
James Denney
It is natural…for us to trust in ourselves. It is so natural, and so confirmed by the habits of a lifetime, that no ordinary difficulties or perplexities avail to break us of it. It takes all God can do to root up our self-confidence. He must reduce us to despair; He must bring us to such an extremity that the one voice we have in our hearts, the one voice that cries to us wherever we look round for help, is death, death, death. It is out of this despair that the superhuman hope is born. It is out of this abject helplessness that the soul learns to look up with new trust to God… How do most of us attain to any faith in Providence? Is it not by proving, through numberless experiments, that it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps? Is it not by coming, again and again, to the limit of our resources, and being compelled to feel that unless there is a wisdom and a love at work on our behalf, immeasurably wiser and more benign than our own, life is a moral chaos?… Only desperation opens our eyes to God’s love.
James Denney
lundi 13 octobre 1986
La vie de Jésus
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 20.
Your Master’s life was dominated by a cross. He has called you also to a life with a cross. This clear gospel note is so easy to forget in flabby Western society. With a great chorus of custom, advertisement and temptation this world is beckoning you to a life of self-indulgence. Your flesh is drawn to that appeal, and will fall in with the world’s suggestions. But the Lord of glory has called you to a life of self-denial, to a cross.
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 20.
dimanche 12 octobre 1986
Connaître mieux Jésus
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Supernatural Living for Natural People
“We do not need more frightening punishments and more withering scoldings. We need the all-sufficiency of Jesus applied in rich measure to our deepest points of personal need.”
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Supernatural Living for Natural People
samedi 11 octobre 1986
Quand Dieu parle
Francis Schaeffer
God has communicated to man, the infinite to the finite. The One who made man capable of language in the first place has communicated to man in language about both spiritual reality and physical reality, about the nature of God and the nature of man.
Francis Schaeffer
vendredi 10 octobre 1986
Vous êtes sauvés par l'homme du salut.
Adrian Rogers wrote : « You are not saved by the plan of salvation. You are saved by the man of salvation. »
jeudi 9 octobre 1986
La véritable humilité
C.S. Lewis
True humility is more like self-forgetfulness than false modesty.
C.S. Lewis
mercredi 8 octobre 1986
Connaître Dieu
They that know God will be humble. They that know themselves cannot be proud. John Flavel
mardi 7 octobre 1986
Des preuves de grâce.
Chuck Lawless
Our stories are evidences of grace. Some may seem more dramatic, but all are stories of grace-saturated life transformation.
Chuck Lawless
lundi 6 octobre 1986
dimanche 5 octobre 1986
samedi 4 octobre 1986
Les pensées de Dieu
Les pensées de Dieu pour vous sont plus nombreuses que les grains de sable. Il pense à toi toute la journée. Il prépare de bonnes choses pour toi avant même que tu ne te réveilles. Il est impatient de te révéler les solutions aux problèmes que tu rencontres et de te dévoiler ses secrets cachés. Il ne peut pas s'arrêter de penser à toi.
Bob Hazlett
God's thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand. He is thinking all day long about you. He is planning good things for you before you wake up. He can't wait to reveal the solutions to problems you face and uncover his hidden secrets to you. He can't stop thinking about you.
Bob Hazlett
vendredi 3 octobre 1986
Vaincre l'amertume
Amy Carmichael
There is only one way of victory over the bitterness and rage that comes naturally to us. To will what God wills brings peace.
Amy Carmichael
jeudi 2 octobre 1986
Trop honnête ?
mercredi 1 octobre 1986
Pourquoi adorer Jésus ?
Robert Webber
Worship is rooted in an event the living, dying, and rising again of Jesus Christ in history.
Robert Webber