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vendredi 30 octobre 2020

Le Christ vit en nous

Le Christ vit en nous pour manifester sa vie à travers nous. Le Christ en nous accomplit ses propres desseins. Une partie de son but est l'intimité avec nous, mais son plan va au-delà. Il travaille à ses propres fins, et nous sommes les récipients à travers lesquels il travaille. Nous sommes la manifestation visible de ce que Dieu fait, avec Lui-même comme but ultime, "afin que Dieu soit tout en tous" (I Corinthiens 15:28).
Dan Stone, The Rest of the Gospel, One Press, 2000, Préface.

Christ lives in us to manifest His life through us. Christ in us accomplishes His own purposes. Part of His purpose is intimacy with us, but His plan encompasses more than that. He is working toward His own ends, and we are the vessels through which He works. We are the visible manifestation of what God is doing, with Himself as the ultimate goal, “that God may be all in all” (I Corinthians 15:28).
Dan Stone, The Rest of the Gospel, One Press, 2000, Preface.