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samedi 25 mai 1996


Pensez-y. Pour que Dieu puisse expier le péché de l'homme, quelqu'un devait se soumettre à la mort. Or, seul celui qui avait la capacité illimitée d'expier le péché pouvait le faire, seul un homme parfait. Il devait avoir une capacité illimitée d'expiation, car il verserait son sang pour toute l'humanité. Il devait être parfait, car Dieu n'accepte que des sacrifices sans tache. Qui pouvait faire cela ? Dieu seul. Et Dieu le Fils a versé son propre sang pour nous (Actes 20:28).

Josh McDowell et Bart Larson, Jesus, a Biblical Defense of His Deity, Here's Life Publishers, Inc. p. 90.

Think of it. In order for God to atone for man’s sin, someone had to subject Himself to death. Yet only one who had unlimited ability to atone for sin could do that, only a perfect man. He had to have unlimited ability to atone, because He would be shedding His blood for all humankind. He had to be perfect because God accepts only unblemished sacrifices. Who could do that? Only God. And God the Son shed His own blood for us (Acts 20:28)

Josh McDowell et Bart Larson, Jesus, a Biblical Defense of His Deity, Here's Life Publishers, Inc. p. 90.