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lundi 24 avril 2000

Louer Jésus

La Bible dit clairement que tous seront trouvés en train de louer Jésus-Christ. Ceux qui commencent à le louer maintenant, après l'avoir reçu par la foi comme leur Sauveur, jouiront de la consommation bénie de cette louange pendant toute l'éternité. Ceux qui le rejettent le loueront, mais sous la contrainte et séparés de lui (Jean 18.6 ; Philippiens 2.10 ; Apocalypse 5.13). En termes simples, Dieu est trop glorieux pour permettre à un coin quelconque de sa création d'exister sans reconnaître sa gloire en lui attribuant l'adoration qui est due à son nom.

Randy Smith

The Scripture is clear that all will be found praising Jesus Christ. Those who begin praising Him now after receiving Him by faith as their Savior will enjoy the blessed consummation of that throughout all of eternity. Those who reject Him will praise Him, but under obligation and separated from Him (Jn. 18:6; Phil. 2:10; Rev. 5:13). Simply put, God is too glorious to allow any corner of His creation to exist without recognizing His glory by ascribing to Him the worship that is due His name.

Randy Smith