D'après Éphésiens 6:12, il est très clair qu'une grande guerre se déroule dans les cieux contre les saints de Dieu. L'air grouille d'esprits à qui Dieu a confié l'organisation des choses sur notre terre.
Wesley L. Duewel
Let it never be forgotten: The prayer warrior who moves heaven will just as assuredly move hell. Prayer is twofold; it cuts both ways, upwards and downwards. No matter how humble the child of God may be in intellectual attainments, he has power in prayer to move heavenly forces in opposition to the spirit forces of hell. Often is it remarked: “Things are worse than they were when we began to pray!” Of course they are! Your enemy, encamped against you, is watchful and alert—you take the aggressive, and he is roused to fury! Prayer at the very beginning moves the opposing forces of the powers of darkness.
From Ephesians 6:12 it is very clear that a great war is being waged in the heavenlies against the saints of God. The air is teeming with spirits to whom God has given the ordering of things on our earth.
Wesley L. Duewel