Avant de mourir, il a dit : "Je verrai Jésus, et ce sera grandiose. Je verrai Celui qui a créé les mondes.
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), physicien
La loi de Brewster (qui a servi de base à la technologie laser), le kaléidoscope, une personne clé dans l'amélioration du stéréoscope et de l'imagerie photographique, cofondateur de l'Association britannique pour l'avancement de la science.
Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, p.95, Kregel Resources,1996
It can’t be presumption to be SURE [of our forgiveness] because it is Christ’s work, not ours; on the contrary, it is presumption to doubt His word and work.’
Before he died he said, I shall see Jesus, and that will be grand. I shall see Him who made the worlds.
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), physics
Brewster’s Law (which was foundational for laser technology), kaleidoscope, key person in improving stereoscope and photographic imaging, co-founder of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, p.95, Kregel Resources,1996