Adrian Rogers wrote : « Lack of wealth cannot take away genuine contentment. »
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mardi 30 septembre 1986
Le manque de richesse
lundi 29 septembre 1986
Le discernement
Charles H. Spurgeon
Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong; rather it is telling the difference between right and almost right.
Charles H. Spurgeon
dimanche 28 septembre 1986
La proclamation de la résurrection
Paul Althaus
The resurrection proclamation could not have been maintained in Jerusalem for a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb had not been established as a fact.
Paul Althaus
samedi 27 septembre 1986
La grâce divine
vendredi 26 septembre 1986
Plus qu'une fête
jeudi 25 septembre 1986
Les 4 moyens de la sagesse
Randy Smith
God in His grace grants us His wisdom often through four sources: prayer (James 1:5), Bible reading (Psalms 19:7), wise counsel (Proverbs 12:15) and godly relationships (Proverbs 13:20).
Randy Smith
mercredi 24 septembre 1986
Vouloir être sauvé
John MacArthur, Matthew 8-15, Moody Publishers, 1985, p. 59.
The first declaration of the gospel is negative – that every man is sinful, separated from God, and condemned to hell. A person will not seek to be saved until he realizes he is lost. Therefore the first step in proclaiming the gospel is to tell men of their lostness, and the first step in receiving the gospel is to confess that lostness. A person will not seek healing until he is convinced he is sick; he will not seek life until he acknowledges he is dead. Conversion, then, occurs in one who is willing to accept the death sentence and also the acquittal of God. The man who does not recognize his condemnation to death has no hope for new life.
John MacArthur, Matthew 8-15, Moody Publishers, 1985, p. 59.
mardi 23 septembre 1986
Comment servir Dieu ? (1)
Tu ne pourras te comparer à nul autre chrétien. Tu n’auras plus la liberté de faire certaines choses que d’autres pourront facilement se permettre.
Les chrétiens qui t’entourent, tous gens pieux et utiles peuvent se mettre en avant, ils tirent des lignes de conduite, ils élaborent des plans et les mettent à exécution, mais toi, tu ne peux pas les imiter.
Au moindre essai de faire comme eux, tu seras arrêté par un échec humiliant, le seigneur te reprendra avec sévérité et tu te repentiras amèrement.
Les personnes de ton entourage peuvent se vanter de leur travail, de leur succès, de leurs écrits, mais le Saint-Esprit ne te permettra jamais rien de pareil.
Si toute fois, tu t’avisais de le faire, il en résulterait pour toi une humiliation si profonde que tu arriverais bien vite à te mépriser, toi et tes bonnes oeuvres !"
Auteur inconnu
lundi 22 septembre 1986
Dieu vous entend
Katherine Walden
God heard you the first time. It doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to pray for a situation, but He heard you the first time. As soon as He hears your voice, His face turns towards you. He loves you. He adores you and He loves those that you are praying for. However, He’s asking you to trust Him. If he’s asking you to wait, trust Him that He has the perfect reason for asking you to do so.
Katherine Walden
dimanche 21 septembre 1986
Comment atteindre Son objectif ?
samedi 20 septembre 1986
La repentance
Repentance is one of the most positive words in any language. It tells us we can change direction. It assures us God will help us improve. Robert J. Morgan
vendredi 19 septembre 1986
Deux types d'amour
jeudi 18 septembre 1986
La maladie physique
John MacArthur
Physical illness, whatever it is, emotional distress, financial disaster, death, being forsaken and left alone, whatever shatters your confidence in your own abilities, your own strength becomes your extremity and that is God’s opportunity. A progressive weakening of your instinctive self-confidence that leads you all the way to self-despair is exactly where God wants you because at that point the only thing that’s going to hold you together is a radical confidence in God.
John MacArthur
mercredi 17 septembre 1986
Evaluer nos dons
mardi 16 septembre 1986
Avons-nous oublié notre vocation ?
Kay Arthur
Have we forgotten our calling? (2 Corinthians 5:19-20) Remember that your first and foremost calling is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that gospel is a twofold message: His death for our sins and His resurrection for our lives.
Kay Arthur
lundi 15 septembre 1986
Le mal sur Terre
1. Tester la validité de leur foi. La foi qui sauve est indestructible. La foi qui sauve dure jusqu'à la fin. La foi qui sauve persévère.
2. Les sevrer du monde. Le Seigneur nous amène à des épreuves afin que nous soyons sevrés de la confiance dans les choses du monde.
3. Appelez-les à l'espérance céleste. Les épreuves aident] à remplir nos cœurs d'anticipation pour les gloires à venir afin que nous vivions dans l'espoir.
4. Montrez-nous ce que nous aimons vraiment. Les épreuves révéleront ce qui est le plus précieux pour [nous]. Si porter la croix et le reproche du Christ est le plus précieux, alors [nous] subirons la perte de tout pour cela.
5. Enseignez-nous l'obéissance. Les épreuves permettent également à Dieu de nous enseigner l'obéissance. A travers ces épreuves, nous apprenons que le péché a des conséquences douloureuses. Les épreuves sont les châtiments de Dieu.
6. Afin qu'il puisse révéler sa compassion dans notre misère. Il est le Père des miséricordes et le Dieu de toute consolation.
7. Développer [notre] force spirituelle pour une plus grande utilité. Plus [nous] sommes mis à l'épreuve et affinés par les épreuves et les problèmes, plus [nous] devenons utiles.
8. Aider les autres dans leurs épreuves. Dieu peut venir à nous dans nos difficultés et nous renforcer, puis nous pouvons venir aux autres avec la force qu'il nous a donnée.
9. Afficher sa puissance étonnante.
John MacArthur
Why does God allow bad things, devastating things to happen to His people?
1. Test the validity of their faith. Saving faith is indestructible. Saving faith endures to the end. Saving faith perseveres.
2. Wean them from the world. The Lord brings us to trials in order that we might be weaned away from confidence in worldly things.
3. Call them to heavenly hope. [Trials help] to fill our hearts with anticipation for the glories to come so that we will live in hope.
4. Show us what we really love. Trials will reveal what is most precious to [us]. If bearing the cross and the reproach of Christ is most precious, then [we’ll] suffer the loss of anything for that.
5. Teach us obedience. Trials also allow God to teach us obedience. Through those trials we learn that sin has painful consequences. Trials are God’s chastenings.
6. In order that He might reveal His compassion in our misery. He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.
7. Develop [our]spiritual strength for greater usefulness. The more [we]are tested and refined by trials and trouble, the more useful [we] become.
8. Help others in their trials. God can come to [us] in [our] difficulty and strengthen [us] and then [we] can come to [others] with the strength He’s given to [us].
9. Display His astounding power.
John MacArthur
dimanche 14 septembre 1986
La sphère de rayonnement de la parole divine
samedi 13 septembre 1986
L'amour du Christ, étant l'amour de Dieu
“A man may love another as his own soul, yet his love may not be able to help him. He may pity him in prison, but not relieve him, bemoan him in misery, but not help him, suffer with him in trouble, but not ease him. We cannot love grace into a child, nor mercy into a friend; we cannot love them into heaven, though it may be the greatest desire of our soul. . . . But the love of Christ, being the love of God, is effective and fruitful in producing all the good things which he wills for his beloved. He loves life, grace and holiness into us; He loves us into covenant, He loves us into heaven.” John Owen, Works (Edinburgh, 1980), II:63.
vendredi 12 septembre 1986
Continuer sans cesse
F.F. Bruce
Persistence in prayer for someone whom we don't like, however much it goes against the grain to begin with, brings about a remarkable change in attitude.
F.F. Bruce
jeudi 11 septembre 1986
Un amour pour rester debout
Recouvre toutes mes capacités, engloutis tous mes péchés, efface tous mes soucis, soulève mon âme, tellement liée à cette terre, et emmène-la jusqu'aux pieds de mon Sauveur. "
mercredi 10 septembre 1986
La première étape
Peter Marshall
We have only to be yielded, that is, willing, surrendered, and He will do the rest. He will make us according to the pattern for which, in His love, He designed us.
Peter Marshall
mardi 9 septembre 1986
Être vu par Dieu ?
A-t-il voulu dire que, quelque bien que nous fassions, nous devions nous cacher aux yeux des hommes et craindre d'en être vus ?
Si tu crains les spectateurs, tu n'auras pas d'imitateurs : il faut donc qu'on te voie.
Mais tu ne dois pas agir pour qu'on te voie. Là ne doit pas être la fin de ta joie, le terme de ton bonheur, comme si tu estimais avoir obtenu tout le fruit de ta bonne action, quand on t'aura vu et loué. Cela, c'est néant.
Méprise-toi, quand on te loue : que celui-là soit loué en toi, qui agit par toi.
Le bien que tu fais, ne le fais donc pas pour ta propre gloire, mais pour la gloire de celui qui te donne de bien faire."
St Augustin (p. 341, Tr. VIII, 2)
lundi 8 septembre 1986
La grande foi
Dallas Willard
dimanche 7 septembre 1986
La source de la puissance chrétienne
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Supernatural Living for Natural People
“ The spring of Christian power runs all the way down to what we desire. Most of what we do in life, we do out of the desires of our hearts. This is humbling, but true. So the more our hearts love the Lord, the more progress we will make.”
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Supernatural Living for Natural People
samedi 6 septembre 1986
Prêcher la vérité
Charles H. Spurgeon
The gospel is preached in the ears of all; it only comes with power to some. The power that is in the gospel does not lie in the eloquence of the preacher; otherwise men would be converters of souls. Nor does it lie in the preacher’s learning; otherwise it would consist in the wisdom of men. We might preach till our tongues rotted, till we should exhaust our lungs and die, but never a soul would be converted unless there were mysterious power going with it – the Holy Ghost changing the will of man.
Charles H. Spurgeon
vendredi 5 septembre 1986
Comme un lion
Charles Spurgeon
The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
Charles Spurgeon
jeudi 4 septembre 1986
Être un disciple du Christ
Katie Davis
Being a Christ follower means being acquainted with sorrow. We must know sorrow to be able to fully appreciate joy. Joy costs pain, but the pain is worth it. After all, the murder had to take place before the resurrection.
Katie Davis
mercredi 3 septembre 1986
Un compas
La Bible est une boussole, qui vous indique la bonne direction. Auteur inconnu
The Bible is a compass, pointing you in the right direction. Author Unknown
mardi 2 septembre 1986
lundi 1 septembre 1986
Un ingrédient essentiel de l'adoration
R. T. Kendall
A vital ingredient of worship is expectancy believing that something good is going to happen.
R. T. Kendall