L'or est le rideau du fou, qui cache au monde tous ses défauts.
Owen Feltham
Gold is the fool's curtain, which hides all his defects from the world.
Owen Feltham
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
L'or est le rideau du fou, qui cache au monde tous ses défauts.
Owen Feltham
Gold is the fool's curtain, which hides all his defects from the world.
Owen Feltham
Cheryl Ford ; Treasures from the Heart, Crossway Books, 2000, p. 162-163.
God warned Lot’s wife of the impending disaster. He tried to rescue her from His judgment. He even set her on the way to salvation, shepherding her to safety. But the bent of her heart was even more powerful than the grasp of the angels leading her by the hand. She gave proof that she had never taken God seriously when she would not sever her heart-ties with Sodom. She came as close to deliverance without receiving it as was possible. Looking to the past she destroyed her future. Having received the grace of God in vain, she passed the point of no return. Not even the fire and brimstone falling around her could heal her divided heart… We might feel inclined to ask why Lot’s wife paid such a price for her error. Oh, but she sinned grievously against the Lord. Not only did she lack the pioneering pilgrim spirit required of those who leave their former lives for a better city, but she was in love with the sinful world… What she left behind and still held in her heart obviously was very dear to her, dearer than the treasures of God.
Cheryl Ford; Treasures from the Heart, Crossway Books, 2000, p. 162-163.
John Piper, God’s Passion for His Glory, Crossway, 1988.
If God has no need, why did He create and redeem? The answer is simple: God created to glorify His goodness. He created a context to display and exercise His moral perfections. We exist for God’s glory. We exist because God’s goodness is constantly overflowing, and He wants to display it and share it.
John Piper, God’s Passion for His Glory, Crossway, 1988.
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu, The Kneeling Christian, vers 1930, ch. 7.
Prayer is measured, not by time, but by intensity.
Unknown Author, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 7.
Watchman Nee
If we know that the aim of the Holy Spirit is to lead man to the place of self-control, we shall not fall into passivity but shall make good progress in spiritual life. "The fruit of the Spirit is self-control"
Watchman Nee
Kent Hughes
In my ministry I have noticed that when people are hurting, they frequently express their hope for Christ’s return – “Oh! I wish the Lord would return today!” But I have never heard anyone say, “Things are going so well…I wish Christ would return right now!”
Kent Hughes
J.I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness, 1992, Regal, 1992.
The focus of health in the soul is humility, while the root of inward corruption is pride. In the spiritual life, nothing stands still. If we are not constantly growing downward into humility, we shall be steadily swelling up and running to seed under the influence of pride.
J.I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness, 1992, Regal, 1992.
Auteur inconnu
Brunot Gaudelet, La revue de théologie de la Faculté Jean Calvin
John Boys
The servants of the Lord are to sing His praises in this life to the world’s end; and in the next life world without end.
John Boys
Vance Havner
We have suffered from the preaching of cheap grace. Grace is free, but it is not cheap. People will take anything that is free, but they are not interested in discipleship. They will take Christ as Savior but not as Lord.
Vance Havner
Michael Horton
[We must not let] hell, rather than God, becomes the object of fear (Mt. 10:28)… Whatever the exact nature of this everlasting judgment, it is horrible ultimately for one reason only: God is present… Hell is not ultimately about fire, but about God. Whatever the exact nature of the physical
punishments, the real terror awaiting the unrepentant is God Himself and His inescapable presence forever with His face turned against them.
Michael Horton
Don Kistler, Feed My Sheep, éd. Don Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, 2002, p. 222.
We can preach with authority because Christ has given us that authority. Did He not say, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” It wasn’t “teaching them to observe all that I have suggested to you,” but “all that I have commanded you!”
Don Kistler, Feed My Sheep, ed. Don Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, 2002, p. 222.
Edith Schaeffer
A Christian, who realizes he has been made in the image of the Creator God and is therefore meant to be creative on a finite level, should certainly have more understanding of his responsibility to treat God's creation with sensitivity, and should develop his talents to do something to beautify his little spot on the earth's surface.
Edith Schaeffer
John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied, Eerdmans, 1955, p. 145.
Indeed, the more sanctified the person is, the more conformed he is to the image of his Savior, the more he must recoil against every lack of conformity to the holiness of God. The deeper his apprehension of the majesty of God, the greater the intensity of his love to God, the more persistent his yearning for the attainment of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, the more conscious will he be of the gravity of the sin that remains and the more poignant will be his detestation of it… Was this not the effect in all the people of God as they came into closer proximity to the revelation of God’s holiness?
John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied, Eerdmans, 1955, p. 145.
Watchman Nee
The best thing for the saint to do is to claim the victorious name of the Lord Jesus over every onslaught of the enemy.
Watchman Nee
Charles Spurgeon
A sacred regard to the authority of God ought to lead us to reject an error, however old, sanctioned by whatever authority, or however generally practiced.
Charles Spurgeon
Talk about the questions of the day; there is but one question, and that is the gospel. It can and will correct everything needing correction.
Au lieu de cela, cette nouvelle vie dans laquelle Dieu entre semble être la vie la plus calme, la plus naturellement humaine qui ait jamais été vue sur la terre. Elle se glisse à sa place comme la lumière du soleil. Elle semble rendre évident que Dieu et l'homme sont essentiellement si proches l'un de l'autre que la rencontre de leurs natures dans la vie d'un Dieu-homme n'a rien d'étrange. C'est ainsi que le Christ traite toujours de sa propre nature, acceptant sa divinité comme vous et moi acceptons notre humanité, et la laissant briller à travers l'enveloppe avec laquelle elle s'est le plus subtilement et mystérieusement mêlée, comme l'âme se mêle au corps et brille à travers lui.
Phillips Brooks (1835–1893)
If we had been told that God was coming into a man’s life…that must be something very terrible and awful. That certainly must rend and tear the life to which God comes. At least, it will separate it and make it unnatural and strange. God fills a bush with His glory, and it burns. God enters into the great mountain, and it rocks with an earthquake. When He comes to occupy a man, He must distort the humanity He occupies into some inhuman shape.
Instead of that, this new life into which God comes seems to be the most quietly, naturally human life that was ever seen upon the earth. It glides into its place like sunlight. It seems to make it evident that God and man are essentially so near together that the meeting of their natures in the life of a God-man is not strange. So always does Christ deal with His own nature, accepting His divinity as you and I accept our humanity, and letting it shine out through the envelope with which it has most subtly and mysteriously mingled, as the soul is mingled with and shines out through the body.
Phillips Brooks (1835–1893)
1. Le plaisir est tout simplement mauvais.
2. Le plaisir vous captive et vous captive.
3. Le plaisir est caché.
4. Le plaisir vous éloigne du bien.
5. Le plaisir n'est pas au rendez-vous.
David Powlison, Breaking the Addictive Cycle, New Growth Press, p. 8.
So how can you tell when a pleasure crosses the line from innocent to guilty?
1. The pleasure is plain wrong.
2. The pleasure captivates and captures you.
3. The pleasure is hidden.
4. The pleasure steals you away from the good.
5. The pleasure doesn’t deliver.
David Powlison, Breaking the Addictive Cycle, New Growth Press, p. 8.
WILLIAM TEMPLE (1881-1944)
Christ stimulates us, as other great men stimulate us,but we find a power coming from Him into our lives that enables us to respond. That is the experience that proves Him to be the universal Spirit.It does not happen with others.
WILLIAM TEMPLE (1881–1944)
C'est l'activité la plus élevée de l'âme humaine, et donc c'est en même temps le test ultime de la vraie condition spirituelle d'un homme. Il n'y a rien qui dit la vérité sur nous en tant que chrétiens autant que notre vie de prière. Tout ce que nous faisons dans la vie chrétienne est plus facile que la prière."
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
J.C. Ryle, Holiness, Moody Publishers, 2010, p. 58.
Evidence, evidence, evidence, will be the one thing wanted when the great white throne is set, when the books are opened, when the graves give up their tenants, when the dead are arraigned before the bar of God. Without some evidence that our faith in Christ was real and genuine, we shall only rise again to be condemned. I can find no evidence that will be admitted in that day, except sanctification. The question will not be how we talked and what we professed, but how we lived and what we did. Let no man deceive himself on this point. If anything is certain about the future, it is certain that there will be a judgment; and if anything is certain about judgment, it is certain that men’s “works” and “doings” will be considered and examined in it (Jn. 5:29; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:13). He that supposes works are of no importance, because they cannot justify us, is a very ignorant Christian. Unless he opens his eyes, he will find to his cost that if he comes to the bar of God without some evidence of grace, he had better never have been born.
J.C. Ryle, Holiness, Moody Publishers, 2010, p. 58.
Charles H. Spurgeon
This is noble encouragement to all the saints; die they must, but rise they shall, and though in their case they shall see corruption, yet they shall rise to everlasting life. Christ’s resurrection is the cause, the earnest, the guarantee, and the emblem of the rising of all His people. Let them, therefore, go to their graves as to their beds, resting their flesh among the clods as they now do upon their couches.
Charles H. Spurgeon