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vendredi 31 décembre 2004
Âme et esprit
jeudi 30 décembre 2004
Voir l’univers
Le premier regard de l’homme jeté sur l’univers n’y découvre que variété, diversité, multiplicité des phénomènes. Que ce regard soit illuminé par la science,—par la science qui rapproche l’homme de Dieu,—et la simplicité et l’unité brillent de toutes parts.
mercredi 29 décembre 2004
Selon Apocalypse 21:1-5
John MacArthur, The Battle for the Beginning, 2001, p. 45.
According to Revelation 21:1-5, God will immediately create a new heaven and a new earth (cf. Isa. 65:17). Do we really believe He can do that, or will it take another umpteen billion years of evolutionary process to get the new heaven and new earth in working order? If we really believe He can destroy this universe in a split second and immediately create a whole new one, what’s the problem with believing the Genesis account of a six-day creation in the first place? If He can do it at the end of the age, why is it so hard to believe the biblical account of what happened in the beginning?
John MacArthur, The Battle for the Beginning, 2001, p. 45.
mardi 28 décembre 2004
Le jour de Pâques
Anselm Grün, La résurrection - Jean 20
lundi 27 décembre 2004
Deux visions
Quand nous voyons la mort, nous voyons le désastre. Quand Jésus voit la mort, il voit la délivrance !
dimanche 26 décembre 2004
Une grande question
William Tiptaft
If this world with its fading pleasures is so much admired, what must heaven be, which God praises?
William Tiptaft
samedi 25 décembre 2004
La Parole de Dieu
... God’s Word, which is all about Jesus Christ, can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We are sinful and unable to remedy our condition, but from God comes the incredible, limitless power that can transform our lives.
vendredi 24 décembre 2004
Dieu est l'auteur de l'univers
Robert Boyle
“God [is] the author of the universe, and the free establisher of the laws of motion.”
Robert Boyle
jeudi 23 décembre 2004
La persévérance
Louis Berkhof, Théologie systématique, 1998, p. 546.
Perseverance may be defined as that continuous operation of the Holy Spirit in the believer, by which the work of divine grace that is begun in the heart, is continued and brought to completion. It is because God never forsakes His work that believers continue to stand to the very end.
Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 1998, p. 546.
mercredi 22 décembre 2004
Jésus au centre
In the Old Testament, we have Jesus predicted. In the Gospels, we have Jesus revealed. In the Acts, we have Jesus preached. In the Epistles, we have Jesus explained. In the revelation, we have Jesus expected.
mardi 21 décembre 2004
Le mot patience
William Barclay, Letters of Peter and Jude, St. Andrews, 1960, p. 258.
The word [patience] never means the spirit which sits with folded hands and simply bears things. It is victorious endurance (and) constancy under trial. It is Christian steadfastness, the brave and courageous acceptance of everything life can do to us, and the transmuting of even the worst into another step on the upward way. It is the courageous and triumphant ability to bear things, which enables a man to pass breaking point and not to break, and always to greet the unseen with a cheer.
William Barclay, Letters of Peter and Jude, St. Andrews, 1960, p. 258.
lundi 20 décembre 2004
La régénération
C.J. Mahaney, Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood, 2002, p. 196.
Once regenerated, we are delivered from the penalty of sin and from the authoritative power of sin, but not from the continued presence and influence of sin. Sin is no longer reigning, but it is remaining.
C.J. Mahaney, Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood, 2002, p. 196.
dimanche 19 décembre 2004
Contempler l'univers
Quand, avec des télescopes audacieux, je contemple les étoiles et les planètes anciennes et nouvellement découvertes ; quand, avec d'excellents microscopes, je discerne la subtilité inimitable de l'œuvre curieuse de la nature ; et quand, en un mot, à l'aide de couteaux anatomiques et à la lumière de fours chimiques, j'étudie le livre de la nature, je me trouve souvent réduit à m'exclamer avec le Psalmiste : Que tes œuvres sont multiples, Seigneur ! C'est dans la sagesse que Tu les as toutes faites !
samedi 18 décembre 2004
La seule façon de se débarrasser de son passé est d'en faire un avenir. Dieu ne gaspille rien.
Phillips Brooks
The only way to get rid of your past is to make a future out of it. God will waste nothing.
Phillips Brooks
vendredi 17 décembre 2004
La persécution
La persécution est simplement le choc entre deux systèmes de valeurs irréconciliables.
John Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, IVP, 1978, p. 52.
Persecution is simply the clash between two irreconcilable value-systems.
John Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, IVP, 1978, p. 52.
jeudi 16 décembre 2004
Une foi sincère en Jésus-Christ
R.M. Harrington
A heart-driven faith in Jesus Christ is the only sure solution. Believe it. Grasp it. And surrender to it.
R.M. Harrington
mercredi 15 décembre 2004
Ton plan se fera !
mardi 14 décembre 2004
Ce que la Bible a fourni au monde
The Bible has furnished, and still furnishes, the basic, most fundamental building blocks of Western civilization. Therefore, this is true: If you live in this civilization and don’t have a fair knowledge of the Bible, you are basically uneducated. You may know a lot of things, but you won’t have the foggiest notion of where all these things came from, what they all mean, how they are interrelated, what to use them for, and generally what makes them tick.
lundi 13 décembre 2004
Dieu parle
Dieu peut tonner ses ordres depuis le mont Sinaï et les hommes peuvent avoir peur, mais rester au fond d'eux-mêmes exactement comme ils étaient auparavant. Mais qu'un homme voie une fois son Dieu dans l'arène comme un Homme - souffrant, tenté, transpirant et agonisant, mourant finalement d'une mort criminelle - et il est bien difficile de ne pas être touché.
dimanche 12 décembre 2004
La venue de la lumière
Plus la lumière est donnée, plus le cœur humain doit devenir dur pour la rejeter.
Erwin Lutzer, Cries from the Cross, Moody Publishers, 2002, p. 100.
The more light that is given, the harder the human heart must become to reject it.
Erwin Lutzer, Cries from the Cross, Moody Publishers, 2002, p. 100.
samedi 11 décembre 2004
Voici l'évangile.
David Platt
This is the gospel. The just and loving Creator of the universe has looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross and to show His power over sin in the resurrection so that all who trust in Him will be reconciled to God forever.
David Platt
vendredi 10 décembre 2004
Un véritable ministère de discipline
Dann Spader, Growing a Healthy Church, Moody, 1991, p. 18.
A true discipling ministry will include every aspect of winning people to the Savior, building them up in their faith, and equipping them to win and build others.
Dann Spader, Growing a Healthy Church, Moody, 1991, p. 18.
jeudi 9 décembre 2004
La discipline des autres
Allen Hadidian
Discipling others is the process by which a Christian with a life worth emulating commits himself for an extended period of time to a few individuals who have been won to Christ, the purpose being to aid and guide their growth and maturity, and equip them to reproduce themselves in a third spiritual generation.
Allen Hadidian
mercredi 8 décembre 2004
Les meilleurs sermons
Charles H. Spurgeon
The best sermons are the sermons which are most full of Christ. A sermon without Christ it is an awful, a horrible thing; it is an empty well; it is a cloud without rain; it is a tree twice dead, plucked by the roots. It is an abominable thing to give men stones for bread, and scorpions for eggs, and yet they do so who preach not Jesus. A sermon without Christ! As well talk of a loaf of bread without any flour in it. How can it feed the soul? Men die and perish because Christ is not there, and yet His glorious gospel is the easiest thing to preach, and the sweetest thing to preach; there is most variety in it, there is more attractiveness in it than in all the world besides!
Charles H. Spurgeon
mardi 7 décembre 2004
Donner son cœur à Dieu
J.C. Ryle
If you cannot give your heart to God now, how is it possible you could enjoy God’s heaven hereafter? Heaven is unceasing godliness; it is to be in the presence of God and His Christ for evermore. God is the light, the food, the air of heaven. It is an eternal Sabbath. To serve God is heaven’s employment, to talk with God is heaven’s occupation. Oh, sinners, sinners, could you be happy there? To which of all the saints would you join yourselves? By whose side would you go and sit down, with whom of all the prophets and apostles would you love to converse? Surely it would be a wearisome thing to you; surely you would soon want to go forth and join your friends outside.
J.C. Ryle
lundi 6 décembre 2004
Une église qui est occupée à se servir d'elle-même
J. Delany, The Purpose of the Church.
A church that is busy ministering to itself, building itself up, edifying itself, and reaches no farther than its own four walls is self-centered. Training, edification and equipping of the saints is not an end itself, but is a means to an end. God’s goal is that the church be built up SO THAT it can effectively function in the world and carry out Christ’s will on earth.
J. Delany, The Purpose of the Church.
dimanche 5 décembre 2004
Quand tu pries devant les autres
William Gurnall (1616-1679)
When thou prayest before others, observe on what thou bestowest thy chief care and zeal, whether in the externals or internals of prayer, that which is exposed to the eye and ear of men, or that which should be prepared for the eye and ear of God; the devout posture of thy body, or the inward devotion of thy soul; the pomp of thy words or the power of thy faith; the agitation of thy bodily spirits in the vehemency of thy voice, or the fervency of thy spirit in heartbreaking affections. These inward workings of the soul in prayer, are the very soul of prayer.
William Gurnall (1616-1679)
samedi 4 décembre 2004
Le péché intérieur reste en nous
Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness, 1996, p. 60-61.
Indwelling sin remains in us even though it has been dethroned. And though it has been overthrown and weakened, its nature has not changed. Sin is still hostile to God and cannot submit to His law (Romans 8:7). Thus we have an implacable enemy of righteousness right in our own hearts. What diligence and watchfulness is required of us when this enemy in our souls is ready to oppose every effort to do good!
Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness,1996, p. 60-61.
vendredi 3 décembre 2004
Le travail de l'église
William Hendriksen
Never futile is the work of the church, for it is a product not of the mind of man but of the sovereign grace of God.
William Hendriksen
jeudi 2 décembre 2004
Les tentations
Thomas Brooks
Temptations are rather hopeful evidences that thy estate is good, that thou art dear to God, and that it shall go well with thee forever, than otherwise. God had but one Son without corruption, but He had none without temptation.
Thomas Brooks
mercredi 1 décembre 2004
La prière change les choses
R.C. Sproul
Prayer does change things, all kinds of things. But the most important thing it changes is us.
R.C. Sproul