C.S. Lewis
Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave it with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.
C.S. Lewis
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
C.S. Lewis
Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave it with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.
C.S. Lewis
Alistair Begg, Made For His Pleasure
(Divine power) is displayed not in dramatic manifestations that intrigue men but in lives of quiet confidence and steady persistence that glorify God.
Alistair Begg, Made For His Pleasure
Ezekiel Hopkins
None have assurance at all times. As in a walk that is shaded with trees and chequered with light and shadow, some tracks and paths in it are dark and others are sunshine. Such is usually the life of the most assured Christian.
Ezekiel Hopkins
Robert Lee
Men may reform, but they cannot regenerate themselves. Men may give up their crimes and their vices, but they cannot, by their own strength, give up their sins. Can the Ethiopian change his skin? No. Can the leopard eliminate his spots? Regeneration is the great change which God works in the soul when He brings it into life, when He raises it from the death of sin to the life of righteousness. It is the change wrought when the love of the world is changed into the love of God; when pride is dethroned and humility enthroned; when passion is changed into meekness; when hatred, envy, and malice are changed into a sincere and tender love for all mankind. It is the change whereby the earthly, sensual, devilish mind is turned into the mind that was in Christ. The new birth is not the old nature altered, reformed, or reinvigorated, but a being born from above.
Robert Lee
Stephen Charnock, Discourse on the Eternity of God.
When we enjoy God, we enjoy Him in His eternity without any flux… Time is fluid, but eternity is stable; and after many ages, the joys will be as savory and satisfying as if they had been but that moment first tasted by our hungry appetites. When the glory of the Lord shall rise upon you, it shall be so far from ever setting, that after millions of years are expired, as numerous as the sands on the seashore, the sun, in the light of whose countenance you shall live, shall be as bright as at the first appearance; He will be so far from ceasing to flow, that He will flow as strong, as full, as at the first communication of Himself in glory to the creature. God is always vigorous and flourishing; a pure act of life, sparkling new and fresh rays of life and light to the creature, flourishing with a perpetual spring, and contenting the most capacious desire; forming your interest, pleasure, and satisfaction; with an infinite variety, without any change or succession; He will have variety to increase delights, and eternity to perpetuate them; this will be the fruit of the enjoyment of an infinite and eternal God.
Stephen Charnock, Discourse on the Eternity of God.
Nous devons apprendre la justice divine à partir de la Bible elle-même. Il ne suffit pas de contester les jugements révélés de Dieu sur la base de ce qui nous semble juste ou injuste. Au contraire, nous devons ajuster notre pensée, y compris notre vision de la justice de Dieu, à la vérité révélée par Dieu.
Robert Peterson, Hell on Trial : The Case for Eternal Punishment, 1995, p. 173.
We must learn of divine justice from the Bible itself. It will not do to protest God’s revealed judgments on the basis of what seems fair or unfair to us. Instead, we must adjust our thinking, including our view of God’s justice, to God’s revealed truth.
Robert Peterson, Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal Punishment, 1995, p. 173.
Charles Kingsley
“Pain is no evil, unless it conquers us.”
Charles Kingsley
John Angell James
Press right home to your conscience the question, “What do I have of the mind of Christ?” Does my heart answer, does my disposition correspond, to the holy, meek, humble, forgiving, benevolent, patient, self-denying mind of Christ? Do men who know the beauty and glory of the Original, as it is delineated on the page of the gospel, when they see me, say, “There is the image of Christ!” Or do they look skeptically on, and after standing in silence for some time, profess they can see little or no resemblance? Oh, be satisfied with nothing short of a copy of Christ’s heart into yours!
John Angell James
J. Dwight Pentecôte
“When did the servant have the right to give orders to his master? When did the bondslave have a right to question the commands of his Lord? By what right do you who know Jesus Christ as a personal Savior sit in judgment on the Word of God and the will of God when God demands absolute obedience to it?”
J. Dwight Pentecost
Auteur inconnu
When the wife of missionary Adoniram Judson told him that a newspaper article likened him to some of the apostles, Judson replied, “I do not want to be like a Paul or any mere man. I want to be like Christ. I want to follow Him only, copy His teachings, drink in His Spirit, and place my feet in His footprints. Oh, to be more like Christ!”
Unknown Author
Mais voici ce qu'il en est : lorsque Jésus en a eu fini avec ces personnes, elles n'étaient plus des prostituées, des ivrognes ou des parias.
Jésus est venu pour transformer les gens, pas pour les gâter. Le christianisme est une question d'abandon, pas de confort. Nous devons nous aligner sur sa norme, et non l'inverse.
Auteur inconnu
Yes, Jesus hung out with prostitutes and drunkards and outcasts.
Here’s the thing, though - by the time Jesus was finished with these people, they weren’t prostitutes or drunkards or outcasts anymore.
Jesus came to transform people, not indulge them. Christianity is about surrender, not comfort. We are to align ourselves with his standard, not the other way around.
Author Unknown
David Brainerd
“The whole world appears to me like a huge vacuum, a vast empty space, whence nothing desirable, or at least satisfactory, can possibly be derived; and I long daily to die more and more to it; even though I obtain not that comfort from spiritual things which I earnestly desire.“
David Brainerd
Auteur inconnu
Persistent prayer is an enduring evidence of faith.
Author Unknown
Auteur inconnu
It is as natural to God to answer prayer as it is for us to ask. How He delights to hear our petitions, and how He loves to answer them!
Author Unknown
John MacArthur
The weight of so many responsibilities and distractions – even the worthwhile ones – has a crushing effect on a person’s relationship with Christ. It ruins our taste for spiritual things. It suppresses our exuberance for spiritual service. It suffocates our passion for pursuing Christ and the intimate relationship He offers. It all grinds away at our soul. Eventually, following Jesus starts to lose its luster. The blessings and joys of walking with Him are crowded out by myriad tiny details of life.
John MacArthur
"J'ose dire que la plus grande bénédiction terrestre que Dieu puisse donner à chacun d'entre nous est la santé, à l'exception de la maladie. La maladie a souvent été plus utile aux chrétiens de Dieu que la santé."
Charles H. Spurgeon
“I venture to say that the greatest earthly blessing that God can give to any of us is health, with the exception of sickness. Sickness has frequently been of more use to the saints of God than health has.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
Frederick Franck
The cross of the Cruxifixion without the cross of the Resurrection is the symbol of a mutilated Christianity.
Frederick Franck
Auteur inconnu
The sins of the wicked pierced Christ’s side; but the sins of the righteous pierce His heart.
Author Unknown
Philip Schaff
The Person of Christ is to me the surest as well as the most sacred of all facts; as certain as my own personal existence; yea, even more so: for Christ lives in me, and He is the only valuable part of my existence. I am nothing without my Savior; I am all with Him, and would not exchange Him for the whole world.
Philip Schaff
C.S. Lewis
If conversion to Christianity makes no improvement in a man’s outward actions – if he continues to be just as snobbish or spiteful or envious or ambitious as he was before – then I think we must suspect that his ‘conversion’ was largely imaginary.
C.S. Lewis
Charles H. Spurgeon
Let this be to you the mark of true Gospel preaching – where Christ is everything, and the creature is nothing; where it is salvation all of grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit applying to the soul the precious blood of Jesus.
Charles H. Spurgeon
R.C. Sproul
The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers the fourteenth question, “What is sin?” by the response, “Sin is any want of conformity to, or transgression of, the law of God.” Here we see sin described both in terms of passive and active disobedience. We speak of sins of commission and sins of omission. When we fail to do what God requires, we see this lack of conformity to His will. But not only are we guilty of failing to do what God requires, we also actively do what God prohibits. Thus, sin is a transgression against the law of God.
R.C. Sproul
Auteur inconnu
“We have no right to expect that all our illnesses will be healed in this present age, only in the eternal state will Christ’s work be fully applied and all disease gone. Still, we should pray for the sick knowing that our God may bring healing if we ask in faith and trust in His good purposes.”
Author Unknown
T.J. Green
God is an expert at redeeming our past mistakes to propel us in our destiny. The very things the enemy would use to disqualify you, God can use to display His grace in your life. In the story of Jonah, we have an unsuccessful prophet who runs in the opposite direction of the calling on his life. Despite his rebellion, God had already made supply and set in motion a master plan to get him back on track. The city of Ninevah heard of this fantastic fish journey that this rebellious prophet of God took, and the whole city repented and was saved. God's grace turned Jonah's mistake into a whole city being saved. What mistakes in your life is God redeeming and making into a fantastic and beautiful story of grace?
T.J. Green
Auteur inconnu
Prayer does not change God’s will it implements it.
Author Unknown
Charles H. Spurgeon
A Christian is a perpetual miracle.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon
“This is our comfort. We are “immortal until our work is done;” mortal still, but immortal also. Let us never fear death, then, but rather rejoice at the approach of it, since it comes at our dear Bridegroom's bidding!”
Charles H. Spurgeon
La prière n'est pas magique. Dieu n'est pas un groom céleste prêt à nos côtés et appels pour satisfaire tous nos caprices.
R.C. Sproul