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mercredi 31 mars 2021
Double effet libérateur
mardi 30 mars 2021
Éphésiens 4:15
Éphésiens 4:15 nous dit de dire la vérité dans l'amour, et non de retenir la vérité dans l'amour.
Randy Alcorn, The Grace and Truth Paradox, 2003, p. 77.
Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love, not to withhold the truth in love.
Randy Alcorn, The Grace and Truth Paradox, 2003, p. 77.
lundi 29 mars 2021
Le pardon
Le pardon peut être décrit comme une décision de faire quatre promesses :
"Je ne m'attarderai pas sur cet incident. »
"Je n'évoquerai plus cet incident et ne l'utiliserai plus contre vous. »
"Je ne parlerai pas de cet incident aux autres »
"Je ne laisserai pas cet incident s'interposer entre nous ou entraver notre relation personnelle »
Ken Sande, The Peacemaker : Un guide biblique pour résoudre les conflits personnels, 3e édition, 2004, p. 209.
..Forgiveness may be described as a decision to make four promises:
“I will not dwell on this incident.”
“I will not bring up this incident again and use it against you.”
“I will not talk to others about this incident.”
“I will not let this incident stand between us or hinder our personal relationship.”
Ken Sande, The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, 3rd ed., 2004, p. 209.
dimanche 28 mars 2021
L'examiner et y réfléchir
Tim Challies, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, 2007, page 80.
When a doctrine or teaching is presented to me, I may examine it and mull it over. I may compare it to Scripture and seek to understand whether it is consistent with what God has revealed about Himself. But once I accept that doctrine I am responsible for it. If the doctrine is false and I choose to believe it, I can expect God to hold me accountable for believing something that is false.
Tim Challies, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, 2007, page 80.
samedi 27 mars 2021
Tout ce qui nous permet de glorifier Dieu
J.C. Ryle, Commentaire, Matthieu 25.
Anything whereby we may glorify God is a talent. Our gifts, our influence, our money, our knowledge, our health, our strength, our time, our senses, our reason, our intellect, our memory, our affections, our privileges as members of Christ’s Church, our advantages as possessors of the Bible – all, all are talents. Whence came these things? What hand bestowed them? Why are we what we are? Why are we not the worms that crawl on the earth? There is only one answer to these questions. All that we have is a loan from God. We are God’s stewards. We are God’s debtors. Let this thought sink deeply into our hearts.
J.C. Ryle, Commentary, Matthew 25.
vendredi 26 mars 2021
Garantie satisfaction !
jeudi 25 mars 2021
Un avantage
Jerry Bridges, The Gospel for Real Life, 2002, p. 37-38.
There would be absolutely no benefit to us if Jesus merely lived and died as a private person. It is only because He lived and died as our representative that His work becomes beneficial to us.
Jerry Bridges, The Gospel for Real Life, 2002, p. 37-38.
mercredi 24 mars 2021
Perturbation spirituelle
Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, 2012, Crossway Books, p. 34.
Sin plays havoc with our spiritual vision. Although we are able to see the sin of others with specificity and clarity, we tend to be blind to our own. And the most dangerous aspect of this already dangerous condition is that spiritually blind people tend to be blind to their blindness.
Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, 2012, Crossway Books, p. 34.
mardi 23 mars 2021
Ils décrivent l’avant et l’après-résurrection, c’est tout.
Trop souvent, aujourd’hui, on aimerait avoir le film de la résurrection telle qu’elle s’est déroulée. Il convient de rappeler que les Evangiles canoniques ont résisté à cette tentation. Ils décrivent l’avant et l’après-résurrection, c’est tout.
Claire Clivaz, théologienne à Lausanne, Interview dans Le Temps - 2011
lundi 22 mars 2021
Continuer malgré les obstacles !
dimanche 21 mars 2021
Une description de la mort
Greg Gilbert, Don't Call it a Comeback, 2011, page 72.
Shredded flesh against unforgiving wood, iron stakes pounded through bone and wracked nerves, joints wrenched out of socket by the sheer dead weight of the body, public humiliation before the eyes of family, friends, and the world – that was death on the cross, “the infamous stake” as the Romans called it, “the barren wood,” the maxima mala crux. Or as the Greeks spat it out, the stauros. No wonder no one talked about it. No wonder parents hid their children’s eyes from it. The stauros was a loathsome thing, and the one who died on it was loathsome too, a vile criminal whose only use was to hang there as a putrid, decaying warning to anyone else who might follow his example. That is how Jesus died.
Greg Gilbert, Don’t Call it a Comeback, 2011, page 72.
samedi 20 mars 2021
Le terme "gloire"
vendredi 19 mars 2021
Dieu et mes erreurs
jeudi 18 mars 2021
Dieu agit encore
De tout ce qui pourrait aller mal... dans votre vie, Dieu fait surgir le bien. Non, nous ne savons pas toujours quel bien peut sortir des situations de notre vie, mais Dieu le sait. Il ne fait pas d'erreur. Nous pouvons croire qu'il fait le bien en notre nom.
Dean Ulrich, From Famine to Fullness, 2007, p. 100-101.
Of all that could go wrong…in your life, God brings about good. No, we do not always know what good can come out of the situations in our lives, but God does. He makes no mistakes. We can believe that He is up to good on our behalf.
Dean Ulrich, From Famine to Fullness, 2007, p. 100-101.
mercredi 17 mars 2021
Réplique filmique
mardi 16 mars 2021
Chercher Jésus à Noël
lundi 15 mars 2021
Par analogie
dimanche 14 mars 2021
Le ministère pastoral
[Les pasteurs] développent des habitudes qui sont spirituellement dangereuses. Ils se contentent d'une vie dévotionnelle qui soit n'existe pas, soit est constamment kidnappée par la préparation. Ils sont à l'aise avec une vie en dehors ou au-dessus du corps du Christ. Ils sont prompts à exercer un ministère, mais ne sont pas très ouverts à ce que l'on exerce un ministère sur eux. Ils ont depuis longtemps cessé de se voir avec exactitude et ont donc tendance à ne pas bien recevoir la confrontation aimante des autres. Et ils ont tendance à ramener cette catégorie unique à la maison avec eux et sont moins humbles et patients avec leurs familles.
Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, 2012, p. 23.
[Pastors] develop habits that are spiritually dangerous. They are content with a devotional life that either doesn’t exist or is constantly kidnapped by preparation. They are comfortable with living outside of or above the body of Christ. They are quick to minister but not very open to being ministered to. They have long since quit seeing themselves with accuracy and so tend not to receive well the loving confrontation of others. And they tend to carry this unique-category home with them and are less than humble and patient with their families.
Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, 2012, p. 23.
samedi 13 mars 2021
Parfait gestionnaire
vendredi 12 mars 2021
Dans le programme de Dieu, grandir signifie devenir plus petit. Comme Jésus l'a dit : "Si quelqu'un veut être le premier, il faut qu'il soit le tout dernier, et le serviteur de tous" (Marc 9:35). La grandeur dans son royaume est un cadeau que Dieu fait aux humbles, et non un prix à saisir par les orgueilleux.
Iain Duguid, Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace, 2002, p. 111.
In God’s program, growing means becoming smaller. As Jesus put it, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35). Greatness in His kingdom is a gift God gives to the humble, not a prize to be grasped by the proud.
Iain Duguid, Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace, 2002, p. 111.
jeudi 11 mars 2021
Dieu vous aime tant !
mercredi 10 mars 2021
Le bon berger
On ne connaît pas un bon berger par la douceur avec laquelle il caresse les moutons. On reconnaît un bon berger à la façon dont il les protège et les nourrit.
John MacArthur, Final Word, 2019, p. 91.
A Good Shepherd is not known by how gently he pets the sheep. A Good Shepherd is known by how well he protects them and feeds them.
John MacArthur, Final Word, 2019, p. 91.
mardi 9 mars 2021
Les événements de la vie
Sinclair Ferguson, Healthy Christian Growth, 1991, p. 25.
Do I learn through dark providences, or simply seem relieved when they are over?
Sinclair Ferguson, Healthy Christian Growth, 1991, p. 25.
lundi 8 mars 2021
Nous focaliser sur Lui (2)
dimanche 7 mars 2021
Prier, c'est rechercher Sa gloire !
samedi 6 mars 2021
Conception limitée ?
Ben Peays, Don't Call it a Comeback, édité par Kevin DeYoung, 2011, page 91.
Unfortunately, many Christians think of salvation only in terms of getting into heaven and avoiding hell. Christ becomes not a way unto life, but merely a way to avoid death, reduced to a get-out-of-jail-free card or – even worse – fire insurance (you’ve seen those bumper stickers). This leaves many Christians understanding what they are saved from, but not having a good understanding of what they are saved into. One danger of evangelism that reduces Christianity to making a decision between heaven and hell is that it overlooks the value of the new birth for our earthly life.
Ben Peays, Don’t Call it a Comeback, edited by Kevin DeYoung, 2011, page 91.
vendredi 5 mars 2021
La richesse incomparable de la Bible
Source : Daniel Vernet, La Bible et la science.
jeudi 4 mars 2021
En un sens
Ce n'est pas parce que nous sommes montés dans une voiture que nous sommes qualifiés pour la conduire. En un sens, nous avons été les passagers de la voiture de la foi de nos parents... Mais ce n'est pas parce que nous avons vu leur foi en action que nous avons automatiquement la même foi. Voyez-vous, le salut est une question de cœur, pas de cœur de vos parents. Vous devez avoir la foi. Vous devez croire. Ne manquez pas ces mots importants dans Romains 10:9 : "crois dans ton cœur »
Karl Graustein, Growing Up Christian, 2005, p. 35.
Just because we have ridden in a car doesn’t mean that we are qualified to drive a car. In a sense, we have been passengers in the car of our parents’ faith… But just because we have seen their faith in action doesn’t automatically mean that we have the same faith. You see, salvation is a matter of your heart, not your parents’ hearts. You must have faith. You must believe. Don’t miss those important words in Romans 10:9: “believe in your heart.”
Karl Graustein, Growing Up Christian, 2005, p. 35.
mercredi 3 mars 2021
La vie chrétienne est un grand paradoxe.
David Powlison, Seeing With New Eyes, 2003, p. 161.
The Christian life is a great paradox. Those who die to self, find self. Those who die to their cravings will receive many times as much in this age, and, in the age to come, eternal life (Luke 18:29). They will find new passions worth living for and dying for. If I crave happiness, I will receive misery. If I crave to be loved, I will receive rejection. If I crave significance, I will receive futility. If I crave control, I will receive chaos. If I crave reputation, I will receive humiliation. But if I long for God and His wisdom and mercy, I will receive God and wisdom and mercy. Along the way, sooner or later, I will also receive happiness, love, meaning, order, and glory.
David Powlison, Seeing With New Eyes, 2003, p. 161.
mardi 2 mars 2021
Aimer ce Dieu
lundi 1 mars 2021
La vantardise et la fanfaronnade
Alexander Strauch, Leading With Love, Lewis and Roth, 2006, p.51, utilisé avec permission.
Boasting or bragging is a sinful preoccupation with oneself. Braggarts crave attention. They want others to praise their abilities, knowledge, successes, and even their sufferings for God. Because they desire recognition, they speak too highly and too much of themselves, although they may have nothing significant to say.
Alexander Strauch, Leading With Love, Lewis and Roth, 2006, p.51, Used by Permission.