La prière est une effusion sincère, sensible et affectueuse du cœur ou de l'âme vers Dieu, par le Christ, dans la force et l'assistance du Saint-Esprit, pour les choses que Dieu a promises, ou selon la Parole de Dieu, pour le bien de l'Église, avec une soumission dans la foi à la volonté de Dieu.
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
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vendredi 31 décembre 1999
La prière est une effusion sincère
La prière est une effusion sincère, sensible et affectueuse du cœur ou de l'âme vers Dieu, par le Christ, dans la force et l'assistance du Saint-Esprit, pour les choses que Dieu a promises, ou selon la Parole de Dieu, pour le bien de l'Église, avec une soumission dans la foi à la volonté de Dieu.
jeudi 30 décembre 1999
Confiance totale
Hannah Whitall Smith
“You have trusted Him in a few things, and He has not failed you. Trust Him now for everything, and see if He does not do for you exceeding abundantly above all that you could ever have asked or thought, not according to your power or capacity, but according to His own mighty power, that will work in you all the good pleasure of His most blessed will. You find no difficulty in trusting the Lord with the management of the universe and all the outward creation, and can your case be any more complex or difficult than these, that you need to be anxious or troubled about His management of it?”
Hannah Whitall Smith
mercredi 29 décembre 1999
Dans le ciel
William Gurnall
In heaven we shall appear, not in armor, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must talk, work and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ.
William Gurnall
mardi 28 décembre 1999
Connaitre la grâce de Dieu
Alexander Whyte
“You do not really care for God's mercy or His comfort either, so long as you live in any sin. And it is well that you do not; for you can have neither. Your peace will be like a river, when you put away your sin; but not one word of true peace, not one drop of true comfort, can you have till then.”
Alexander Whyte
lundi 27 décembre 1999
Lorsque Dieu diffère ses actions
Matthew Henry
“Cast not away your confidence because God defers his performances. That which does not come in your time, will be hastened in his time, which is always the more convenient season. God will work when he pleases, how he pleases, and by what means he pleases. He is not bound to keep our time, but he will perform his word, honour our faith, and reward them that diligently seek him.”
Matthew Henry
dimanche 26 décembre 1999
C'est ainsi que ...
George Whitfield
“Thus was the King and the Lord of glory judged by man's judgment, when manifest in flesh: far be it from any of his ministers to expect better treatment.”
George Whitfield
samedi 25 décembre 1999
Le Christ
C.S. Lewis
“Christ, because He was the only Man who never yielded to temptation, is also the only Man who knows to the full what temptation means.”
C.S. Lewis
vendredi 24 décembre 1999
Une présomption
John Piper, Desiring God, Bethlehem Baptist Church, 1996, p. 281-281.
“Pride is the presumption that we can be happy without depending on God as the source of our happiness and without caring if others find their happiness in God. Pride is the passion to be happy contaminated and corrupted by two things: 1) the unwillingness to see God as the only fountain of true and lasting joy, and 2) the unwillingness to see other people as designed by God to receive our joy in Him. If you take the desire to be happy and strip away from it God as the fountain of your happiness, and people as the recipients of your happiness, what you have left is pride. Pride is the pursuit of happiness anywhere but in the glory of God and the good of other people.”
John Piper, Desiring God, Bethlehem Baptist Church, 1996, p. 281-281.
jeudi 23 décembre 1999
Le fondement ultime
Charles Hodge
The ultimate ground of faith and knowledge is confidence in God.
Charles Hodge
mercredi 22 décembre 1999
Se jeter sur l'évangile de Dieu
Alexander MacLaren
“You must cast yourself on God's gospel with all your weight, without any hanging back, without any doubt, without even the shadow of a suspicion that it will give.”
Alexander MacLaren
mardi 21 décembre 1999
Lorsque nous nions notre douleur
Pete Scazzero
When we deny our pain, losses, and feelings year after year, we become less and less human. We transform slowly into empty shells with smiley faces painted on them. Sad to say, that is the fruit of much of our discipleship in our churches. But when I began to allow myself to feel a wider range of emotions, including sadness, depression, fear, and anger, a revolution in my spirituality was unleashed. I soon realized that a failure to appreciate the biblical place of feelings within our larger Christian lives has done extensive damage, keeping free people in Christ in slavery.
Pete Scazzero
lundi 20 décembre 1999
Mes brebis connaissent ma voix
"Mes brebis connaissent ma voix" (Jean 10:4). Les agneaux fidèles de Christ connaissent sa voix parce qu'ils sont habitués au son de celle-ci. Parce qu'ils communient souvent avec lui et ont faim des mots qui tombent de ses lèvres, ils reconnaissent le ton et le rythme de ses précieuses paroles. Ils peuvent dire immédiatement si c'est Lui ou un étranger qui déclare la paix. Ils connaissent Sa voix parce qu'elle parle bien à leurs âmes. Sa parole de paix humilie les âmes, purifie de la culpabilité, transforme les vies, fait fondre les cœurs et rend le Christ attachant.
Kris Lundgaard, The Enemy Within, 1998, p. 139.
“My sheep know my voice” (John 10:4). Christ’s faithful lambs know His voice because they are used to the sound of it. Because they commune with Him often and hunger for the words that fall from His lips, they recognize the tone and rhythm of His precious words. They can tell at once whether He or a stranger is declaring peace. They know His voice because it speaks good to their souls. His word of peace humbles souls, cleanses from guilt, transforms lives, melts their hearts, and endears Christ to them.
Kris Lundgaard, The Enemy Within, 1998, p. 139.
dimanche 19 décembre 1999
Dieu a ordonné nos jour
James Hufstetler
The fact that God ordained our days for us should also give meaning to every day, not just the special or exciting days of our lives. Every day is important for us because it is a day ordained by God. If we are bored with life there is something wrong with our concept of God and His involvement in our daily lives. Even the most dull and tedious days of our lives are ordained by God and ought to be used by us to glorify Him.
James Hufstetler
samedi 18 décembre 1999
Le but ultime de Dieu
Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life, 1997, p. 21.
How can all things be worked together by God for good? The answer is at hand. It is because God’s ultimate purpose is to make us like Christ. His goal is the complete restoration of the image of God in His child! So great a work demands all the resources which God finds throughout the universe, and He ransacks the possibilities of joys and sorrows in order to reproduce in us the character of Jesus.
Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life, 1997, p. 21.
vendredi 17 décembre 1999
L'approbation des hommes
Ce n'est pas le fait d'être vu des hommes qui est mauvais, mais le fait de faire ces choses dans le but d'être vu des hommes. Le problème de l'hypocrite est sa motivation. Il ne veut pas être saint, il veut seulement avoir l'air d'être saint. Il est plus préoccupé par sa réputation de justice que par le fait de devenir réellement juste. L'approbation des hommes lui importe plus que l'approbation de Dieu.
jeudi 16 décembre 1999
Un incroyable réconfort pour nous tous
David Jeremiah
At times, like the apostle Paul, we will feel hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down. However, when we belong to Christ, we can be assured that we will not be crushed, left in despair, forsaken, or destroyed. This should serve as an incredible comfort to us all.
David Jeremiah
mercredi 15 décembre 1999
L'autorité de la Bible
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, Zondervan, 1994, p. 73.
The authority of Scripture means that all the words in Scripture are God’s words in such a way that to disbeliever or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God.
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, Zondervan, 1994, p. 73.
mardi 14 décembre 1999
La religion
Richard Baxter
“Naturally, men are prone to spin themselves a web of opinions out of their own brain, and to have a religion that may be called their own. They are far readier to make themselves a faith, than to receive that which God hath formed to their hands; are far readier to receive a doctrine that tends to their carnal commodity, or honor, or delight, than one that tends to self-denial.”
Richard Baxter
lundi 13 décembre 1999
Le début du nouveau projet de Dieu
La résurrection de Jésus est le début du nouveau projet de Dieu, non pas d'arracher les gens de la terre pour les emmener au ciel, mais de coloniser la terre avec la vie du ciel. C'est, après tout, ce dont il est question dans le Notre Père.
N.T. Wright
Jesus’s resurrection is the beginning of God’s new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven. That, after all, is what the Lord’s Prayer is about.
N.T. Wright
dimanche 12 décembre 1999
Oh, maudit péché !
John Flavel,The Fountain of Life
Oh cursed sin! It was you who slew my dear Lord! For your sake He underwent all this! If your vileness had not been so great, His sufferings had not been so many. Cursed sin! You were the knife which stabbed Him! You the sword which pierced Him!
John Flavel,The Fountain of Life
samedi 11 décembre 1999
L'Évangile n'est pas une nouvelle loi
Auteur inconnu
The Gospel is not a new law. It is not a code of morals or ethics. It is not a creed to be accepted. It is not a system of religion to be adhered to. It is the good news that God will forgive and accept any person who trusts His provision of the crucified and risen Christ as the answer to their rebellion and sin.
Author Unknown
vendredi 10 décembre 1999
Être rempli
Andrew Murray
Just as water ever seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment God finds you abased and empty, His glory and power flow in.
Andrew Murray
jeudi 9 décembre 1999
Notre tendance à l'imitation
Auteur inconnu
Speaking of our tendency to imitate, I find that my own mind seems remarkably malleable, impressed by whatever I read or see modeled around me. A steady diet of cynical political commentary always makes me more negative. Being with friends who gossip can make me more careless about how I speak. None of us is so mature that we cannot be influenced. The question is: Who or what do we want to shape our lives? Even the culture around us will try to 'disciple' us if we have not placed ourselves under the transforming influence of Jesus Christ.
Unknown author
mercredi 8 décembre 1999
Nos prières
Auteur inconnu
Are not our prayers so often ineffective and powerless – and sometimes even prayerless – because we rush unthinkingly and unpreparedly into God’s presence, without realizing the majesty and glory of the God Whom we are approaching, and without reflecting upon the exceeding great riches of His glory in Christ Jesus, which we hope to draw upon?
Author Unknown
mardi 7 décembre 1999
Le fruit de l'Esprit
Marshall Shelly
When the fruit of the Spirit becomes characteristic of the church’s daily life, it becomes painfully clear whenever one person violates that spirit, and the body itself will work to take care of the irritation.
Marshall Shelly
lundi 6 décembre 1999
Les prophéties sur Jésus
George Sweeting, Who Said That?
More than a fourth of the Bible is predictive prophecy. Approximately one-third of it has yet to be fulfilled. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of promises about the return of Jesus Christ. Over 1,800 references appear in the Old Testament, and seventeen Old Testament books give prominence to this theme. Of the 260 chapters in the New Testament, there are more than 300 references to the Lord’s return – one out of every thirty verses. Twenty-three of the twenty-seven New Testament books refer to this great event. Three of the four other books are single-chapter letters written to individuals concerning a particular subject, and the fourth is Galatians, which does imply Christ’s coming again. For every prophecy on the first coming of Christ, there are eight on Christ’s second coming.
George Sweeting, Who Said That?
dimanche 5 décembre 1999
La prédication
samedi 4 décembre 1999
Dieu est-il fier de moi ?
Randall Worley
Is God as proud of me as I am of my children? Like the insufferable dad who can’t stop yelling “that’s my boy” every time his son scores? You can accept He loves you and occasionally likes you. But proud of you? Seriously? If He’s not then He’s not a good and perfect Father. If He’s not proud of me then I’m a better father than He is. Don’t think so.
Randall Worley
vendredi 3 décembre 1999
Lorsqu'Esdras a prêché au peuple
Lorsqu'Esdras a prêché au peuple en Néhémie 8, l'attitude avec laquelle les auditeurs sont venus l'écouter était cruciale. Nous devons suivre leur exemple en nous engageant à être attentifs, à écouter attentivement et à appliquer correctement les Écritures. Nous pourrons alors quitter le service avec un cœur joyeux.
Alistair Begg, Made For His Pleasure, Moody Press, 1996, p. 158.
When Ezra preached to the people in Nehemiah 8, the attitude with which the listeners came to hear him was crucial. We need to follow their example by committing ourselves to attend expectantly, listen carefully, and apply the Scriptures properly. Then we can leave the service with joyful hearts.
Alistair Begg, Made For His Pleasure, Moody Press, 1996, p. 158.
jeudi 2 décembre 1999
Lorsqu'il vous a converti
Samuel Logan Brengle
When He converted you, He forgave all your sins, every one of them. He did not leave half of them unforgiven, but blotted them all out as a thick cloud to be remembered against you no more forever. He also adopted you into His family and sent His Holy Spirit into your heart to tell you that blessed bit of heavenly news; and that information made you feel happier than to have been told that you had fallen heir to a million dollars, or been elected governor of a state, for this made you an heir of God and a joint heir of all things with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Glory to God! It is a great thing to be converted.
Samuel Logan Brengle
mercredi 1 décembre 1999
Les réponses à la prière
Auteur inconnu, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 4.
Answers to prayer, however, do not depend upon our feelings, but upon the trustworthiness of the Promiser.
Unknown Author, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 4.
mardi 30 novembre 1999
Le caractère divin découle de la dévotion à Dieu
Jerry Bridges, The Practice of Godliness, NavPress, 1996, p. 54, 55, 56.
We can build Godlike character only upon the foundation of a whole-hearted devotion to God. God must be the very focal point of our lives if we wish to have godly character and conduct. This point cannot be overemphasized. Too many of us focus on the outward structure of character and conduct without taking the time to build the inward foundation of devotion to God. This often results in a cold morality or legalism, or even worse, self-righteousness and spiritual pride… Godly character flows out of devotion to God and practically confirms the reality of that devotion.
Jerry Bridges, The Practice of Godliness, NavPress, 1996, p. 54, 55, 56.
lundi 29 novembre 1999
Trop aimer la vérité
“One never errs more safely than when one errs by too much loving the truth.”
dimanche 28 novembre 1999
Des personnes faibles
Hudson Taylor
Many Christians estimate difficulties in the light of their own resources, and thus attempt little and often fail in the little they attempt. All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His power and presence with them.
Hudson Taylor
samedi 27 novembre 1999
La Bible est pleine de promesses de Dieu
Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace, NavPress, 1991, p. 71.
“The Bible is full of God’s promises to provide for us spiritually and materially, to never forsake us, to give us peace in times of difficult circumstances, to cause all circumstances to work together for our good, and finally to bring us safely home to glory. Not one of those promises is dependent upon our performance. They are all dependent on the grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ.”
Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace, NavPress, 1991, p. 71.
vendredi 26 novembre 1999
Une histoire de timing
T. D. Jakes
“Timing is so important! If you are going to be successful in dance, you must be able to respond to rhythm and timing. It’s the same in the Spirit. People who don’t understand God’s timing can become spiritually spastic, trying to make the right things happen at the wrong time. They don’t get His rhythm – and everyone can tell they are out of step. They birth things prematurely, threatening the very lives of their God-given dreams.”
T. D. Jakes
jeudi 25 novembre 1999
La clé de la grâce
mercredi 24 novembre 1999
"Fixer nos yeux sur Jésus"
Gene Getz, The Measure of a Man par Gene Getz, Copyright 1995, p. 273.
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus” is perhaps the most important lesson in this athletic metaphor. Any runner in the Greek stadium who took his eyes off the goal and either looked at the crowds, or his competitors, would lose valuable time and concentration. So it is in the Christian life. When we get our eyes off the Lord, and onto others, we are in danger of getting sidetracked spiritually.
Gene Getz, The Measure of a Man by Gene Getz, Copyright 1995, p. 273.
mardi 23 novembre 1999
"L'orgueil peut être posé comme "le péché" de la nature humaine".
Charles H. Spurgeon
“Pride may be set down as "the sin" of human nature.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
lundi 22 novembre 1999
Charles Spurgeon
“Let this one great, gracious, glorious fact lie in your spirit until it permeates all your thoughts and makes you rejoice even though you are without strength. Rejoice that the Lord Jesus has become your strength and your song - He has become your salvation.”
Charles Spurgeon
dimanche 21 novembre 1999
La marche chrétienne
Auteur inconnu
The Christian walk is not so much characterized by perfection, as it is by direction.
Unknown Author
samedi 20 novembre 1999
Dieu nous connaît.
Horace Bonar
God knows us. He knows what we are, but He also knows what He meant us to be, and there is a vast difference!
Horatius Bonar
vendredi 19 novembre 1999
Chassez l'ennemi !
Alan Redpath
“Obey God in all things today ! Drive out the enemy ! Lay the ax to the root of the tree, and the capacity for Jesus Christ will be increased tomorrow.”
Alan Redpath
jeudi 18 novembre 1999
Romains 8:28
Sinclair B. Ferguson, Healthy Christian Growth, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1991, p. 16.
Scripture speaks about God working everything together “for the good” of those who love him (Rom. 8:28). But what is this “good?” It consists of believers being conformed (changed and remade) to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). Thus, all the experiences of life are intended, under the sovereign hand of God, to help us to grow towards the great goal of the Christian life – Christ-likeness.
Sinclair B. Ferguson, Healthy Christian Growth, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1991, p. 16.
mercredi 17 novembre 1999
Une bonne vie chrétienne
L'autorité exercée avec humilité, et l'obéissance acceptée avec plaisir sont les lignes mêmes le long desquelles nos esprits vivent.
C.S. Lewis
Authority exercised with humility, and obedience accepted with delight are the very lines along which our spirits live.
C.S. Lewis
mardi 16 novembre 1999
Notre dignité humaine
A.W. Tozer
Let no one imagine that he will lose anything of human dignity by this voluntary sell-out of his all to his God. He does not by this degrade himself as a man; rather he finds his right place of high honor as one made in the image of his Creator. His deep disgrace lay in his moral derangement, his unnatural usurpation of the place of God. His honor will be proved by restoring again that stolen throne. In exalting God over all, he finds his own highest honor upheld.
A.W. Tozer
lundi 15 novembre 1999
Modeler ses enfants
Dieu ne veut pas seulement que nous fassions des choses extraordinaires, il veut que nous fassions des choses ordinaires extraordinairement bien.
Auteur inconnu
God not only wants us to do extraordinary things, He wants us to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Author Unknown
dimanche 14 novembre 1999
Se repentir
Francis Fuller
To repent is to accuse and condemn ourselves; to charge upon ourselves the desert of hell; to take part with God against ourselves, and to justify Him in all that He does against us; to be ashamed and confounded for our sins; to have them ever in our eyes and at all times upon our hearts that we may be in daily sorrow for them; to part with our right hands and eyes, that is, with those pleasurable sins which have been as dear to us as our lives, so as never to have more to do with them, and to hate them, so as to destroy them as things which by nature we are wholly disinclined to. For we naturally love and think well of ourselves, hide our deformities, lessen and excuse our faults, indulge ourselves in the things that please us, are mad upon our lusts, and follow them, though to our own destruction.
Francis Fuller
samedi 13 novembre 1999
Le dessein même de l'Évangile
Richard Baxter
“The very design of the gospel is to abase us; and the work of grace is begun and carried on in humiliation. Humility is not a mere ornament of a Christian, but an essential part of the new creature. It is a contradiction in terms, to be a Christian, and not humble.”
Richard Baxter