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lundi 30 novembre 1992
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dimanche 29 novembre 1992
Le but de Jésus
Andrew Murray
Our Father in heaven desires to educate us as His children for the holy, heavenly life in which He dwells, and for this gives us, from the depths of His heart, His own Spirit. It was that which was the whole aim of Jesus when, after having made atonement with His own blood, He entered for us into God’s presence, that He might obtain for us, and send down to dwell in us, the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, the whole life and love of the Father and the Son are in Him; and, coming down into us, He lifts us up into their fellowship. As Spirit of the Father, He sheds abroad the Father’s love, with which He loved the Son, in our hearts, and teaches us to live in it. As Spirit of the Son, He breathes in us the childlike liberty, and devotion, and obedience in which the Son lived upon earth. The Father can bestow no higher or more wonderful gift than this: His own Holy Spirit, the Spirit of sonship.
Andrew Murray
samedi 28 novembre 1992
"Pardonne-nous, comme nous avons pardonné."
Andrew Murray
We pray, “Forgive, even as we have forgiven.” Scripture says, “Forgive one another, even as God also in Christ forgave you.” God’s full and free forgiveness is to be the rule of ours with men. Otherwise our reluctant, halfhearted forgiveness, which is not forgiveness at all, will be God’s rule with us. Every prayer rests upon our faith in God’s pardoning grace. If God dealt with us after our sins, not one prayer could be heard. Pardon opens the door to all God’s love and blessing: Because God has pardoned all our sins, our prayer can prevail to obtain all we need. The deep sure ground of answer to prayer is God’s forgiving love. When it has taken possession of the heart, we pray in faith. But also, when it has taken possession of the heart, we live « in love. God’s forgiving disposition, revealed in His love to us, becomes a disposition in us; as the power of His forgiving love shed abroad and dwelling within us, we forgive even as He forgives.
Andrew Murray
vendredi 27 novembre 1992
L'homme qui prie le mieux
jeudi 26 novembre 1992
Paix intérieur !
mercredi 25 novembre 1992
La grâce est ...
Kris Vallotton
Grace is not just undeserved favor; it is also the operational power of God, and it is the grace of God that gives us supernatural abilities in Christ. The proportion of our faith determines the level or amount of grace we receive and hence the strength of our gifts.
Kris Vallotton
mardi 24 novembre 1992
La paix de nos âmes
Lysa Terkeurst
The peace of our souls does not have to rise and fall with unpredictable people or situations. Our feelings will shift, of course. People do affect us. But the peace of our souls is tethered to all that God is. And though we can't predict His specific plans, the fact that God will work everything for good is a completely predictable promise.
Lysa Terkeurst
lundi 23 novembre 1992
Lorsque le Christ est entré dans ma vie
Lorsque le Christ est entré dans ma vie, je suis devenu comme un navire bien manœuvré.
When Christ came into my life, I came about like a well- handled ship.
dimanche 22 novembre 1992
Le berger
F. B. Meyer
samedi 21 novembre 1992
La pierre angulaire du christianisme
Emile Eldin
vendredi 20 novembre 1992
La mort du Christ
A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God, Baker Book House, p. 81.
Christ died not in order to make God love us, but because He did love His people. Calvary is the supreme demonstration of Divine love. Whenever you are tempted to doubt the love of God, Christian reader, go back to Calvary.
A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God, Baker Book House, p. 81.
jeudi 19 novembre 1992
Nos dernières actions
mercredi 18 novembre 1992
Les trésors terrestres
Charles H. Spurgeon
You must keep all earthy treasures out of your heart, and let Christ be your treasure, and let Him have your heart.
Charles H. Spurgeon
mardi 17 novembre 1992
La nature de Dieu
Jack Frost
Not only is God’s nature love, but He is also light; by His very nature, God is against any darkness that lies within us. He is not against us. He created us for love; therefore, He is against any darkness that may hinder us from His love producing life and intimacy with Him and others. The very purpose of light is to set us free from anything that hinders deeper intimacy with Him.
Jack Frost
lundi 16 novembre 1992
La mort de jésus
Le Christ lui-même n'a pas dit grand-chose sur sa mort. Il faisait le sacrifice ; il a laissé à d'autres le privilège de l'expliquer. Depuis deux mille ans maintenant, l'Église se glorifie de sa croix et en explore la signification merveilleuse.
John Gerstner, Theology for Everyman, Moody, 1965, chapitre 6.
Christ Himself did not say so much about His death. He was making the sacrifice; He left to others the privilege of explaining it. For two thousand years now the church has been glorying in His cross and exploring its wondrous meaning.
John Gerstner, Theology for Everyman, Moody, 1965, Chapter 6.
dimanche 15 novembre 1992
Nos espoirs
Auteur inconnu
samedi 14 novembre 1992
La séparation
vendredi 13 novembre 1992
Croître en Jésus
jeudi 12 novembre 1992
Solution vivante
mercredi 11 novembre 1992
Dans sa miséricorde infinie
Dieu, dans sa miséricorde infinie, a conçu un moyen par lequel la justice peut être satisfaite, et pourtant la miséricorde peut triompher. Jésus-Christ, le seul engendré du Père, a pris sur lui la forme d'un homme, et a offert à la justice divine ce qui a été accepté comme équivalent pour la punition due à tout son peuple.
Charles H. Spurgeon
God in his infinite mercy has devised a way by which justice can be satisfied, and yet mercy can be triumphant. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, took upon himself the form of man, and offered unto Divine Justice that which was accepted as an equivalent for the punishment due to all his people.
Charles H. Spurgeon
mardi 10 novembre 1992
lundi 9 novembre 1992
La bonne réponse
Rich Schmidt
I'm not satisfied when somebody tells me, 'I just know in my heart that this is the right answer.' We have to line up our beliefs with what the Bible actually says. If the Bible says I'm supposed to do something, then I'm supposed to do it. If the Bible says, I'm supposed to believe something, I'm supposed to believe it. If the Bible says act or think this way, then that's how I should act and think. And so, I will not write off verses because I don't like them, or they don't suit the way I see the world.
Rich Schmidt
dimanche 8 novembre 1992
Vaincus ou vainqueurs ?
samedi 7 novembre 1992
La lecture des Psaumes
Prions le Seigneur pour lui dire nos souffrances, en nous souvenant que c’est lui qui a tant souffert pour nous. Il est notre grand sujet de joie.
Auteur inconnu
vendredi 6 novembre 1992
Un choix évident ?
jeudi 5 novembre 1992
mercredi 4 novembre 1992
Un endroit idéal
Eric Alexander
There is no ideal place to serve God except the place where He has set you down.
Eric Alexander
mardi 3 novembre 1992
La vraie repentance
Charles H. Spurgeon
Remember that the man who truly repents is never satisfied with his own repentance. We can no more repent perfectly than we can live perfectly. However pure our tears, there will always be some dirt in them; there will be something to be repented of even in our best repentance. But listen! To repent is to change your mind about sin, and Christ, and all the great things of God. There is sorrow implied in this; but the main point is the turning of the heart from sin to Christ. If there be this turning, you have the essence of true repentance, even though no alarm and no despair should ever cast their shadow upon your mind.
Charles H. Spurgeon
lundi 2 novembre 1992
Une grande différence
Martin Luther
We must make a great difference between God’s Word and the word of man. A man’s word is a little sound, that flies into the air, and soon vanishes; but the Word of God is greater than heaven and earth, yea, greater that death and hell, for it forms part of the power of God, and endures everlastingly.
Martin Luther
dimanche 1 novembre 1992
La vie du Christ
La vie du Christ était extérieurement l'une des plus troublées qui ait jamais été vécue : tempête et tumulte, tumulte et tempête, les vagues se brisant sans cesse sur elle. Mais sa vie intérieure était une mer de verre. Le grand calme était toujours là.
Henry Drummond
Christ’s life outwardly was one of the most troubled lives that was ever lived: tempest and tumult, tumult and tempest, the waves breaking over it all the time. But the inner life was a sea of glass. The great calm was always there.
Henry Drummond