Auteur inconnu
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lundi 31 août 1992
La prière d’adoration
dimanche 30 août 1992
Les promesses de Dieu
Auteur inconnu
samedi 29 août 1992
La prospérité terrestre
A chaque instant nous serions en danger.
Nous bénissons Dieu, alors, pour nos afflictions ; nous le remercions pour nos changements ; nous exaltons son nom pour les pertes de prospérité, car nous avons le sentiment que s’il ne nous avait pas châtiés ainsi ; nous pourrions devenir trop sécurisés.
Une continuelle prospérité terrestre est une épreuve enflammée."
Charles Spurgeon
vendredi 28 août 1992
Tactiques variés
jeudi 27 août 1992
L'homme Jésus
Auteur inconnu
mercredi 26 août 1992
Quand la pression de l’adversité augmente
Quand la pression de l’adversité augmente, le peuple de Dieu est appelé à se distinguer non en râlant mais en priant.
Auteur inconnu
mardi 25 août 1992
Avant notre ère moderne,
Darlene Cunningham
Before our modern era, pillars of marble often supported the weight of a heavy structure. If a stonecutter was dishonest, he would fill a crack in the marble with wax to make it “look” whole, so that he could sell it for a good price. But if the stonemason was wise, when he came to choose the stones he used for pillars, he would heat the marble with a candle. If there was wax, the crevice would be exposed as the wax melted and ran out. When the stone had no wax and no cracks, he would proclaim “this stone has integrity.” That’s the way we want our lives to be – when the heat is on and the pressure comes, we want to unwaveringly communicate and act with unblemished integrity.
Darlene Cunningham
lundi 24 août 1992
Dieu agit en son temps
Pete Greig
It is not that God is slow to act, or that we are trying to persuade God (for prayer is laying hold of His highest willingness). Prayer requires persistence because it is also an act of warfare against ‘the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms’ (Eph. 6:12). Such prayer reverses the Fall, in which Adam asserted his independence. In it, we say, ‘Not my will, but yours be done.’ We fight with God to liberate enemy-occupied territory, knowing that while the victory is certain, the length of the battle is not.
Pete Greig
dimanche 23 août 1992
"Que ferait Jésus ?"
Charles H. Spurgeon
Hang this question up in your homes – “What would Jesus do?” and then think of another – “How would Jesus do it?” For what Jesus would do, and how He would do it, may always stand as the best guide to us.
Charles H. Spurgeon
samedi 22 août 1992
Satan est un adversaire
Auteur inconnu
vendredi 21 août 1992
jeudi 20 août 1992
La vraie connaissance de Dieu
Auteur inconnu
mercredi 19 août 1992
"Je sers mon église"
Joseph Carroll, How to Worship Jesus Christ, Moody, 1984, p. 46.
You might say, “I serve my church.” No, you primarily serve the Lord in your church. You may be dissatisfied with certain things happening in your church; you cannot be dissatisfied with the Lord. He has placed you there to serve Him.
Joseph Carroll, How to Worship Jesus Christ, Moody, 1984, p. 46.
mardi 18 août 1992
La seule explication du pardon de Dieu
lundi 17 août 1992
Lorsqu'un pécheur se repent
John MacArthur
When a sinner is truly repentant and comes to God in a broken and contrite spirit and asks for forgiveness and God forgives and transforms, it is the working of the Holy Spirit.
John MacArthur
dimanche 16 août 1992
Sa voix ou notre voix ?
just by stepping aside and asking the Lord to confirm His voice. We receive a lot of thoughts in our brain—some experts claim it is upwards of fifty thousand per day. If we take the time to step back and ask the Lord if a thought, feeling or impression is His, we will receive His guidance to clarify which way we should go. If you are confused, ask God to give you His gift of discernment. We should also read the Bible, as His Word is our ultimate source of truth. (1 John 4:2-3)
samedi 15 août 1992
Que cherche Dieu dans le monde ?
Tous les autres soi-disant dieux font travailler l'homme pour eux. Notre Dieu ne veut pas être mis dans la position d'un employeur qui doit dépendre des autres pour faire tourner son entreprise. Au contraire, il magnifie sa toute suffisance en faisant le travail lui-même. L'homme est le partenaire dépendant dans cette affaire. Son travail consiste à attendre le Seigneur. Que cherche Dieu dans le monde ? Des assistants ? Non. L'Évangile n'est pas une annonce d'emploi. Dieu ne cherche pas des gens qui travaillent pour lui, mais des gens qui le laissent travailler puissamment en eux et par eux.
John Piper
All the other so-called gods make man work for them. Our God will not be put in the position of an employer who must depend on others to make his business go. Instead He magnifies His all-sufficiency by doing the work Himself. Man is the dependent partner in this affair. His job is to wait for the Lord. What is God looking for in the world? Assistants? No. The gospel is not a “help wanted” ad. God is not looking for people to work for Him but people who let Him work mightily in and through them.
John Piper
vendredi 14 août 1992
La vantardise
La vantardise est la voix de l'orgueil dans le cœur des forts. L'apitoiement est la voix de l'orgueil dans le cœur des faibles.
John Piper
Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. Self-pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak.
John Piper
jeudi 13 août 1992
Une écoute
Ian Nicholson
The church has been gathering to say “Come, Holy Spirit”, and in His grace, He has come. But perhaps the tables are turning. Perhaps it is now the Holy Spirit’s turn, and He is saying to us, “Come, holy people.” Perhaps the Holy Spirit is waiting for us to attend His meetings in some surprising places.
Ian Nicholson
mercredi 12 août 1992
La Bible est une source suffisante de vérité
Daryl Wingerd
The Bible is a sufficient source of truth and direction for salvation and for all significant aspects of life. A person should not search the Scriptures in hopes of learning the best way to poach an egg or repair an automobile. But when it comes to issues of sin, salvation, the church, the worship of God, evangelism, marriage, the education and discipline of children, relating to an immoral society, or any other aspect of Christian living, the Bible stands alone as sufficient. God’s Word does not need to be supplemented by human wisdom, ingenuity, philosophy, or psychology.
Daryl Wingerd
mardi 11 août 1992
lundi 10 août 1992
Une trahison délibérée
Charles H. Spurgeon
Sin is a deliberate treason against the majesty of God, an assault upon His crown, an insult offered to His throne.
Charles H. Spurgeon
dimanche 9 août 1992
La croix de Jésus
Bob Kauflin
The cross ultimately points not to the greatness of our worth but to the greatness of our sin… The cross sets us free from the misguided self-love to passionately love the One who redeemed us.
Bob Kauflin
samedi 8 août 1992
Quelle paix ?
Quelle paix peuvent-ils avoir, ceux qui ne sont pas en paix avec Dieu ?
Matthew Henry
What peace can they have who are not at peace with God?
Matthew Henry
vendredi 7 août 1992
Une bonté stupéfiante
Brennan Manning
We should be astonished at the goodness of God, stunned that He should bother to call us by name, our mouths wide open at His love, bewildered that at this very moment we are standing on holy ground.
Brennan Manning
jeudi 6 août 1992
Sans distinction
mercredi 5 août 1992
John Owen
If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ’s Kingdom, and of His love.
John Owen
mardi 4 août 1992
Jésus et les religieux
Randy Smith
Jesus clashed most with religious people, specifically the Pharisees. There was always storm when they were together. Religious people preach salvation by works. Jesus preached salvation by grace. Religious people are into the outward appearance. Jesus is into the heart. Religious people sent Jesus to the cross for their egos – pride. Jesus went to the cross for our salvation – humility.
Randy Smith
lundi 3 août 1992
dimanche 2 août 1992
Les opportunités de service
William Hendriksen, Matthew, 1973, Baker, p. 884.
The Lord grants us opportunities for service in accordance with our ability to make use of them. Accordingly, since not all men have the same ability, therefore not all have the same, or equal number of, opportunities. In the Day of Judgment the number (of opportunities for service, “talents”) will not matter. The question is only, “Have we been faithful in their use?” (see Matthew 25:14-20).
William Hendriksen, Matthew, 1973, Baker, p. 884.
samedi 1 août 1992
La conversion
Ray Ortlund
When the early believers converted to Christ, it never occurred to them to fit Him into the margins of their busy lives. They redefined themselves around a new, immovable center. He was not an optional weekend activity, along with the kids’ soccer practices. They put Him and His church and His cause first in their hearts, first in their schedules, first in their budgets, first in their reputations, first in their very lives. They devoted themselves [Acts 2:42]. [This was] unmistakable evidence that the Holy Spirit was being poured out.
Ray Ortlund