Carl F.H. Henry
The early Christians did not say “look what the world is coming to!” but “look what has come into the world!”
Carl F.H. Henry
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
Carl F.H. Henry
The early Christians did not say “look what the world is coming to!” but “look what has come into the world!”
Carl F.H. Henry
Nous entendons souvent souligner les caractéristiques "salvatrices" de Dieu - son amour, sa miséricorde, sa bonté et ainsi de suite - mais la question de sa seigneurie est absente. Cette distorsion est particulièrement évidente dans l'évangélisation. Dans la pratique moderne, l'appel à la repentance est généralement appelé une "invitation", que l'on peut évidemment accepter ou refuser. Il est offert poliment. On entend rarement présenter la demande souveraine de Dieu de se repentir ou sa demande de soumission totale à l'autorité de son roi désigné, Jésus-Christ.
James Montgomery Boice, "Foundations of the Christian Faith-Book I", page 120. 1986 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA.
We often hear the “Savior” characteristics of God stressed – His love, mercy, goodness and so on – but the matter of His lordship is absent. The distortion is particularly clear in evangelism. In modern practice the call to repentance is usually called an “invitation,” which one can obviously accept or refuse. It is offered politely. Seldom do we hear presented God’s sovereign demand to repent or His demand for total submission to the authority of His appointed king, Christ Jesus.
James Montgomery Boice, “Foundations of the Christian Faith-Book I”, page 120. 1986 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA.
John MacArthur, Spiritual Warfare : Who's After Whom ? de Our Sufficiency in Christ, 1991, p. 235.
This is not a complex battle plan: Submit to God and resist the devil [James 4:7]. How? By being firm in the faith, committed to truth, and keeping a clear conscience. What will Satan’s response be? “He will flee from you.” That is the only statement in all the New Testament that tells us how to get rid of Satan. There are no biblical guidelines for exorcism. There is no more elaborate strategy for spiritual warfare. There is nothing in Scripture that tells a believer to speak to demons, cast them out, bind them, tie them up, or do anything like that.
John MacArthur, Spiritual Warfare: Who’s After Whom? from Our Sufficiency in Christ, 1991, p. 235.
Justin Martyr
No one makes us afraid or leads us into captivity as we have set our faith on Jesus. For though we are beheaded, and crucified, and exposed to beasts and chains and fire and all other forms of torture, it is plain that we do not forsake the confession of our faith, but the more things of this kind which happen to us the more are there others who become believers…through the name of Jesus.
Justin Martyr
Thomas Brooks
Christ choosing solitude for private prayer, doth not only hint to us the danger of distraction and deviation of thoughts in prayer, but how necessary it is for us to choose the most convenient places we can for private prayer. Our own fickleness and Satan’s restlessness call upon us to get into such places where we may freely pour out our soul into the bosom of God (Mark 1.35).
Thomas Brooks
Voddie Baucham
Suffering is common for all. However, persecution (which is a form of suffering) can be avoided. All you have to do is compromise.
Voddie Baucham
Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, Crossway Books, 1991, p. 15.
But underlying much of the conscious rejection of spiritual discipline is the fear of legalism… But nothing could be farther from the truth if you understand what discipline and legalism are. The difference is one of motivation: legalism is self-centered; discipline is God-centered. The legalistic heart says, “I will do this thing to gain merit with God.” The disciplined heart says, “I will do this thing because I love God and want to please Him.” There is an infinite difference between the motivation of legalism and discipline! (Paul) knew this implicitly and fought the legalists bare-knuckled all the way across Asia Minor, never giving an inch. And now he shouts to us, “Train (discipline) yourself to be godly”! If we confuse legalism and discipline, we do so to our soul’s peril.
Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, Crossway Books, 1991, p. 15.
J.C. Ryle
Imagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions.
J.C. Ryle
C. Matthew McMahon
The pulpit is the place where the voice of God is heard. The clay pot of the minister is used by the Holy Spirit in such a way as to communicate the rational Biblical message which has been burning in the bosom of that preacher’s heart night and day all week long. It is the place where God speaks to His people in a unique manner. The Word of God is audibly expressed and expounded by careful and responsible exegesis to God’s chosen people.
C. Matthew McMahon
John MacArthur, Éphésiens, Moody, 1986, p. 136-137.
Nor is it that a believer’s single gift will be restricted to only one category of giftedness. An individual gift may include a number of specific areas of giftedness, in a limitless variety of combinations. Someone with a major gift of administration may also have something of the gifts of helps and of teaching. Believers’ gifts are like snowflakes and fingerprints – each one is completely distinct from all others. Some teachers may emphasize knowledge, some instruction, some mercy, and others exhortation. From the palette of gift colors the Holy Spirit uses the brush of His sovereign design to paint the mixture of each believer so that no two are like.
John MacArthur, Ephesians, Moody, 1986, p. 136-137.
John Piper, Desiring God, 1996, p. 152.
Could it be that many of our problems with prayer and much of our weakness in prayer come from the fact that we are not all on active duty, and yet we still try to use the transmitter? We have taken a wartime walkie-talkie and tried to turn it into a civilian intercom to call the servants for another cushion in the den… We see repeatedly in Scripture (Matthew 9:38; Luke 21:34-36; Romans 15:30-31; Ephesians 6:12, 17-19; Colossians 4:3; 2 Thessalonicians 3:1) that prayer is a walkie-talkie for warfare, not a domestic intercom for increasing our conveniences.
John Piper, Desiring God, 1996, p. 152.
Tom Wells, Christian: Take Heart! By Permission of 1987, p. 90.
If I am content to go on in sin, I am an enemy, an adversary of God. Hell, not heaven, follows at the end of my life. I must not comfort myself in this state. I must repent!
Tom Wells, Christian: Take Heart! By Permission of 1987, p. 90.
Même les plus sceptiques parmi les universitaires admettent que les premiers disciples croyaient tous que Jésus était ressuscité des morts. L'idée que cet événement et sa signification aient été inventés de toutes pièces ne colle pas avec la mentalité et la culture de ces gens modestes ; c'est comme imaginer un indien maya parlant de laïcité. Pourquoi ?
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 12.
For the Holy Spirit is prayer’s great Helper. We are incapable of ourselves to translate our real needs into prayer. The Holy Spirit does this for us. We cannot ask as we ought. The Holy Spirit does this for us. It is possible for unaided man to ask what is for our ill. The Holy Spirit can check this. No weak or trembling hand dare put in motion any mighty force. Can I – dare I – move the Hand that moves the universe? No! Unless the Holy Spirit has control of me.
Unknown Author, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 12.
A.W. Pink
Prayer is the way and means God has appointed for the communication of the blessings of His goodness to His people.
A.W. Pink
E.M. Bounds
Importunate praying is the earnest inward movement of the heart toward God.
E.M. Bounds
"Celui qui donne ses biens aux pauvres en aura autant et dix fois plus."
John Bunyan
"He who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again and ten times more."
John Bunyan
L'incapacité à se repentir montre simplement un cœur plus amoureux de son péché que de son Sauveur.
Randy Smith
Failure to repent simply displays a heart greater in love with its sin than in love with its Savior.
Randy Smith
Charles H. Spurgeon
We must keep from sin. If Christ has indeed saved us from sin, we cannot bear the thought of falling into it. Those who take delight in sin are not the children of God. If you are a child of God, you hate it with a perfect hatred, and your very soul loathes it.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Christian life is very much like climbing a hill of ice. You cannot slide up. You have to cut every step with an ice axe. Only with incessant labor in cutting and chipping can you make any progress. If you want to know how to backslide, leave off going forward. Cease going upward and you will go downward of necessity. You can never stand still.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Bruce Barton
The church at Ephesus faced a culture characterized by immorality. We, too, live in a culture tolerant of sexual immorality. It is popular to be open-minded to many types of sin, calling them personal choices or alternative lifestyles. But when the body of believers begins to tolerate sin in the church, it is lowering the church’s standards and compromising its witness. Remember that God’s approval is infinitely more important than the world’s. Use God’s Word, not what people around you are willing to accept, to set the standards for what is right or wrong.
Bruce Barton
John MacArthur, The Glory of Heaven, 1996, page 68.
Scripture repeatedly makes clear that heaven is a realm of unsurpassed joy, unfading glory, undiminished bliss, unlimited delights, and unending pleasures. Nothing about it can possibly be boring or humdrum. It will be a perfect existence. We will have unbroken fellowship with all heaven’s inhabitants. Life there will be devoid of any sorrows, cares, tear, fears, or pain.
John MacArthur, The Glory of Heaven, 1996, page 68.
Thomas Brooks
As sinful commissions will stab the soul; so sinful omissions will starve the soul.
Thomas Brooks
Jonathan Edwards
Some are greatly affected when in company; but have nothing that bears any manner of proportion to it in secret, in close meditation, prayer and conversing with God when alone, and separated from the world. A true Christian doubtless delights in religious fellowship and Christian conversation, and finds much to affect his heart in it; but he also delights at times to retire from all mankind, to converse with God in solitude. And this also has peculiar advantages for fixing his heart, and engaging his affections. True religion disposes persons to be much alone in solitary places for holy meditation and prayer… It is the nature of true grace, however it loves Christian society in its place, in a peculiar manner to delight in retirement, and secret converse with God.
Jonathan Edwards
L'endurance vient du fait que l'on minimise l'excès de bagages et que l'on maximise les efforts pour atteindre les objectifs de combat de Dieu.
Jerry Wragg
Endurance comes from minimizing excess baggage and maximizing efforts to achieve God’s battle objectives.
Jerry Wragg
La Bible est un miroir pour nous montrer nos péchés ; et le sang de Christ est une fontaine pour les nettoyer.
Thomas Watson