Charles H. Spurgeon
Pardon of sin must ever be an act of pure mercy, and therefore to that attribute the awakened sinner flies.
Charles H. Spurgeon
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Charles H. Spurgeon
Pardon of sin must ever be an act of pure mercy, and therefore to that attribute the awakened sinner flies.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Auteur inconnu
Sickness, when sanctified, teaches us four things: The vanity of the world, the vileness of sin, the helplessness of man and the preciousness of Christ.
Author Unknown
John Piper
The impulse to create the world was not from weakness, as though God were lacking in some perfection which creation could supply.
John Piper
A.B. Simpson
When we dare to depend entirely upon God and do not doubt, the humblest and feeblest agencies will become mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.
A.B. Simpson
James Hinton
Never be afraid of giving up your best, and God will give you His better.
James Hinton
Theodore Epp, homme d'église, écrivain et évangéliste radio
We should never think that once we have given some money and time to the Lord that the rest is ours to do with as we please. All that we have belongs to God, so He should be taken into consideration in everything we do.
Theodore Epp, Clergyman, Writer and Radio Evangelist
Épître à Diognète. Auteur inconnu
When our inequity had come to its full height, and it was clear beyond all mistaking that retribution in the form of punishment and death must be looked for, the hour arrived in which God had determined to make known from then onwards His loving-kindness and His power. How surpassing is the love and tenderness of God! In that hour, instead of hating us and rejecting us and remembering our wickedness against us, He showed how long-suffering He is. He bore with us, and in pity He took our sins upon Himself. He gave His own Son as a ransom for us – the holy for the wicked, the sinless for sinners, the just for unjust, the incorrupt for the corrupt, the immortal for the mortal. For was there, indeed, anything except His righteousness that could have availed to cover our sins? In whom could we, in our lawlessness and ungodliness, have been made holy, but in the Son of God alone? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable working! O benefits unhoped for! – that the wickedness of multitudes should thus be hidden in the One holy, and the holiness of One should sanctify the countless wicked!
Epistle to Diognetus. Unknown Author
Kris Vallotton
Time for a mental housecleaning. Dust regret off the shelves of time. Scrub condemnation off the floor of relationships. Clean out the legacy cupboards and throw out all the molding jars of hopelessness. Vacuum up all the stones of offense and rocks of unforgiveness. Ahh...I love a clean house!
Kris Vallotton
Auteur inconnu
Dan McCollam
If God has said the same thing to you on multiple occasions, through multiple voices, you want to take notice.
Dan McCollam
Jason Vallotton
Faith is not the absence of facts; it is the presence of conviction. There is actually no such thing as blind faith, because faith sees what is not yet visible, hopes for what is not yet viable and trusts in what others don’t value. Faith is the bridge between what is and what will be.
Jason Vallotton
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 59.
Our Good Shepherd has become the model for under-shepherds. His great concern is the good of the sheep. A good shepherd gives himself to the sheep. A thief comes to get something form the flock – wool or mutton. Jesus our Lord made every personal claim subservient to the blessing of his flock; even to giving His life that they might live.
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 59
Sa puissance nous est montrée par la force déployée lors de la création du monde. Les scientifiques qui cherchent à en découvrir les secrets ont bien compris qu’une énergie phénoménale est à son origine. Cette force du Dieu éternel continue à se déployer dans le maintien et le bon ordre de l’univers. Que peut craindre un enfant de Dieu quand il sait que cette puissance est à sa disposition tous les jours ? Il est dans les bras de Dieu ; il n’y a pas d’endroit plus sûr !
Auteur inconnu
Le Nouveau Testament ne dit jamais simplement "souviens-toi de Jésus-Christ". C'est une phrase à moitié finie. Il dit "souvenez-vous de Jésus-Christ ressuscité des morts".
The New Testament never simply says “remember Jesus Christ.” That is a half-finished sentence. It says “remember Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.”
Charles Simeon
It is doubtless a most joyful thought that we have redemption through the blood of our adorable Savior. But I have no less comfort in the thought that He is exalted to give repentance and remission of sins… Repentance is in every view so desirable, so necessary, so suited to honor God, that I seek that above all. The tender heart, the broken and contrite spirit, are to me far above all the joys that I could ever hope for in this vale of tears. I long to be in my proper place, my hand on my mouth, and my mouth in the dust… I feel this to be safe ground. Here I cannot err.
Charles Simeon
Auteur inconnu
Matthew Henry
Those who have a saving interest in Christ must be willing to part with all for Him, leave all to follow Him. Whatever stands in opposition to Christ, or in completion with Him for our love and service, we must cheerfully quit it, though ever so dear to us.
Matthew Henry
John Piper
When you know the truth about what happens to you after you die, and you believe it, and you are satisfied with all that God will be for you in the ages to come, that truth makes you free indeed. Free from the short, shallow, suicidal pleasures of sin, and free for the sacrifices of mission and ministry that cause people to give glory to our Father in heaven.
John Piper
George Muller
If God does bless us in reading His word, He expects that we should be obedient children and that we should accept the Word as His will, and carry it into practice. If this be neglected, you will find that the reading of the Word, even if accompanied by prayer, meditation, and faith, will do you little good. God does expect us to be obedient children and will have us practise what He has taught us. The Lord Jesus Christ says, ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.’” And in the measure in which we carry out what our Lord Jesus taught, so in measure are we happy children. And in such measure only can we honestly look for help from the Father, even as we seek to carry out His will.
George Muller
Auteur inconnu
Jack Frost
My spirit is God’s home. His unconditional love dwells in me. I have already received all of God’s love that I am ever going to receive. God’s grace and mercy live at home in me. The fruit of the Spirit is at home in me. The power of God that created the universe lives inside me. His Spirit now lives in my spirit, and in Him there is no darkness at all. His love thinks no evil, and that love is resident in my spirit. Think about it; how can anything I do improve on that!
Jack Frost
Ray Ortlund
How should we repent when rightly rebuked? In four ways: 1. “I was wrong.” Plain, honest, no evasions. 2. “I am sorry.” Brokenhearted, realizing the damage done. 3. “It won’t happen again.” Rebuilding trust for the future. 4. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Performing deeds in keeping with repentance (Acts 26:20; Matthew 3:8).
Ray Ortlund
Danny Silk
I choose you. This is a foundation of true lasting relationships. It is the foundation for God's relationship with you. As Jesus declared to His disciples, you did not choose me but I chose you. Jesus chose you in the most difficult of circumstances. He chose you while you were in sin. While you were His enemy. His side of the relationship with you does not depend on your choice, but entirely upon His choice. The question is whether or not you will learn to build your relationships with Him and others, upon the foundation of your choice.
Mais la Bible donne aussi le remède au mal : elle parle d’une paix “comme un fleuve” (Ésaïe 48. 18). Elle a pour fondement le sacrifice de Christ : “Il a fait la paix par le sang de sa croix” (Colossiens 1. 20). La paix avec Dieu est offerte à tous ceux qui croient en Jésus. Il les invite alors à poursuivre la paix “avec tous” (Hébreux 12. 14). Lui est le Seigneur de paix.
Auteur inconnu
John MacArthur
Jesus did not accept religious people. In fact, He kept His fiercest threats for them. You see, Jesus was not about sentimentality; He was about truth. Jesus is truth personified. He is the living manifestation of the holy law of God, and as such, He perfectly understood that religion, spiritual teaching, contrary to the truth comes from hell and sends people there. Anything but the truth is a damning deception that has the greatest power to destroy souls forever because it gives the illusion that all is well. In fact, I would go so far as to say that of all the evils in the world, of all the sins in the world, of all the iniquities in the world, our Lord knew that religion was the worst — false religion — and especially false Judaism and false Christianity. And that’s why the severest eternal judgment will be rendered for the religious who perverted the Old Testament and the New Testament.
John MacArthur
John MacArthur, Éphésiens, Moody, 1986, p. 137.
Not to use our gift is an affront to God’s wisdom, a rebuff of His love and grace, and a loss to His church. We did not determine our gift, deserve it, or earn it. But we all have a gift from the Lord, and if we do not use it, His work is weakened and His heart is grieved.
John MacArthur, Ephesians, Moody, 1986, p. 137.