Andrew Murray
Love and joy ever keep company. Love, denying and forgetting itself for the brethren and the lost, living in them, finds the joy of God. ‘The kingdom of God is joy in the Holy Ghost.'
Andrew Murray
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
Andrew Murray
Love and joy ever keep company. Love, denying and forgetting itself for the brethren and the lost, living in them, finds the joy of God. ‘The kingdom of God is joy in the Holy Ghost.'
Andrew Murray
Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! I shall be more alive then than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.
L'arc ne peut pas toujours être plié sans craindre de se briser. Le repos est aussi nécessaire à l'esprit que le sommeil au corps... Le temps de repos n'est pas du temps perdu. C'est une économie pour rassembler des forces nouvelles.
Charles H. Spurgeon
The bow cannot be always bent without fear of breaking. Repose is as needful to the mind as sleep to the body… Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Puisque Christ délivre parfaitement, ces petits problèmes sont aussi de son ressort. Nous devons pouvoir trouver en lui la ressource suffisante et efficace pour que ces coups d’épingle ne soient pas une cause de découragement ou de défaite, mais que cette souffrance se change pour nous en bénédiction.
Dieu nous l’affirme, il “a le pouvoir de vous garder sans que vous bronchiez” (Jude 24). Demandons à Dieu de considérer chaque épreuve, petite ou grande, comme permise par lui. Parlons-en à notre Père par la prière, dans le sentiment qu’il nous aime et veut nous consoler. Lorsque nous pourrons ainsi accepter tout ce qui nous fait souffrir, que cela vienne des autres, de nous-mêmes ou directement d’En-haut, comme étant une marque de l’amour divin, nous serons dans l’attitude voulue pour supporter la souffrance. Et même, elle sera pour nous une bénédiction.
Andrew Murray
Samuel Bolton, The True Bonds of Christian Freedom.
If Christ has borne whatever our sins deserved, and by doing so has satisfied God’s justice to the full, then God cannot, in justice, punish us for sin, for that would require the full payment from Christ and yet demand part of it from us… God does not chastise us as a means of satisfaction for sin, but for rebuke and caution, to bring us to mourn for sin committed, and to beware of the like. It must always be remembered that, although Christ has borne the punishment of sin, and although God has forgiven the saints for their sins, yet God may correct His people in a fatherly way for their sin. Christ endured the great shower of wrath, the black and dismal hours of displeasure for sin. That which falls upon us is as a sun-shine shower, warmth with wetness, wetness with the warmth of His love, to make us fruitful and humble… That which the believer suffers for sin is not penal, arising from vindictive justice, but medicinal, arising from a fatherly love. It is His medicine, not His punishment; His chastisement, not His sentence; His correction, not His condemnation.
Samuel Bolton, The True Bonds of Christian Freedom.
L'obéissance est omniprésente dans les évangiles. La souplesse d'un cœur obéissant doit être complète depuis l'établissement de nos volontés jusqu'à nos actions.
Obedience is all over the Gospels. The pliability of an obedient heart must be complete from the set of our wills right on through our actions.
If the world is ever conquered for Christ, it will be by every one doing their own work, filling their own sphere, holding their own post, and saying to Jesus, Lord, what wilt thou have me do.
Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 1991, p. 134.
The more scarce something is, the more valuable it is. Gold and diamonds would be worthless if you could pick them up like pebbles on the side of the road. Time would not be so precious if we never died. But since we are never more than a breath away from eternity, the way we use our time has eternal significance.
Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 1991, p. 134.
Oswald Chambers
Sin is not weakness, it is a disease; it is red-handed rebellion against God and the magnitude of that rebellion is expressed by Calvary’s cross.
Oswald Chambers
"Oubliez votre passé, pardonnez-vous, et recommencez dès maintenant. "
Auteur inconnu
" Forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again right now. "
Unknown author
John Jowett
I think one of the cant phrases of our day is the familiar one by which we express our permanent want of time. We repeat it so often that by the very repetition we have deceived ourselves into believing it. It is never the supremely busy men who have no time. So compact and systematic is the regulation of their day that whenever you make a demand on them, they seem to find additional corners to offer for unselfish service. I confess as a minister, that the men to whom I most hopefully look for additional service are the busiest men.
John Jowett
Notre responsabilité est simplement de rendre notre témoignage fidèle (1 Cor. 4:2) ; c'est à Dieu seul qu'il incombe de le rendre efficace.
John MacArthur, Matthew 8-15, Moody Publishers, 1985, p. 269.
Our responsibility is simply to make our witness faithful (1 Cor. 4:2); it is God’s responsibility alone to make it effective.
John MacArthur, Matthew 8-15, Moody Publishers, 1985, p. 269.
Kent Hughes, James, Crossway, 1991, p. 74.
God’s Word becomes a millstone if we do not make it a milestone.
Kent Hughes, James, Crossway, 1991, p. 74.