Heaven is real and hell is real, and eternity is but a breath away.
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
Heaven is real and hell is real, and eternity is but a breath away.
Georges MacDonald
Gresham Machen, The Christian Faith in the Modern World, 1936.
When the Bible says that Christ is God, it does not ask us to forget a single thing that it has said about the stupendous majesty of God. No, it asks us to remember every one of those things in order that we may apply them all to Jesus Christ.
Gresham Machen, The Christian Faith in the Modern World, 1936.
La mort de Jésus avait pour but de glorifier le Père. Le fait qu'il ait accepté, en tant que Fils de Dieu, de subir lui-même la perte de tant de gloire afin de réparer l'atteinte portée à la gloire de Dieu par notre péché montre à quel point la gloire de Dieu est infiniment précieuse. Certes, la mort du Christ montre aussi l'amour de Dieu pour nous. Mais nous n'en sommes pas le centre.
John Piper
The purpose of Jesus’ death was to glorify the Father. To be willing as the Son of God to suffer the loss of so much glory Himself in order to repair the injury done to God’s glory by our sin showed how infinitely valuable the glory of God is. To be sure, the death of Christ also shows God’s love for us. But we are not at the center.
John Piper
J.C. Ryle
We have no right to murmur at sickness, and repine at its presence in the world. We ought rather to thank God for it. It is God’s witness. It is the soul’s adviser. It is an awakener to the conscience. It is a purifier to the heart. Surely I have a right to tell you that sickness is a blessing and not a curse, a help and not an injury, a gain and not a loss, a friend and not a foe to mankind. So long as we have a world wherein there is sin, it is a mercy that it is a world wherein there is sickness.
J.C. Ryle
James Montgomery Boice
Some persons think they can know God by means of their own human reason. But reason is a blind ally spiritually. It has always been the great minds exercising their powers apart from the Word of God who have produced the great heresies. Some think they can discover God by listening to a so-called “inner voice.” But the voice is often nothing more than an expression of their own inner desires. Quite a few think that spiritual truths can be verified by supernatural events or miracles. But the Bible everywhere teaches that even miracles will not lead men and women to understand and receive God’s truth unless they themselves are illuminated by the Bible (see Luke 16:31). I believe that we can state categorically that there is no knowledge apart from Jesus Christ and that there is no knowledge of Jesus Christ apart from a knowledge of the Bible.
James Montgomery Boice
“Oui, je crois au Christ”, affirmait un jour une jeune fille. Mais quand on lui demandait si elle était sauvée, elle répondait qu’elle ne pouvait pas le dire par crainte de paraître prétentieuse ! Pourtant, dire que l’on est sauvé, que l’on appartient au Sauveur, ce n’est pas de la prétention ; cela montre que l’on fait confiance à ce que Dieu a déclaré. On peut donc savoir et dire que l’on est sauvé parce que la Bible l’affirme pour celui qui se repent et qui croit. Jésus Christ a dit : “Celui qui croit en moi a la vie éternelle” (Jean 6. 47).
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Le bien-être et la richesse ne deviennent ainsi mauvais que si nous en faisons le but de notre vie. Si nous les recevons comme un don de Dieu, ils peuvent contribuer à un bonheur simple, concret, et nous amener à être reconnaissants à notre Dieu qui ne nous laisse manquer de rien. Mais n’oublions pas qu’il reste le vrai propriétaire de nos biens. Demandons-lui comment utiliser pour lui plaire tout ce qu’il nous donne. Le chrétien doit toujours pouvoir se poser cette question : Puis-je en toute sincérité remercier Dieu pour ce que je possède… et pour l’emploi qu’il me donne d’en faire ?
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Anne Peterson, How to Deal with Bitterness.
Bitterness starts out small. An offense burrows its way into our hearts. We replay it in our minds, creating deep ruts that will be hard to build back up. We retell our hurts to any available listener, including each sordid detail. We enlist support, pushing us further into our resentment. We hear the offending person’s name and cringe. We decipher the offense as intentional and our offender as full of spite. We look for other reasons, both real or imagined, to dislike our villain. With each new piece of information, we form another layer of bitterness. We fool ourselves into thinking no one will know, but anger and resentment have a way of seeping into everything. Resentment is like a beach ball we try to submerge in the water. No matter how valiant our efforts, it pops up with all its vitality, splashing everyone around.
Anne Peterson, How to Deal with Bitterness.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Billy Graham -THE HOUR OF DECISION, JAN. 5, 1964
In Him and Him alone can we find the strength, the stability, and certainty for tomorrow. Christ alone can bring truth to the mind, cleansing to the heart, and power to the will.
Billy Graham -THE HOUR OF DECISION, JAN. 5, 1964
Billy Graham - L'HEURE DE LA DÉCISION, DÉC. 20, 1970
In this age with all the emptiness, the loneliness, the anguish, the guilt and the bereavement and the suffering in the world, it is a thrilling thing to know that God is for every person everywhere as individuals.
Billy Graham -THE HOUR OF DECISION, DEC. 20, 1970
Richard de Chichester
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Billy Graham -THE HOUR OF DECISION, JAN. 23, 1966
If Christianity is important at all, it is all important. If it is anything at all, it is everything. It is either the most vital thing in your life, or it isn’t worth bothering with.
Billy Graham -THE HOUR OF DECISION, JAN. 23, 1966
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Randy Smith
Christians should be the most diligent people on the planet. Sadly this is often not the case as we are outspent, outthought and outperformed oftentimes by the very opponents of the Gospel. Is there any cause greater than fighting for the eternal salvation of souls? Is there any book more accurate and relevant and thrilling than the inspired Word of God? Is there any power greater than the Holy Spirit? Is there any god who can compare with our God? Then where is the diligence, the dedication, the determination of His people?
Randy Smith
Ray Ortlund
The gospel says, “Your shame is real, even more real than you know. But this is what God has done. He put it all onto Christ at the cross, where your Substitute was utterly shamed and exposed and condemned for you. Now your shame no longer defines you. What defines you, what reveals your future forever, is this word: ‘adorned’ [Rev. 21:2]. Not shamed. Adorned. Lovely. Attractive. And the moment is coming when He will look into your eyes with glad adoration, and you will look into His eyes with confident surrender. And nothing will ever, ever spoil it again.”
Ray Ortlund
Jim Elliot
We are so utterly ordinary, so commonplace, while we profess to know a Power the Twentieth Century does not reckon with. But we are "harmless," and therefore unharmed. We are spiritual pacifists, non-militants, conscientious objectors in this battle-to-the-death with principalities and powers in high places. Meekness must be had for contact with men, but brass, outspoken boldness is required to take part in the comradeship of the Cross. We are "sideliners" – coaching and criticizing the real wrestlers while content to sit by and leave the enemies of God unchallenged. The world cannot hate us; we are too much like its own. Oh that God would make us dangerous!
Jim Elliot
T. D. Jakes
Here is the amazing thing about Easter; the Resurrection Sunday for Christians is this, that Christ in the dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible.
T. D. Jakes
The will of God will never take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.
Randy Smith
Someone once said we are all brought to the same level at the foot of the cross. The cross pours contempt on our pride and screams to us that reconciliation with God was entirely the work of Jesus. The cross screams to us that God justifies all His children with the same infinite love. The cross screams to us that we are all adopted into the same spiritual family in the same way with the same privileges. The cross screams to us that the sins of disunity such as discord, hatred, bitterness, strife, divisiveness, malice, jealousy, envy, disgust, indifference, unforgiveness have all been shattered by the cross and are therefore unacceptable amongst God’s redeemed. The cross teaches us that the grace that saves us results in grace that transforms us to live more like Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace” Himself. And the cross teaches us to join Paul in his never-ending refrain of boasting only in the cross (Galatians 6:14). And with our eyes on the cross, we strike a deathblow to our pride which fuels our divisions.
Randy Smith
David Mathis
So many of us think about it the other way around. We think of church in terms of our serving God and receiving from others. But this is backwards. Sacrificial service in the church doesn’t start with serving. It starts with being served by God. Then as we are satisfied in Him and who He’s revealed Himself to be in His crucified Son, we gladly overflow in service of others.
David Mathis
David Tyler
Jesus consistently tied together self-denial and the cross. The call of God into the Christian life is a call to self-denial. The cross – self-denial – is the path of every Christian. The antithesis of the cross is self-love. Therefore, self-love is classified as a “different gospel” (Gal. 1:6), opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
David Tyler
God’s love is unchangeable; He knows exactly what we are and loves us anyway.
Timothy Keller
Out of the cross comes the resurrection. Out of weakness comes real strength.
Timothy Keller
Auteur inconnu
The Bible has been my guide in perplexity, and my comfort in trouble. It has roused me when declining, and animated me in languor. Other writings may be good, but they want certainty and force. The Bible carries its own credentials along with it, and proves spirit and life to the soul. In other writings I hear the words of a stranger or a servant. In the Bible I hear the language of my Father and my friend. Other books contain only the picture of bread. The Bible presents me with real manna, and feeds me with the bread of life.
Unknown Author