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lundi 30 juin 1986
Le libérateur est venu sur Terre
dimanche 29 juin 1986
Le produit d'un manque de foi
John MacArthur
Worry, by nature, is the product of a lack of faith and trust in God.
John MacArthur
samedi 28 juin 1986
Le jour de Sa venue
Richard Wurmbrand
When the Messiah comes, many will try to play their own songs on His harp. The results will be tragically dissonant. On the Messiah’s harp, you must play His own song — the song of His eternal glory with God; the song of His humiliation as a babe in a manger; the song of a life in sorrow, opposition and poverty on Earth; the song of His being whipped and crucified and buried; and finally the song of His resurrection, ascension and enthronement in heaven. Then the harp will give a beautiful sound. His congregation will shine like a sun.
Richard Wurmbrand
vendredi 27 juin 1986
Vous voulez aller au paradis ?
Randy Smith
Do you want to go to heaven? I mean, do you really want to go to heaven? Let’s remember that heaven is a place of perfect holiness. That means as we delight in beholding God’s glory now, it is as if we are, 2 Corinthians 3:18, “beholding [Him] as if in a mirror.” Heaven will be direct exposure to the fullness of His glory. Why there and not here? Because we still have sin. Yet the split second Christians die, they are instantly transformed to be as righteous as Christ. Now we are declared as perfectly righteous as Christ. Then we will be made as perfectly righteous as Christ. If you are in Christ, this will be your state into all of eternity. Therefore I have to make the two following conclusions: One, we can think of our time here on earth as we are being made more holy like God only as preparation for our future existence with Him. And two, if you really want to go to heaven and be as holy as God throughout all of eternity, isn’t it safe to assume you’d desire it right now as well?
Randy Smith
jeudi 26 juin 1986
Quand Dieu nous a sauvé
Priscilla Shirer
When God saved you, it was with the understanding that He’d be providing you "sanctification by the Spirit" all along the way (2 Thess. 2:13), from the inside out, His purity and holiness changing your heart until it comes through as purity and holiness in action. As you yield yourself to Him in prayer, inviting Him to do His work, it won’t just be the sweaty, exhausting chore of avoiding sin. It’ll be God Himself building up strength at your core, enabling you by His resurrection power to passionately pursue righteousness.
Priscilla Shirer
mercredi 25 juin 1986
Jésus et le récit des Evangiles
« Ce qui ressort des Évangiles, c’est une peinture vivante du genre de choses que faisait Jésus, du genre de relations qu’il établissait avec les différentes sortes de gens qu’il rencontrait, et des causes de friction entre les chefs palestiniens et lui… L’ensemble de ces récits, rapportés de beaucoup de points de vue différents, est convergent : il trace l’image distincte d’une personne réelle, agissant dans un cadre identifiable… »
(C.H.Dodd, Le Fondateur du Christianisme, Seuil 1972, p.42).
mardi 24 juin 1986
lundi 23 juin 1986
La réponse
La prière est la réponse à tous les problèmes.
Oswald Chambers
Prayer is the answer to every problem there is.
Oswald Chambers
dimanche 22 juin 1986
Une définition complète de la foi (2)
Alister E. McGrath
samedi 21 juin 1986
Dieu nous donne Sa grâce
John MacArthur
God gives us His grace in the hour we need it. If we worry about the future now, we double our pain without having the grace to deal with it.
John MacArthur
vendredi 20 juin 1986
Conseils à un prédicateur
jeudi 19 juin 1986
Une véritable confrontation avec Dieu
Randy Smith
A true confrontation with the living God is a direct confrontation with His holiness. And when we really understand His holiness we are never more convinced of our sinfulness. We instinctively know that sin cannot remain in His presence without being judged. And that is the most fearful thing we can ever imagine and that is what draws us to Christ for refuge.
Randy Smith
mercredi 18 juin 1986
mardi 17 juin 1986
Une culture marquée par l'anxiété.
John MacArthur
We are living in an anxiety-ridden culture. And the amazing thing about it is this is the most indulged, the most lavish society ever, this is the most comfortable society ever, this is the society that has the most but it seems to be the most angst-ridden, anxious, stressed out, panicked culture ever. We have a massive medical world that exists to do nothing but help people with stress. No worry goes unnamed. No worry goes undefined. No worry goes uncataloged. No worry goes undiagnosed. And no worry goes unmedicated. They just go unrelieved. People live with anxiety. They live with worry. They live with stress. But it’s so common that we don’t even talk about eliminating it. The term is “to manage it.” You take a course, go to a seminar, listen to a lecture, buy a tape on stress management like it was a baseball team, needed a manager, or a production line. Then Jesus comes along and says, “I’m not going to teach you how to manage your stress, I’ll eliminate it.”
John MacArthur
lundi 16 juin 1986
La manifestation de la sagesse
Randy Smith
We often think wisdom is demonstrated by speaking many words; however according to the Bible wisdom is often shown by our silence. Wisdom is the application of knowledge leading to God’s glory and a life of blessings.
Randy Smith
dimanche 15 juin 1986
Un Dieu à quel temps ?
samedi 14 juin 1986
Demandez à Dieu des directions
Une impasse n'est que la fin de votre route si vous ne faites pas demi-tour. Trop de gens perdent inutilement du temps et de l'énergie à essayer de trouver un moyen de traverser une rue sans issue. Arrêtez-vous, faites demi-tour et demandez à Dieu de vous indiquer la direction à suivre pour arriver là où vous alliez au départ. Recalculez !
Katherine Walden
Don't waste time and energy by trying to break through a dead end. Ask God for directions and keep moving.
A dead-end is only the end of your road if you fail to turn around. Too many people needlessly waste time and energy trying to find a way across a dead-end street. Stop, turn around, and ask God for directions to get to where you were going in the first place. Recalculate!
Katherine Walden
vendredi 13 juin 1986
Il a l'autorité
John MacArthur
[Jesus] is not under anyone but God, and He is in perfect agreement with God, as God. He has authority… He has absolute unilateral authority to do whatever He will, whenever He wills, with whomever or whatever He wills… Jesus never in His earthly life asked permission to do anything. Never. He never sought it from any normal channels in His ministry… No matter what it was, there was no authority to whom Jesus went. He quoted no rabbi. He had permission from no Sanhedrin. He had no rabbinical council to which He was answerable. He was not ordained in the appropriate way that all teachers and rabbis were ordained. And nor was His theology checked and signed off on by the Sanhedrin. And He teaches without any connection to any prior mentor or rabbi, and without credentials, and without ordination, which could only be given by the Sanhedrin. Jesus was His own authority. He spoke prophetically. He spoke truly. He rightly interpreted the Old Testament Scripture. He spoke the true Word of God. They even admitted that. He forgave sin. He healed sick people. He raised the dead. He cast out demons. And He did it without ever seeking permission from anyone.
John MacArthur
jeudi 12 juin 1986
La sanctification en pratique
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, 1935, Dévotion pour le 20 novembre.
Sanctification is simply the marvelous expression of the forgiveness of sins in a human life, but the thing that awakens the deepest well of gratitude in a human being is that God has forgiven sin.
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, 1935, Devotion for November 20.
mercredi 11 juin 1986
Mourir à soi
Réalisez que vous devez mener une vie de mourant ; plus un homme meurt à lui-même, plus il commence à vivre pour Dieu.
Thomas a Kempis
Realize that you must lead a dying life; the more a man dies to himself, the more he begins to live unto God.
Thomas a Kempis
mardi 10 juin 1986
La personne qui craint Dieu
Jerry Bridges
The person who fears God seeks to live all of life to the glory of God... All the activities of life should be pursued with the aim of glorifying God.
Jerry Bridges
lundi 9 juin 1986
Passe du temps avec Jésus
The one who spends the most time with Christ is the one who becomes most like Him. Author Unknown
dimanche 8 juin 1986
"Je serai avec toi"
La promesse la plus fréquente dans la Bible est "Je serai avec toi".
John Ortberg
The most frequent promise in the Bible is "I will be with you."
John Ortberg
samedi 7 juin 1986
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 39
Self-denial corrects two evil tendencies ever attacking Christian ethics. There is a tendency to give more attention to outward standards than to the inward state of the heart. And there is a tendency to be strict with others and lenient with oneself… These two dragons are slain by the sword of self-denial when their heads appear in the land of Christian liberty.
Walter Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial, 1981, p. 39
vendredi 6 juin 1986
Une seule prière
Charles H. Spurgeon
I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to Him.
Charles H. Spurgeon
jeudi 5 juin 1986
La communauté chrétienne
mercredi 4 juin 1986
Ce qui est nécessaire
John Piper
What is necessary is that we have a renewed mind, that is so shaped and so governed by the revealed will of God in the Bible, that we see and assess all relevant factors with the mind of Christ, and discern what God is calling us to do.
John Piper
mardi 3 juin 1986
Un gâteau
The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not just cake for special occasions. Author Unknown
lundi 2 juin 1986
Formation pratique
Le chrétien est plus formé de ses épreuves que de ses jouissances. William Jay
The Christian is more formed from his trials than from his enjoyments. William Jay
dimanche 1 juin 1986
Analyse de mot
Richard J. Foster
The Bible describes worship in physical terms. The root meaning for the Hebrew word we translate worship is “to prostrate.” The word bless literally means “to kneel.” Thanksgiving refers to “an extension of the hand.” Throughout Scripture we find a variety of physical postures in connection with worship: lying prostrate, standing, kneeling, lifting the hands, clapping the hands, lifting the head, bowing the head, dancing, and wearing sackcloth and ashes. The point is that we are to offer God our bodies as well as all the rest of our being. Worship is appropriately physical.
Richard J. Foster