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lundi 31 mars 1986
Le dernier mot
dimanche 30 mars 1986
Maisons célestes
Edward McKendree Bounds
The houses of Heaven are God-built and are as enduring and incorruptible as their builder. We will have bodies after the resurrection; transfigured they will be after the model of Christs glorious body.
Edward McKendree Bounds
samedi 29 mars 1986
Quel processus choisir ?
vendredi 28 mars 1986
Ses promesses
Charles Finney
When God has especially promised the thing, we are bound to believe we shall receive it when we pray for it. You have no right to put in an ‘if,’ and say, ‘Lord, if it be Thy will, give me Thy Holy Spirit.’ This is to insult God. To put an ‘if’ in God’s promise when God has put none there, is tantamount to charging God with being insincere. It is like saying, ‘O God, if Thou art in earnest in making these promises, grant us the blessing we pray for.'
Charles Finney
jeudi 27 mars 1986
Car tous ont péché et sont privés de la gloire de Dieu.
Randy Smith
In Romans 3:23 we read, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Everyone experiences guilt because everyone is guilty of violating God’s law. James 2:10 says, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.” Everyone deserves God’s just condemnation in hell. But God in His love and mercy sent us a Redeemer. He sent us One that would take our sins upon Himself. He sent us Jesus Christ. And after receiving our sins, the Father spent His wrath upon Him. The punishment for all our sins was received by Him. Thus with the penalty of sin now taken away for those in Christ, we can receive a full pardon for our sins. Remove our sins from God’s presence in Christ and naturally you remove the guilt as well.
Randy Smith
mercredi 26 mars 1986
Mesurer l'amour et la faveur de Dieu
Richard Sibbes
Measure not God's love and favour by your own feeling. The sun shines as clearly in the darkest day as it does in the brightest. The difference is not in the sun, but in some clouds which hinder the manifestation of the light thereof.
Richard Sibbes
mardi 25 mars 1986
Un retour sans pareil
lundi 24 mars 1986
Les humbles
Les humbles vivent dans une paix continue, tandis que dans le cœur des fiers se trouvent l'envie et la colère fréquente.
Thomas a Kempis
The humble live in continuous peace, while in the hearts of the proud are envy and frequent anger.
Thomas a Kempis
dimanche 23 mars 1986
Une clé de lecture
Don Fortner, What is the Key to Understanding the Bible?
There is one key which will open the Book to you and reveal its golden treasures. That key is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Foundation, the Center, and the Mainspring of all Divine Truth. This is what He said, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” If we would avoid error in interpreting and applying the Scriptures, we must understand that everything in the Bible speaks of and relates to Christ. Divorce any doctrine from Christ and that doctrine becomes heresy. Divorce any precept from Christ and that precept becomes self-righteous legality.
Don Fortner, What is the Key to Understanding the Bible?
samedi 22 mars 1986
Nos échecs dans le passé
Adrian Rogers a écrit : « Un échec dans le passé n'annule pas le but à atteindre dans le futur. »
Adrian Rogers wrote : « Failure in the past does not nullify purpose in the future. »
vendredi 21 mars 1986
Notre sens de la justice.
John MacArthur
Don’t impose on God your sense of what is fair. Fair sends the whole human race to hell. You don’t want fair. God is God and He’s the sovereign of the universe and He doesn’t abandon His sovereignty at any point, particularly in the realm of redemption. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy. I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.
John MacArthur
jeudi 20 mars 1986
Ce que nous ressentons
Ben Fitzgerald
Some of you aren’t doing okay out there. Some of you hide your feelings of loneliness, shame over things you did wrong, or the pressure of feeling you never do enough. God sees you, God wants to be closer to you, He has people who want to encourage you too. Stop hiding and trying in your own strength; this will only make things worse. Be vulnerable with Him and be real with a trusted friend and pray with them. Not all feelings are real, not all thoughts are truth. Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you. (Psalm 35)
Ben Fitzgerald
mercredi 19 mars 1986
Tôt ou tard
Tôt ou tard, nous devons apprendre que Dieu ne fait pas de marché.
Auteur inconnu
Sooner or later we must learn that God makes no deals.
Author Unknown
mardi 18 mars 1986
Souveraineté de Dieu et responsabilité humaine
John MacArthur
Now if you have a problem matching up that sovereignty of God with human responsibility, admit that you don’t know everything and the problem is solved. Because I also know that the gospel extends to the end of the earth and Jesus was the one who said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I’ll give you rest.” We understand the gospel invitation. We understand the call. We understand the tears of Jesus over those who wouldn’t come. We understand the responsibility of the sinner who rejects the gospel and perishes and he is being punished for his own choice. We understand that. How that harmonizes with this doctrine, I do not understand. I may never understand it even in eternity because I will never be God. But I will let God be God and I will not redefine God on my terms… I also understand at the same time that God holds every sinner responsible for their own rejection and gives them the opportunity to receive Him. And it makes perfect sense to Him though it’s apparently paradoxical to me. But I will not err on the severe side of diminishing the sovereignty of God by eliminating this glorious truth.
John MacArthur
lundi 17 mars 1986
Une adoration réelle et significative
John MacArthur
Real, meaningful worship with God’s people is not optional. It’s not a suggestion. It’s not a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. Worship on the Lord’s Day should be the crowning joy of our week. It’s our opportunity to engage our minds toward God. To enjoy His people. To bask in His presence. To corporately drink from His Word. To give of our talents and resources. To encourage and to be encouraged. To offer praise.
John MacArthur
dimanche 16 mars 1986
La plus grande charité au monde
samedi 15 mars 1986
"C'est à moi de m'occuper de cette situation"
James Fowler
Worry is a form of humanistic self-orientation that thinks, “It’s up to me to take care of this situation,” and is thus a form of practical atheism, acting as if there is no God to deal with the situation, or that God doesn’t know or care about the situation.
James Fowler
vendredi 14 mars 1986
jeudi 13 mars 1986
Soyez encouragé
Auteur inconnu
mercredi 12 mars 1986
Un travail de l'Esprit (3)
Thomas Brooks
The Spirit never loosens where the Word binds; the Spirit never justifies where the Word condemns; the Spirit never approves where the Word disapproves; the Spirit never blesses where the Word curses.
Thomas Brooks
mardi 11 mars 1986
Notre capacité
The Lord doesn't ask about your ability, only your availability; and, if you prove your dependability, the Lord will increase your capability. Author Unknown
lundi 10 mars 1986
La Bible est le plus grand de tous les livres
The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
Charles C. Ryrie
dimanche 9 mars 1986
Comment aller dans la présence de Dieu ?
Adrian Rogers wrote : « If you find a reluctancy to go into the presence of God, there may be unconfessed, unrepented sin in your life. Part of your quiet time is to get your heart clean and pure. Each of us needs to take ourselves by the nap of our necks and confess and repent before we come into God's holy presence to fellowship. »
samedi 8 mars 1986
Une personne paradoxale
" Il y a un côté rassurant dans tout ce qui est banal, commun, courant, habituel ou dit autrement normal.
Seulement, un chrétien n'est pas appelé à vivre selon tous ces critères étant donné qu'il est conduit par l'Esprit de Dieu, par la Parole de Dieu et vit dans le miraculeux divin.
Un chrétien ne peut être qu'une personne paradoxale, c'est à dire étrange, bizarre, curieuse, extraordinaire, inattendue, incroyable, invraisemblable, singulière et stupéfiante pour tous ceux qui l'observent vivre et agir tandis qu'ils se tiennent en dehors du terrain de la foi en Dieu.
Aussi, un chrétien paradoxal doit être un véritable pléonasme !"
Auteur inconnu
vendredi 7 mars 1986
Nos cicatrices
Adrian Rogers wrote : « A scar is a wound that has healed. We need to bring our wounds to Jesus, let Him heal them, and use our scars for Jesus. Our scars may be our greatest ministry. »
jeudi 6 mars 1986
La vie de foi
The life of faith is a daily exploration of the constant and countless ways in which God's grace and love are experienced. Eugene Peterson
mercredi 5 mars 1986
Une arme utile
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility. Jonathan Edwards
mardi 4 mars 1986
À méditer
« On entend souvent dire que Dieu hait le péché mais aime le pécheur. Mais ce n'est pas le péché qui finira en enfer mais le pécheur".
R. C. Sproul
lundi 3 mars 1986
Nouveau départ
dimanche 2 mars 1986
Au rendez-vous
William Wilberforce
Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.
William Wilberforce