The definition of disappointment in life is expectations minus reality equals disappointment. The only two solutions you have to get over disappointment is to either alter your reality or alter your expectations. Randy Carlson
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mercredi 31 juillet 1985
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mardi 30 juillet 1985
lundi 29 juillet 1985
Et au centre, ...
Without a doubt, at the center of the New Testament there stands the Cross, which receives its interpretation from the Resurrection.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
dimanche 28 juillet 1985
Une grande différence
John Mantle
There is a great difference between realizing, “On that Cross He was crucified for me,” and “On that Cross I am crucified with Him.” The one aspect brings us deliverance from sin’s condemnation, the other from sin’s power.
John Mantle
samedi 27 juillet 1985
Rester debout
The weakest Christian can at any period of his life at any moment of the day and in any circumstance cry out to God for help and instantly have the resources of the infinite, sovereign God at his disposal. James Montgomery Boice
vendredi 26 juillet 1985
La vie vaut-elle tant de souffrances ?
Auteur inconnu
jeudi 25 juillet 1985
La vraie mesure de l'amour de Dieu
La vraie mesure de l'amour de Dieu est qu'il aime sans mesure. Auteur inconnu
The true measure of God's love is that He loves without measure. Author Unknown
mercredi 24 juillet 1985
mardi 23 juillet 1985
Sola Scriptura (L'Ecriture Seule)
John Thompson
Sola Scriptura will bring about a revolution in your reading, studying, and living of Scripture. Knowing now the incredible life-changing resource that God has put into your hands, you will develop a specific plan to read and study the whole Bible through, listen to the Bible on tape, listen to sermons on tape, help your spouse and children read and study more, memorize God’s promises that help you escape the corruption of the world, pray through the Scriptures asking God for help in applying them, write specific applications that God wants you to do, meditate on special portions of God’s Word, remove those things from your life that quench your thirst for Scripture, and get involved in a church where God’s Word is faithfully taught as “the complete, perfect, all-embracing, and all-sufficient revelation from God that will never need amendment, correction, or supplementation.”
John Thompson
lundi 22 juillet 1985
Dans l'humanité de Jésus-Christ
Thomas F. Torrance
dimanche 21 juillet 1985
Une différence majeur
samedi 20 juillet 1985
Sa méthode de communication
vendredi 19 juillet 1985
Un coût élevé
Sin is the most expensive thing in the universe. Nothing else can cost so much. Charles Finney
jeudi 18 juillet 1985
Nos manières de vivre
J.C. Ryle
You must remember we are all creatures of imitation: precept may teach us, but it is example that draws us. There is that in us all, that we are always disposed to catch the ways of those with whom we live; and the more we like them, the stronger does the disposition grow. Without our being aware of it, they influence our tastes and opinions; we gradually give up what they dislike, and take up what they like, in order to become closer friends with them. And, worst of all, we catch their ways in things that are wrong far quicker than in things that are right. Health, unhappily, is not contagious, but disease is. It is far easier to catch a chill than to impart a warmth; and to make each other’s religion dwindle away, than grow and prosper.
J.C. Ryle
mercredi 17 juillet 1985
Le regard de Dieu
Someone wrote : “ Remember that God is more interested in "heart" than "art" in your singing or in whatever ministry you possess.”
mardi 16 juillet 1985
Une grande activité
lundi 15 juillet 1985
Mourir à soi-même (2)
Roy Hession, The Calvary Road, 1950, p. 25.
Dying to self is not a thing we do once for all. There may be an initial dying when God first shows these things, but ever after it will be a constant dying, for only so can the Lord Jesus be revealed constantly through us. All day long the choice will be before us in a thousand ways. It will mean no plans, no time, no money, no pleasure of our own. It will mean a constant yielding to those around us, for our yieldedness to God is measured by our yieldedness to man. Every humiliation, everyone who tries and vexes us, is God’s way of breaking us, so that there is a yet deeper channel in us for the Life of Christ.
Roy Hession, The Calvary Road, 1950, p. 25.
dimanche 14 juillet 1985
Envolée spirituelle
samedi 13 juillet 1985
Ses promesses restent vraies !
vendredi 12 juillet 1985
La louange vient du cœur
jeudi 11 juillet 1985
Pour ou contre nous ?
mercredi 10 juillet 1985
L'église n'est pas un bâtiment en pierre.
John MacArthur, The Ultimate Priority, Moody Press 1983, p. 103.
The church is not a building made with stone. It is a building made with living flesh. We believers are living stones in God’s temple (1 Pet. 2:5), and when we come together we constitute a place of worship where God manifests Himself in ways that He cannot manifest Himself when we are alone. Believers become the living temple of God, offering to Him spiritual sacrifices not possible anywhere other than in the assembly of the redeemed church.
John MacArthur, The Ultimate Priority, Moody Press 1983, p. 103.
mardi 9 juillet 1985
lundi 8 juillet 1985
Le but principal de la prière
Le but principal de la prière est que Dieu soit glorifié dans la réponse. R.A. Torrey
The chief purpose of prayer is that God may be glorified in the answer. R.A. Torrey
dimanche 7 juillet 1985
Dieu ne change pas
Adrian Rogers wrote : « There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God will not answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve. »
samedi 6 juillet 1985
Partageons l'amour de Jésus
Ajouter une légende |
Share His love by sharing of your faith, and show the world that Jesus Christ is real to you, every moment and every day. William J. Reynolds
vendredi 5 juillet 1985
Dieu est sage
David Jeremiah
Our wise God knows how to say "No" too. His "No's" are always in our best interest, but sometimes it doesn't feel that way.
David Jeremiah
jeudi 4 juillet 1985
Croire en Jésus
Auteur inconnu
mercredi 3 juillet 1985
L’âme humble
mardi 2 juillet 1985
Repos et effort
R.A. Torrey
We hear much in our day of the rest of faith, but there is such a thing as the fight of faith in prayer as well as in effort. Those who would have us think that they have attained to some sublime height of faith and trust because they never know any agony of conflict or of prayer, have surely gotten beyond their Lord, and beyond the mightiest victors for God, both in effort and prayer, that the ages of Christian history have known. When we learn to come to God with an intensity of desire that wrings the soul, then shall we know a power in prayer that most of us do not know now.
R.A. Torrey
lundi 1 juillet 1985
La Parole de Dieu au centre
Il suffit d'être réaliste et honnête avec nous-mêmes pour savoir à quelle fréquence nous devons nous tourner vers la Bible. Combien de fois sommes-nous confrontés à des problèmes, des tentations, des pressions ? Tous les jours ! Alors combien de fois avons-nous besoin d'être instruits, guidés et davantage encouragés ? Tous les jours ! Pour rassembler tous ces besoins ressentis en une question encore plus grande, combien de fois avons-nous besoin de voir le visage de Dieu, d'entendre sa voix, de sentir son toucher, de connaître sa puissance ? La réponse à toutes ces questions est la même : tous les jours !
John Blanchard, How to Enjoy Your Bible, Evangelical Press, 1984, p. 104.
Surely we only have to be realistic and honest with ourselves to know how regularly we need to turn to the Bible. How often do we face problems, temptation, and pressure? Every day! Then how often do we need instruction, guidance and greater encouragement? Every day! To catch all these felt needs up into an even greater issue, how often do we need to see God’s face, hear his voice, feel his touch, know his power? The answer to all these questions is the same: every day!
John Blanchard, How to Enjoy Your Bible, Evangelical Press, 1984, p. 104.