John Flavel
Look around in the world, and you may see some in every place who are objects of pity, bereaved by sad accidents of all the comforts of life, while in the meantime Providence has tenderly preserved you.
John Flavel
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
John Flavel
Look around in the world, and you may see some in every place who are objects of pity, bereaved by sad accidents of all the comforts of life, while in the meantime Providence has tenderly preserved you.
John Flavel
Il y a ceux qui peuvent s'aventurer loin dans le monde et pourtant rester partout fidèles à leur Sauveur ; ils sont connus comme chrétiens partout où ils apparaissent, et les gens respectent leur position ; ils n'iraient nulle part s'ils savaient que leur bouche doit être fermée sur les sujets les plus proches de leur cœur ; l'énergie du Christ en eux est une force si brillante et victorieuse qu'ils façonnent la société dans laquelle ils sont, au lieu d'être façonnés par elle.
James Stalker
There are those who can venture far into the world and yet everywhere be true to their Savior; they are known as Christians wherever they appear, and people respect their position; they would not go anywhere if they knew that their mouths were to be stopped on the subjects lying nearest their hearts; the energy of Christ in them is so glowing and victorious a force that they mould the society in which they are, instead of being molded by it.
James Stalker
Abraham Kuyper
God built into the creation a variety of cultural spheres, such as the family, economics, politics, art, and intellectual inquiry. Each of these spheres has its own proper "business" and needs its own unique pattern of authority. When we confuse spheres, by violating the proper boundaries of church and state, for instance, or reducing the academic life to a business enterprise, we transgress the patterns that God has set.
Abraham Kuyper
Dave Hunt
The more clearly we see the infinite chasm between God's glory and our sinful falling short thereof, the greater will be our appreciation of His grace and love in bridging that gulf to redeem us.
Dave Hunt
Winkie Pratney
God has guarded His Word so that only the pure in heart can see its secrets. All other efforts will fail.
Winkie Pratney
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The tragedy is that many of us are living desperate Christian life. Sunday comes and we get some strength, and then we lose some on Monday; a good deal is gone by Tuesday and we wonder whether we have anything left. On Wednesday it has all gone and then we exist. Or perhaps refreshment comes in some other way, some meeting we attend, some friends we meet. Now that is the old order of things, that is not the new. He puts a well within us. We are not always drawing from somewhere outside. The well, the spring, goes on springing up from within into everlasting life.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Tous veulent un Dieu qui aide, soutienne, secours tandis que peu conçoivent un Dieu qui règne sur tout et qui dirige tout.
Auteur inconnu
Tim Keller
In religion our only hope is to live a life good enough to require God to bless us, so every instance of sin and repentance is therefore traumatic, unnatural and threatening. Only under great duress do religious people admit they have sinned, because their only hope is their moral goodness. In the Gospel the knowledge of our acceptance in Christ makes it easier to admit that we are flawed, because we know we won't be cast off if we confess the true depths of our sinfulness. Our hope is in Christ's righteousness, not our own, so it is not as traumatic to admit our weaknesses and lapses.
Tim Keller
John Owen
Without absolutes revealed from without by God Himself, we are left rudderless in a sea of conflicting ideas about manners, justice and right and wrong, issuing from a multitude of self-opinionated thinkers.
John Owen
Watchman Nee
To confirm whether or not we are moved by, and walk in, the Holy Spirit, we must see if any given thing harmonizes with the teaching of the Bible. The revelation of the Holy Spirit sensed by our spirit must coincide with the revelation of the Holy Spirit in Scripture.
Watchman Nee
Gérard Chrispin, La résurrection, un trésor méconnu, page 64
Samuel Rutherford
To believe Christ's cross to be a friend, as he himself is a friend, is also a special act of faith.
Samuel Rutherford
Randy Smith
How should we be motivated in our study of Revelation or for that matter, the study of what theologians call, “Eschatology”? First, we should realize that God has a wise plan for the world that He has set from eternity past that He will fulfill His plan according to His will. Nothing is catching Him by surprise. Second, we know that God will be the victor. Despite what we see, evil and Satan will not win in the end. This gives us incredible hope. Third, we are reminded that this world is not our home. Our time here on earth is but a vapor (Jas. 4:14). We should live with abandon for the glory of God and look forward to the greater joy that awaits us. Fourth, we learn to assess our values. We learn that all that really matters is what lasts for eternity. All in this world will be burned up. Only God’s Word and human souls will live forever. Fifth, we know that God is holy. Heaven is about holy living. Our true identity in Christ is holiness. That’s why Peter concludes after discussing the end times: “What sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness” (2 Pet. 3:11). Sixth, knowing the terrible fate of those without Christ, how can we who claim to believe the Scriptures and truly love people refrain from sharing Jesus with them? And seventh, we have been given a glimpse in chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation into the glorious throne-room of God in heaven. May we worship God on earth as all of creation worships Him in heaven.
Randy Smith
John Owen
This is somewhat of the word which He now speaks unto you: Why will you die? Why will you perish? Why will you not have compassion on your own souls? Can your hearts endure, or can your hands be strong, in the day of wrath that is approaching?… Look unto Me, and be saved; come unto Me, and I will ease you of all sins, sorrows, fears, burdens, and give rest to your souls. Come, I entreat you; lay aside all procrastinations, all delays; put me off no more; eternity lies at the door…do not so hate Me as that you will rather perish than accept of deliverance by Me. These and the like things does the Lord Christ continually declare, proclaim, plead and urge upon the souls of sinners… He does it in the preaching of the Word, as if He were present with you, stood amongst you, and spoke personally to every one of you… He has appointed the ministers of the gospel to appear before you, and to deal with you in His stead, avowing as His own the invitations which are given you in His name.
John Owen
William Gurnall
Christ counts it his honor, that he is a king of a willing people, and not of slaves.
William Gurnall
Dwight L. Moody
When we know our Bible: then it is that God can use us.
Dwight L. Moody
Abraham Wright
Saints are planted in the house of God; they have a kind of rooting there: but though the tabernacle be a good rooting place, yet we cannot root firmly there, unless we are rooted in Jesus Christ.
Abraham Wright
Joni Eareckson Tada
However tiring our work may be, how could it ever be tiresome? How could it be anything less than a joy to serve the One who has given us all things for life, and enrichment, and enjoyment? Jesus, who suffered so much to secure our salvation.
Joni Eareckson Tada
Charles H. Brent
Only he who flings himself upward when the pull comes to drag him down can hope to break the force of temptation. Temptation may be an invitation to hell, but much more is it an opportunity to reach heaven.
Charles H. Brent
William Gurnall
The Christian must trust in a withdrawing God.
William Gurnall
Henry Ward Beecher
All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down, provided it is the right temptation, put in the right spot.
Henry Ward Beecher
Lester Roloff
The only way to build a church, if you have a Bible church, is to preach out of the Bible, teach out of the Bible, read out of the Bible.
Lester Roloff
Hannah Whitall Smith
In the secret of God's tabernacle no enemy can find us, and no troubles can reach us. The pride of man and the strife of tongues find no entrance into the pavilion of God. The secret of his presence is a more secure refuge than a thousand Gibraltars. I do not mean that no trials come. They may come in abundance, but they cannot penetrate into the sanctuary of the soul, and we may dwell in perfect peace even in the midst of life fiercest storms.
Hannah Whitall Smith
Clovis G. Chappell
How glorious that, when we resist God's purpose and all but wreck ourselves, He will make us again. Truly we would be a hopeless race but for the fact that we have a mighty God who is able to remake us even when we have rebelled against Him and have thwarted His blessed plans for us.
Clovis G. Chappell
Karl Barth
Jews have God's promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree.
Karl Barth
Walter J. Chantry
The Bible as a whole speaks more of God's holiness than of His love.
Walter J. Chantry
A.T. Pierson
By faith we are taken into Christ, made at once safe from holy wrath against sin, and kept safe from all perils and penalties. He, our divine Redeemer, becomes to us the new sphere of harmony and unity with God and His law, with His life and His holiness.
A.T. Pierson
Oswald Chambers
Prayer is not logical; it is a mysterious moral working of the Holy Spirit.
Oswald Chambers