Ce n'est que dans un monde où la foi est difficile que la foi peut exister.
Peter Kreeft
Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist.
Peter Kreeft
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
Peter Kreeft
Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist.
Peter Kreeft
Watchman Nee
If a Christian remains in a carnal condition long after experiencing new birth, he hinders God's salvation from realizing its full potential and manifestation. Only when he is growing in grace, constantly governed by the spirit, can salvation be wrought in him.
Watchman Nee
Saint Augustin
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.
Jim Elliff
An additional impetus to our unity among diversity is that of the projected makeup of the future kingdom. It is glorious in its admixture of those from “every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Rev. 5:11). We cannot, must not, live contrary to our final convergence in Christ. In the ugly old slavery of early America, the schizophrenia about this was incredible. There were blacks and whites who would not dream of worshipping as equals (though they were sometimes in the same building), yet at the same time would hold the doctrinal verity that all colors would be in heaven together some day. This was entirely incongruous. We are called to experience in this life as much of the spirit that will characterize us in the new earth as is possible. The ideal of heaven is always to be the pursuit of earthbound believers. “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). We cannot pray for the Kingdom to come and not relish what that coming Kingdom means. Our community of believers is to be a living demonstration of the power of the cross and also of the purified Bride who awaits the wedding. We are denying our future calling to fail in this area. We are smearing our reputation and throwing dirt on our bridal gown.
Jim Elliff
John MacArthur, The Glory of Heaven, 1996, page 101.
In that day when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, the whole “edifice” of our earthly works will be tested by the fire of God. Some impressive superstructures will be reduced to rubble, because they are built only for show – not out of lasting material. Like sets on a movie lot, these “buildings” may be magnificent and appear genuine even on close inspection, but the fire will test them for what they are really made of, not for what they look like. All the wood, hay and stubble will be burned away.
John MacArthur, The Glory of Heaven,1996, page 101.
Auteur inconnu, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 5.
Are not our prayers so often ineffective and powerless – and sometimes even prayerless – because we rush unthinkingly and unpreparedly into God’s presence, without realizing the majesty and glory of the God Whom we are approaching, and without reflecting upon the exceeding great riches of His glory in Christ Jesus, which we hope to draw upon?
Unknown Author, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 5.
J.C. Ryle
Without holiness on earth we shall never be prepared to enjoy heaven. Heaven is a holy place. The Lord of heaven is a holy Being. The angels are holy creatures. Holiness is written on everything in heaven... How shall we ever be at home and happy in heaven if we die unholy?
J.C. Ryle
James Hufstetler
You are the result of the attentive, careful, thoughtful, intimate, detailed, creative work of God. Your personality, your sex, your height, your features, are what they are because God made them precisely that way. He made you the way He did because that is the way he wants you to be… If God had wanted you to be basically and creatively different He would have made you differently. Your genes and chromosomes and creaturely distinctives – even the shape of your nose and ears – are what they are by God’s design.
James Hufstetler
Auteur inconnu
Ilya Prigogine (chimiste-physicien), lauréat de deux prix Nobel de chimie.
I. Prigogine, N. Gregair, A. Babbyabtz, Physics Today 25, pp. 23-28
“The statistical probability that organic structures and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by accident, is zero.”
Ilya Prigogine (Chemist-Physicist), Recipient of two Nobel Prizes in chemistry
I. Prigogine, N. Gregair, A. Babbyabtz, Physics Today 25, pp. 23-28
Si les choses restent ainsi, alors dans ce cas, cette souffrance traversée n'aura servie à rien d'édifiant et aboutira sur la preuve du caractère irrégénéré de la personne.
Seule une personne appelée de Dieu et régénérée, traversera l'adversité pour s'en relever encore plus forte et plus sanctifiée grâce à la présence de l'Esprit Saint agissant en elle.
Dans ce cas, l'adversité est une épreuve qui devient une bénédiction que Dieu lui accorde de vivre afin de parfaire son œuvre en elle. Il n'est pas question d'une résilience au sens séculier du terme mais de cette capacité divine de maintenir l'enfant de Dieu dans le salut tout en assurant sa croissance spirituelle. »
Auteur inconnu
Thomas Manton
If you yield to Satan in the least, he will carry you further and further, till he has left you under a stupefied or terrified conscience: stupefied, till thou hast lost all thy tenderness. A stone at the top of a hill, when it begins to roll down, ceases not till it comes to the bottom. Thou thinkest it is but yielding a little, and so by degrees are carried on, till thou hast sinned away all thy profession, and all principles of conscience, by the secret witchery of his temptations.
Thomas Manton
Tim Keller
Certainly we should be very active in seeking God, and Jesus himself called us to 'ask, seek, knock' in order to find him. Yet those who enter a relationship with God inevitably look back and recognize that God's grace had sought them out, breaking them open to new realities.
Tim Keller
Pierre Cormary, Qu'est-ce que la Résurrection ?
Il n'y a qu'un seul moyen d'acquérir une vision claire, vraie, fraîche et élevée du Christ, et c'est la Bible. La Bible est le prisme par lequel la lumière de Jésus-Christ est divisée en ses nombreuses et belles couleurs. La Bible est le portrait de Jésus-Christ. Nous devons le contempler avec une telle intensité de désir que (par l'action gracieuse du Saint-Esprit) il s'anime pour nous, nous rencontre et nous remplit de lui-même.
It seems to me that our greatest need today is an enlarged vision of Jesus Christ. We need to see him as the One in whom alone the fullness of God dwells and in whom alone we can come to fullness of life . . .
There is only one way to gain clear, true, fresh, lofty views of Christ, and that is through the Bible. The Bible is the prism by which the light of Jesus Christ is broken into its many and beautiful colors. The Bible is the portrait of Jesus Christ. We need to gaze upon him with such intensity of desire that (by the gracious work of the Holy Spirit) he comes alive to us, meets with us, and fills us with himself.
Watchman Nee
Though he may not yet fully experience the meaning of the death of the Lord Jesus, God nevertheless has made him alive together with Christ and he has obtained a new life in the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus. This is new birth.
Watchman Nee
Charles H. Spurgeon
We should pray when we are in a praying mood, for it would be sinful to neglect so fair an opportunity. We should pray when we are not in a proper mood, for it would be dangerous to remain in so unhealthy a condition.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Ravi Zacharias
John MacArthur
What is the New Covenant then? It is the unilateral, irrevocable, unchangeable, eternal promise by God that He will save sinners by forgiving their transgressions and regenerating them from the inside to love Him and obey Him… The New Covenant embodies grace and peace and the Holy Spirit and regeneration and the knowledge of God and the forgiveness of sin and a new heart and pure fellowship with God and love for God. This covenant was personal and individual.
John MacArthur
Edgar Mitchell (astronaute d'Apollo 14)
“When I went to the moon I was a pragmatic test pilot. But when I saw the planet Earth floating in the vastness of space the presence of divinity became almost palpable and I knew that life in the universe was not just an accident.”
Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 Astronaut)
William Law
For if [a Christian] cannot thank and praise God as well in calamities and sufferings as in prosperity and happiness, he is as far from the piety of a Christian as he that only loves them that love him is from the charity of a Christian. For to thank God only for such things as you like is no more a proper act of piety than to believe only what you see is an act of faith. Resignation and thanksgiving to God are only acts of piety when they are acts of faith, trust and confidence in the divine goodness.
William Law
Auteur inconnu
Prière puritaine.
Auteur inconnu
Thou wilt come to raise my body from the dust, and re-unite it to my soul, by a wonderful work of infinite power and love, greater than that which bounds the ocean’s waters, ebbs and flows the tides, keeps the stars in their courses, and gives life to all creatures.
Puritan Prayer.
Unknown Author
Amy Carmichael
If I am afraid to speak the truth lest I lose affection, or lest the one concerned should say, "You do not understand", or because I fear to lose my reputation for kindness; if I put my own good name before the other's highest good, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy Carmichael
John MacArthur
Sinners still live with the illusion that they can make a judgment on Jesus Christ and avoid Him making a judgment on them… You judge Jesus wrongly, and He will judge you rightly… The question is not what will you do with Jesus, the question is when you see Him face-to-face, what will He do with you.
John MacArthur
J.D. Greear, Gaining by Losing, Zondervan, p. 80.
The Great Commission is not a calling for some; it is a mandate for all… When it comes to a calling, we don’t need a voice; we have a verse (Mt. 28:19). It is now our responsibility, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to evaluate how we are best suited to fulfill that call… We…see every member of our church as a potential missionary to be equipped and mobilized. Our goal is not to send some, or even our best, but to send all into the mission – to our city, across the country, or to the other side of the world.
J.D. Greear, Gaining by Losing, Zondervan, p. 80.
Joni Eareckson Tada
I still can hardly believe it. I, with shriveled, bent fingers, atrophied muscles, gnarled knees, and no feeling from the shoulders down, will one day have a new body, light, bright, and clothed in righteousness—powerful and dazzling. Can you imagine the hope this gives someone spinal-cord injured like me? Or someone who is cerebral palsied, brain-injured, or who has multiple sclerosis? Imagine the hope this gives someone who is manic-depressive. No other religion, no other philosophy promises new bodies, hearts, and minds. Only in the Gospel of Christ do hurting people find such incredible hope.
Joni Eareckson Tada
Be a proclaimer of the gospel at all times. You will become a proclaimer of the gospel when you lay upon yourself the gospel’s way of life.
J.C. Ryle, Holiness , Moody Publishers, p. 133.
[Our Lord] is ready to receive all who [come] to Him, however unworthy they may feel themselves. None who repent and believe are too bad to be enrolled in the ranks of Christ’s army. All who come to Him by faith are admitted, clothed, armed, trained, and finally led on to complete victory. Fear not to begin this very day. There is yet room for you.
J.C. Ryle, Holiness , Moody Publishers, p. 133.
WILLIAM TEMPLE (1881-1944)
The Church exists on earth [as] the means whereby Christ becomes active and carries out his purpose in the world; that is what it is for, and that is what makes it the Church, the life of his Spirit within it,rising out of its faith in him.
WILLIAM TEMPLE (1881–1944)