Ô Mon Père, je loue Ta Connaissance Divine, qui non seulement perçoit mes iniquités, mais fournit une expiation qui me délivre de la culpabilité d'eux, avant même que je sache que je suis coupable.
Charles Spurgeon
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
Ô Mon Père, je loue Ta Connaissance Divine, qui non seulement perçoit mes iniquités, mais fournit une expiation qui me délivre de la culpabilité d'eux, avant même que je sache que je suis coupable.
Charles Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon
If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Auteur inconnu
Une simple assimilation mentale de ces vérités ne peut cependant pas résister à la tentation. La révélation de Dieu est positivement essentielle. L'Esprit de Dieu doit révéler comment nous sommes en Christ et comment nous sommes unis à Lui en un.
Watchman Nee
Mere mental assimilation of these truths cannot withstand temptation, however. The revelation of God is positively essential. The Spirit of God must reveal how we are in Christ and how we are united with Him in one.
Watchman Nee
Quand une personne dit : "tout ce que j'ai besoin de savoir, c'est Jésus. La doctrine n'est pas importante." Nous devrions immédiatement demander en réponse : "Qui est Jésus ?". Au moment où une personne commence à répondre à cette question, la personne est inéluctablement, inévitablement impliquée dans la doctrine.
R.C. Sproul
En Jésus-Christ, le ciel rencontre la terre et la terre monte au ciel.
HENRY LAW (1797-1884)
In Jesus Christ heaven meets earth and earth ascends to heaven.
HENRY LAW (1797–1884)
R.C. Sproul Jr.
There are, of course, those whom God has determined that He would never give new life to. Those who have committed the unpardonable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31), will not be regenerated. Those who have trampled under foot the blood of Christ (Hebrews 10:29), will not be regenerated. Those who have committed the sin unto death (I John 5:15-16) will not be regenerated. I do not pretend to know whether this is one, two or three distinct groups. I do know this – that those who fall under these texts do not come equipped with a signed affidavit letting us know for certain that they are guilty of this sin. As such, I don’t believe we can single out real flesh and blood people and determine – “That one is beyond redemption.”
R.C. Sproul Jr.
Auteur inconnu
Celui qui ne parle que de Dieu, mais jamais ou rarement à Dieu, abandonne facilement son corps et son âme aux idoles. Le chrétien met ainsi tout son avenir en péril par une vie de prière rabougrie.
Carl F.H. Henry
Whoever only speaks of God, but never or seldom to God, easily leases body and soul to idols. The Christian thus places his whole future in jeopardy by a stunted prayer life.
Carl F.H. Henry
Auteur inconnu
Bill Thrasher
Prayer is not attempting to get our will done in heaven but His will done on earth.
Bill Thrasher
Louis Berkhof, Théologie systématique, 1998, p. 577.
Strictly speaking, it may be said that the true preaching of the Word and its recognition as the standard of doctrine and life, is the one mark of the Church. Without it there is no Church, and it determines the right administration of the sacraments and the faithful exercise of Church discipline. Nevertheless, the right administration of the sacraments is also a real mark of the Church. And though the exercise of discipline may not be peculiar to the Church, that is, is not found in it exclusively, yet it is absolutely essential to the purity of the Church.
Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 1998, p. 577.
Martin Luther
Prayer is not performance but climbing up to the heart of God.
Martin Luther
Richard Capel
Delays be dangerous, our hearts will cool, and our affections will fall down… Satan hath little hope to prevail unless he can persuade us to omit our duties when the clock strikes, and therefore his skill is to urge us to put off till another time as fitter or better. Do it anon, next hour, next day, next week (saith he); and why not next year ?
Richard Capel
Archibald Alexander
All my theology is reduced to this narrow compass – “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.”
Archibald Alexander
La mort n'est pas laïque ni neutre ; la mort est inexorablement théologique et terrible. La mort est une explosion de trompette des cieux pour fuir Sodome et courir vers Jésus-Christ alors qu'il en est encore temps. La mort est un avertissement ; la mort est une invocation ; la mort est un appel à prendre Dieu au sérieux, et à nous jeter sur sa miséricorde.
Owen Strachan
Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, 1970, p. 59.
Material success is no measure of spiritual health. Nor is apparent affluence any criterion of real godliness. And it is well for us that the Shepherd of our souls sees through this exterior and takes steps to set things right.
Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, 1970, p. 59.
John MacArthur, Titus, Moody, 1996, p. 128.
The preacher must put himself out of the way and let God’s Word speak through him unhindered. No matter what his training, experience, or personal abilities, he has spiritual authority only to the extent that what he says conforms to God’s Word. But as with Jesus’ own teaching, when a minister of God does faithfully proclaim that Word, those who reject his teaching reject God’s truth and are as much accountable for their rejection as if the Lord had spoken the truth with His own lips. It is in that way, and only in that way, that a pastor is able to speak with spiritual authority. It is also in that way that he is commanded to speak with spiritual authority.
John MacArthur, Titus, Moody, 1996, p. 128.
John Angell James, Christian Progress, 1853.
Why is it that so many professing Christians make no spiritual progress, and indeed make no efforts to grow in grace? Why? Because they care nothing about it! To take up a “mere profession” is all they desire; but to proceed from one degree of piety to another; to grow in grace – is no part of their desire… Is it possible to be a Christian and yet destitute of this desire to grow in grace? No, it is not! I tell you, it is not! If you have no concern to grow in grace – there is no grace in you! You are a piece of dead wood – and not a living branch! You are a spiritual corpse – and not a living man! In this state there can be no growth – for dead things never grow!
John Angell James, Christian Progress, 1853.
Randy Smith
Regardless the depth of one’s pain, God promises His grace is always sufficient to meet the need to continue a Christian life of joy, peace, hope, service, contentment, faith and worship despite the circumstances being unchanged.
Randy Smith
Le diable est sans répit. À peine avons-nous résisté à une tentation que ses démons nous poursuivent avec une autre. Il est persistant. Si nous montrons le moindre signe d'affaiblissement, il continuera à nous presser jusqu'à ce que nous péchions. Il est rusé et nous entraîne progressivement sur la voie de la destruction. Il commence par une petite tentation. Lorsqu'elle réussit, il nous présente une tentation légèrement plus grande, nous entraînant lentement de plus en plus profondément dans le péché. Il est subtil, si subtil que nous nous retrouvons parfois à pécher avant même d'avoir conscience d'être tentés. Satan est également créatif. Il nous offre une gamme complète de transgressions parmi lesquelles choisir : l'avidité, la luxure, la haine, le désespoir et la colère.
Philip Graham Ryken, Lead Us Not Into Temptation, tiré de When You Pray, 2000, page 146-147.
The devil is relentless. No sooner have we resisted one temptation than his demons come after us with another. He is persistent. If we show the slightest sign of weakening, he will keep pressing us until we sin. He is crafty, gradually leading us down the road of destruction. He starts with a small temptation. When it succeeds, he presents us with a slightly greater temptation, slowly drawing us deeper and deeper into sin. He is subtle, so subtle that sometimes we find ourselves sinning before we are even aware of being tempted. Satan is also creative. He offers us a complete line of transgressions to choose from: greed, lust, hatred, despair, and anger.
Philip Graham Ryken, Lead Us Not Into Temptation from When You Pray, 2000, page 146-147.
La mort à soi-même ne doit pas être confondue avec la mort du moi. Jésus ne tolère pas la haine de soi. Au contraire, Jésus élève notre valeur au-delà de ce que nous pourrions prétendre ou mesurer ! Mais le renoncement à soi et le rejet de soi sont deux choses différentes. Un exemple de rejet de soi serait : "Je suis dégoûtant et sans valeur". Un exemple de mort à soi-même serait : "Je veux profondément me défendre avec mes mots, mais je reconnais que je n'ai plus à suivre cet instinct." C'est laisser partir une vie inférieure afin de laisser émerger votre nouvelle vie en Christ.
Chris Cruz
Death to self isn't to be confused with the death of self. Jesus does not condone self-hatred. If anything, Jesus elevates our worth beyond what we could ever claim or measure! But self-denial and self rejection are two different things. An example of self-rejection would be, "I'm disgusting and worthless." An example of death to self would be, I deeply want to fight back with my words but I recognize that I don't have to follow that instinct anymore." It's letting go of a lesser life in order to let your new life in Christ to emerge.
Chris Cruz
Auteur inconnu, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 7.
The posture in which we pray is immaterial. God will listen whether we kneel, or stand, or sit, or walk, or work.
Unknown Author, The Kneeling Christian, circa 1930, ch. 7.
Charles H. Spurgeon
You will find indwelling sin frequently retarding you the most, when you are most earnest. When you desire to be most alive to God – you will generally find sin most alive to repel you.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor, chapitre 3, section 1.
Experience has fully proved that works of charity do most powerfully remove prejudice, and open the heart to words of piety. If men see that you are addicted to do good, they will the more easily believe that you are good, and that it is good which you persuade them to. When they see that you love them, and seek their good, they will the more easily trust you. And when they see that you seek not the things of the world, they will the less suspect your intentions, and the more easily be drawn by you to seek that which you seek.
Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor, Chapter 3, Section 1.
Sam Storms
Satan’s “fiery darts” do not easily penetrate a mind captivated by the beauty of Christ. When our hearts beat with perpetual fascination and our thoughts are filled with the beauty and splendor and adequacy of God, little room is left for the devil to gain a foothold (see Philippians 4:8).
Sam Storms