Satan aime pêcher dans les eaux troubles d'un cœur mécontent.
Thomas Watson
Satan loves to fish in the troubled waters of a discontented heart.
Thomas Watson
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Thomas Watson
Satan loves to fish in the troubled waters of a discontented heart.
Thomas Watson
Watchman Nee
Put very simply, Satan's power in the world is everywhere. Yet wherever men and women walk in the Spirit, sensitive to the anointing they have from God, that power of his just evaporates. There is a line drawn by God, a boundary where by virtue of his own very presence Satan's writ does not run. Let God but occupy all the space himself, and what room is left for the evil one?
Watchman Nee
Ralph Erskine
If your former refusals of Christ have not yet been malicious and deceitful, but rather temerarious and inadvertent, which though a grievous sin, yet not unpardonable: and now, since Christ does not yet exclude you from the gospel offer, why will you exclude yourselves?
Ralph Erskine
John Polkinghorne, Quarks, Chaos & Christianisme (1995), page 89
There is much cloudy unpredictable process throughout the whole of the physical world. It is a coherent possibility that God interacts with the history of creation by means of "information input" into its open physical process. The causal net of the universe is not drawn so tight as to exclude this possibility. Mere mechanism is dead, and a more subtle and supple universe is accessible to the providential interaction of the Creator.“ Help us translate this quote.
John Polkinghorne, Quarks, Chaos & Christianisme (1995), page 89
James Hufstetler
You will never really enjoy other people, you will never have stable emotions, you will never lead a life of godly contentment, you will never conquer jealousy and love others as you should until you thank God for making you the way He did.
James Hufstetler
Judy Harrell
Our God of love came to earth as a child to offer us redemption.
Judy Harrell
William J. Seymour
Let us honor the blood of Jesus Christ every moment of our lives, and we will be sweet in our souls.
William J. Seymour
N.T. Wright
The early Church believed that God was energizing them by his own personal presence. The Spirit was given so that individual believers, and still more the believers when joined together for corporate worship, would take up their responsibilities as God’s eyes and ears, his hands and his feet, to do what needed to be done in the world. This is why, from the very start, the early Christians looked out at the world, as Jesus had looked out upon his beloved people Israel, and had seen what God was wanting to do and say, and had prayerfully got on and done and said that themselves. That is what ‘mission’ is all about.
N.T. Wright
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Any mind that is capable of real sorrow is capable of good.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Roger Nicole
Surely God does not need our counsel in order to set up what is desirable. Surely God, whose knowledge penetrates all minds and hearts, does not need to have us intervene to tell Him what He ought to do. The thought that we are changing the mind of God by our prayers is a terrifying concept.
Roger Nicole
William Temple
To evangelize is so to present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, that men shall come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept Him as their Savior, and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of His church.
William Temple
Auteur inconnu
James H. Aughey
As every mercy is a drop obtained from the ocean of God's goodness, so every affliction is a drachm weighed out in the wisdom of God's providence.
James H. Aughey
Horatius Bonar
The more fully that the gospel is preached, in the grand old apostolic way, the more likely is it to accomplish the results which it did in the apostolic days.
Horatius Bonar
Wayne Grudem and Jeff Purswell, Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith, Zondervan, 1999, p. 137-138.
If in fact life was not created by God, and if human beings in particular are not created by God or responsible to Him, but are simply the result of random occurrences in the universe, then of what significance is human life? We are merely the product of matter plus time plus chance, and so to think that we have any eternal importance, or really any importance at all in the face of an immense universe, is simply to delude ourselves. Honest reflection on this notion should lead people to a profound sense of despair.
Wayne Grudem and Jeff Purswell, Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith, Zondervan, 1999, p. 137-138.
L'absence de cadavres, les abondants témoignages, la conversion des disciples, la naissance et l'expansion de l'Eglise, le choix d'un autre jour pour le sabbat, l'adoption du baptême et le nouveau sens qui lui a été conféré, le contenu et la motivation de la prédication de l'Evangile, tous ces arguments pèsent lourd dans la balance. Ajoutez-y le fait que la vie unique de Christ exige qu'il soit ressuscité. Et souvenez-vous que personne n'a eu à argumenter en faveur de la résurrection car c'était un fait notoire, et nous ne pouvons que conclure aujourd'hui que ce miracle a réellement eu lieu.
Gérard Chrispin, La résurrection, un trésor méconnu, page 52
Arrêtez de planifier votre vie en fonction des revenus de vos amis, de vos parents et de la charité.
R.M. Harrington
Stop planning your life around the income of friends, parents and charity.
R.M. Harrington
Ravi Zacharias
It was not the volume of sin that sent Christ to the cross; it was the fact of sin.
Ravi Zacharias
F.F. Bruce
Any part of the human body can only be properly explained in reference to the whole body. And any part of the Bible can only be properly explained in reference to the whole Bible.
F.F. Bruce
A.B. Simpson
God means every Christian to be effective, to make a difference in the actual records and results of Christian work. God put each of us here to be a power. There is not one of us but is an essential wheel of the machinery and can accomplish all that God calls us to.
A.B. Simpson
F.B. Meyer
Hand over to Christ every temptation and care.
F.B. Meyer
Jonathan Edwards, The Works of Jonathan Edwards, p. 117.
God can answer prayer, though He bestow not the very thing for which we pray. He can sometimes better answer the lawful desires and good end we have in prayer another way. If our end be our own good and happiness, God can perhaps better answer that end in bestowing something else than in the bestowment of the very thing which we ask. And if the main good we aim at in our prayers be attained, our prayer in answered.
Jonathan Edwards, The Works of Jonathan Edwards, p. 117.
John Lloyd Ogilvie, God's best for my life
Prayer is seeking God with all our hearts. God can use our imaginations to give us a picture of His future for us, but with one qualification: that we seek Him with all our hearts. Many of us aim at nothing and hit it because we have not taken God at His Word. We all become what we envision.
John Lloyd Ogilvie, God's best for my life
Erwin Lutzer
God's call is an inner conviction given by the Holy Spirit and confirmed by the Word of God and the body of Christ.
Erwin Lutzer
John Owen, Meditation on the Glory of Christ, 1684, ch. 12.
Christ Himself with all His glory will be really and continually with us. We shall no longer have to be satisfied with the mere descriptions of Him that we have in the gospel. We shall see Him face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12) and as He is (1 John 3:2). We shall see Him with our bodily eyes, for Job says: “In my flesh shall I see God (my Redeemer), whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold” (Job 19:25-27). Our bodily senses will be restored and glorified in a way we cannot now understand, in order that we may be able to look at Christ and His glory forever and ever. We shall see not only His human nature but His divinity also in its infinite wisdom, love and power. That glory will be a thousand times more than anything we can imagine.
John Owen, Meditation on the Glory of Christ, 1684, ch. 12.
Notre Sauveur s'agenouille et contemple les actes les plus sombres de nos vies. Mais plutôt que de reculer d'horreur, il nous tend la main avec bonté et nous dit : "Je peux nettoyer ça si tu veux". Et dans le bassin de sa grâce, il prélève une paume pleine de miséricorde et lave notre péché.
Max Lucado
Our Savior kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives. But rather than recoil in horror, he reaches out in kindness and says, 'I can clean that if you want.' And from the basin of his grace, he scoops a palm full of mercy and washes our sin.
Max Lucado
Rick Warren
Much confusion in the Christian life comes from ignoring the simple truth that God is far more interested in building your character than he is anything else.
Rick Warren
Albert Barnes
Life, if properly viewed in any aspect, is great, but mainly great when viewed in its relation to the world to come.
Albert Barnes
Thomas Manton
First we practice sin, then defend it, then boast of it.
Thomas Manton