Nous sommes chargés de ce corps corruptible ; mais sachant que la cause de ce fardeau n'est pas la nature et la substance du corps, mais sa corruption, nous ne désirons pas être privés du corps, mais être revêtus de son immortalité... Si Adam n'avait pas péché, il n'aurait pas été dépouillé de son corps, mais il aurait été revêtu (surinvesti) d'immortalité et d'incorruptibilité, afin que son corps mortel soit absorbé par la vie, c'est-à-dire qu'il passe de son corps naturel au corps spirituel.
Cité dans Philip E. Hughes, The Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Eerdmans, 1992, p. 171.
We are burdened with this corruptible body; but knowing that the cause of this burdensomeness is not the nature and substance of the body, but its corruption, we do not desire to be deprived of the body, but to be clothed with its immortality… If Adam had not sinned, he would not have been divested of his body, but would have been clothed upon (superinvested) with immortality and incorruption, that his mortal (body) might have been absorbed by life; that is, that he might have passed from his natural body to the spiritual body.
Cited in Philip E. Hughes, The Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Eerdmans, 1992, p. 171.