L'autosatisfaction est le chef-d'œuvre du diable pour nous amener à avoir une bonne opinion de nous-mêmes.
Thomas Adams
Self-righteousness is the devil's masterpiece to make us think well of ourselves.
Thomas Adams
Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
L'autosatisfaction est le chef-d'œuvre du diable pour nous amener à avoir une bonne opinion de nous-mêmes.
Thomas Adams
Self-righteousness is the devil's masterpiece to make us think well of ourselves.
Thomas Adams
Si Jésus a pardonné à ceux qui l'ont cloué sur la croix, et si Dieu nous pardonne à vous et à moi, comment pouvez-vous refuser votre pardon à quelqu'un d'autre ?
Anne Graham Lotz
If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else?
Anne Graham Lotz
Charles H. Spurgeon
“Death in its substance has been removed, and only the shadow of it remains... Nobody is afraid of a shadow, for a shadow cannot block a man’s pathway for even a moment. The shadow of a dog can’t bite; the shadow of a sword can’t kill.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
Sam Storms
Creation in its totality exists as a means to the fulfillment of some specific purpose that terminates on and for the sake of Jesus Christ (see Col. 1:16; 2 Tim. 2:19).
Sam Storms
Nos âmes ne peuvent pas sortir de la fange du péché parce qu'elles sont mortes. Le salut ne vient pas à ceux qui crient : «Montrez-moi le chemin du ciel», mais à ceux qui pleurent, «Emmenez-moi là car je ne peux pas.»
R.C. Sproul
Vous n'avez aucun contrôle sur la façon dont vos amis vous traitent, mais vous avez un contrôle absolu sur la charge de vos batteries spirituelles. Si elles le sont, tu auras de la force même lorsque tes amis essaieront de te faire prendre un chemin que tu ne veux pas emprunter.
Ray Johnston
You have no control over how your friends treat you but you have absolute control over whether your spiritual batteries are charged. If they are, you'll have strength even when your friends are trying to take you down the road you don't want to go.
Ray Johnston
John Piper
Praying without ceasing means at least three things. First it means that there is a spirit of dependence that should permeate all we do… So even when we are not speaking consciously to God, there is a deep, abiding dependence on Him that is woven in to the heart of faith. Second… [it] means praying repeatedly and often. Third, [it] means not giving up on prayer. Don’t ever come to a point in your life where you cease to pray at all.
John Piper
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C.S. Lewis
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.
C.S. Lewis
Samuel Chadwick, The Path of Prayer, p. 27.
The reason so many people do not pray is because of its cost. The cost is not so much in the sweat of agonizing supplication as in the daily fidelity to the life of prayer.
Samuel Chadwick, The Path of Prayer, p. 27.
Vous avez peut-être entendu le vieux dicton "Donnez un poisson à quelqu'un, vous le nourrissez pour un jour. Apprenez à quelqu'un à pêcher, et vous le nourrissez pour le reste de sa vie". Il en va de même pour la vie elle-même. Si vous donnez à quelqu'un une réponse, une règle, un principe, vous l'aidez à résoudre un problème. Mais si vous lui enseignez à marcher avec Dieu, eh bien, vous l'avez aidé à résoudre le reste de sa vie. Vous l'avez aidé à puiser dans une source inépuisable.
John Eldredge
You might have heard the old saying “Give someone a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach someone to fish, and you feed him for the rest of his life.” The same holds true for life itself. If you give someone an answer, a rule, a principle, you help him solve one problem. But if you teach him to walk with God, well then, you’ve helped him solve the rest of his life. You’ve helped him tap into an inexhaustible.
John Eldredge
Andrew Murray
Abide in Jesus, the sinless One – which means, give up all of self and its life, and dwell in God’s will and rest in His strength. This is what brings the power that does not commit sin.
Andrew Murray
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Andrew Murray
Prayer is the natural and joyous breathing of the spiritual life by which the heavenly atmosphere is inhaled and then exhaled in prayer.
Andrew Murray
Wayne Grudem, 1 Pierre, Eerdmans, 1988, p. 184.
Christians do not suffer accidentally or because of the irresistible forces of blind fate; rather, they suffer according to God’s will… Therein lies the knowledge that there is a limit to the suffering, both in its intensity and in its duration, a limit set and maintained by the God who is our creator, our savior, our sustainer, our Father.
Wayne Grudem, 1 Peter, Eerdmans, 1988, p. 184.
Charles H. Spurgeon
The sermon which does not lead to Christ, or of which Jesus Christ is not the top and the bottom, is a sort of sermon that will make the devils in hell laugh, but make the angels of God weep.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Dieu et son royaume sont, tout simplement, à propos de Dieu - le Dieu trinitaire, le Saint d'Israël. Quels sont les besoins du Dieu trinitaire ? Il n'a aucun besoin. Il est complètement comblé. Le Père aime le Fils. Le Fils est en extase devant le Père et ne veut rien d'autre que la volonté du Père. Le plus grand plaisir de Dieu, c'est lui-même.
Edward Welch, When People are Big and God is Small, 1997, p. 153.
God and his kingdom are, simply put, about God – the triune God, the Holy One of Israel. What are the triune God’s needs? He has no needs. He is completely fulfilled. The Father loves the Son. The Son is ecstatic about the Father and wants nothing but the Father’s will. God’s greatest pleasure is Himself.
Edward Welch, When People are Big and God is Small, 1997, p. 153.
Philip Graham Ryken, Is Jesus the Only Way ? Crossway, 1999, p. 44.
No other religion has ever claimed that its historical founder is the one and only supreme deity. Nor has any other religion ever dared to suggest that the one true God loves us enough to die for us. This is the glory and the beauty of Christianity. Because God is just, there had to be a payment for sin. Because God is love, He was willing to make the payment in the Person of His own Son.
Philip Graham Ryken, Is Jesus the Only Way? Crossway, 1999, p. 44.
R.C. Sproul Jr.
Studying holiness must lead to repentance. Studying salvation must lead to gratitude. Studying the end times must lead to hope. We need to study to show ourselves improved, that is, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Systematics is not a dusty endeavor, but ought instead to be Miracle-Gro for the fruit of the Spirit. To know Him is life. To study Him, therefore is health.
R.C. Sproul Jr.
En tant que chrétien, votre conscience est cet outil en relation avec le Saint-Esprit qui porte des jugements de valeur morale sur vos actions. Répondez-lui, car votre conscience ne fera pas seulement le jugement, elle n'est pas seulement le juge, votre conscience est aussi le bourreau. Si vous n'écoutez pas votre conscience, vous souffrirez de votre conscience. Votre conscience continuera à vous accuser, et vous aurez une conscience coupable et un complexe de culpabilité.
John MacArthur
Your conscience as a Christian is that tool in connection with the Holy Spirit which makes moral value judgments on your actions. Respond to it, because your conscience will not only make the judgment, it’s not only the judge, your conscience is also the executioner. If you don’t listen to your conscience, you’ll suffer from your conscience. Your conscience will continue to accuse you, and you’ll have a guilty conscience and a guilty complex.
John MacArthur
Oswald Chambers
It will be a wonderful moment for some of us when we stand before God and find that the prayers we clamored for in early days and imagined were never answered, have been answered in the most amazing way, and that God’s silence has been the sign of the answer. If we always want to be able to point to something and say, “This is the way God answered my prayer,” God cannot trust us yet with His silence.
Oswald Chambers
J. C. Ryle
“No prayers can be heard which do not come from a forgiving heart.”
J. C. Ryle
Richard Baxter
Use sin as it will use you; spare it not, for it will not spare you; it is your murderer, and the murderer of the world: use it, therefore as a murderer should be used. Kill it before it kills you; and though it bring you to the grave, as it did your Head, it shall not be able to keep you there.
Richard Baxter
Charles H. Spurgeon
Prayer is not a hard requirement – it is the natural duty of a creature to its creator, the simplest homage that human need can pay to divine liberality.
Charles H. Spurgeon