Ce site a pour but de vous faire découvrir des citations parlant de Dieu, Jésus, du christianisme, de la foi, de la Bible, entre autres sujets. Ces phrases sont des sujets de réflexions pour faire avancer votre réflexion personnelle à partir d'opinions différentes. Bonne visite sur ce site et bonne réflexion.
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jeudi 31 août 2000
Un lieu réel
mercredi 30 août 2000
Le portrait de Jésus dans les évangiles
John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus, John MacArthur, 1988, p. 107.
The portrait of Jesus in the gospels is altogether different from the picture contemporary evangelicals typically imagine. Rather than a would-be redeemer who merely stands outside anxiously awaiting an invitation to come into unregenerate lives, the Savior described in the New Testament is God in the flesh, invading the world of sinful men and challenging them to turn from their iniquity. Rather than waiting for an invitation, He issues His own – in the form of a command to repent and take on a yoke of submission.
John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus, John MacArthur, 1988, p. 107.
mardi 29 août 2000
Quand un athée rejete l'idée d'un Dieu créateur
Auteur inconnu
lundi 28 août 2000
Notre travail est grand, notre temps court, et notre maître urgent.
Thomas Watson
Our work is great, our time short, and our Master urgent.
Thomas Watson
dimanche 27 août 2000
Nos faiblesses
Nos faiblesses peuvent être un récipient pour la gloire de Dieu. Hannah a goûté aux larmes salées de l'infertilité. Elijah a hurlé pour que Dieu prenne sa vie. David a demandé mille fois à son âme pourquoi elle était si abattue. Le fait est que... Dieu fait de grandes choses à travers les grands blessés. Dieu voit les personnes brisées comme les meilleures et Il voit le meilleur dans les personnes brisées et Il appelle les blessés à être les changeurs de monde. N'ayez jamais peur d'être une chose brisée.
Ann Voskamp
Our weaknesses can be a container for God’s glory. Hannah tasted salty tears of infertility. Elijah howled for God to take his life. David asked his soul a thousand times why it was so downcast. The thing is? God does great things through the greatly wounded. God sees the broken as the best and He sees the best in the broken and He calls the wounded to be the world changers. Never ever be afraid of being a broken thing.
Ann Voskamp
samedi 26 août 2000
Le Dieu des grands retournements de situation.
Dieu est le Dieu des grands retournements de situation. Pensez-y : Pas de lutte signifie pas de force. Pas de montagne signifie pas de sommet. Pas de revers signifie pas de retour, et un retour peut être à votre portée. La confusion et la crise d'aujourd'hui seront la conquête de demain. Prenez Dieu au mot. Je vous mets au défi de le faire. Je vous mets doublement au défi. Changez votre façon de voir cette saison d'hiver. Considérez la lutte pour ce qu'elle est, une occasion pour Dieu de faire à nouveau ce qu'il fait le mieux : renverser une histoire et faire renaître la vie de la mort.
Max Lucado
God is the God of great turnarounds. Think about it: No struggle means no strength. No mountain means no mountain peak. No setback means no comeback, and a comeback can be yours for the taking. Today’s confusion and crisis will be tomorrow’s conquest. Take God at his word. I dare you to do so. I double dog dare you. Reframe the way you see this season of winter. Recast the struggle for what it is, an opportunity for God to do again what he does best: flip a story on its head and resurrect life out of death.
Max Lucado
vendredi 25 août 2000
Notre mission chrétienne
Phillips Brooks
It is for us, in whom the Christian Church is at this moment partially embodied, to declare that Christianity, that the Christian faith can do that for the world which the world needs. You say, “What can I do?” You can furnish one Christian life. You can furnish a life so faithful to every duty, so ready for every service, so determined not to commit every sin, that the great Christian Church shall be the stronger for your living in it, and the problem of the world be answered, and a certain great peace come into this poor, perplexed phase of our humanity as it sees that new revelation of what Christianity is.
Phillips Brooks
jeudi 24 août 2000
Les dons de Dieu
Jay Adams, Christian Living in the Home, 1972, p. 60.
God’s gifts are not given capriciously; neither are they given in such a way that the option for their use is left with us. As the gifts are discovered they are to be developed and used to the full in His service and to His glory. God distributes His gifts for His purposes and for the good of His people. His sovereign administration of these gifts must be acknowledged as right and proper by His people, even when they cannot see the good.
Jay Adams, Christian Living in the Home, , 1972, p. 60.
mercredi 23 août 2000
La victoire à la croix
Randy Smith
Interestingly, we are not commanded to win the overall victory. Christ already did that at the cross and He will consummate it at His return when the devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire. We are simply told to hold our ground against the continual assault of the devil’s schemes and “stand firm” (Eph. 6:11, 13-14).
Randy Smith
mardi 22 août 2000
Venu pour des gens biens ?
lundi 21 août 2000
Le chrétien a des objectifs nobles
John Newton
A Christian has noble aims which distinguish him from the bulk of mankind. His leading principles, motives, and desires are all supernatural and divine. Could he do as he desires there is not an angel before the Eternal Throne, that would excel him in holiness, love, and obedience! He would tread in the very footsteps of his Savior, fill up every moment of time in His service, and employ every breath in His praise!
John Newton
dimanche 20 août 2000
Être ressuscité avec le Christ
Être ressuscité avec le Christ signifie non seulement qu'on a le choix et qu'on peut vivre selon une loi supérieure - la loi de la grâce et de l'amour - mais qu'on doit le faire. La première obligation du chrétien est de rester libre de toute superstition, de tout tabou aveugle et de toute formalité religieuse, voire de toute forme vide de légalisme.
Thomas Merton
To be risen with Christ means not only that one has a choice and that one may live by a higher law - the law of grace and love - but that one must do so. The first obligation of the Christian is to maintain their freedom from all superstitions, all blind taboos and religious formalities, indeed from all empty forms of legalism.
Thomas Merton
samedi 19 août 2000
Le péché
Charles H. Spurgeon
Sin to a believer is horrible, because it crucified the Saviour; he sees in every iniquity the nails and spear.
Charles H. Spurgeon
vendredi 18 août 2000
Le meilleur usage de la vie
Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership, Moody Publishers, 1967, p. 93.
The best use of one’s life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership, Moody Publishers, 1967, p. 93.
jeudi 17 août 2000
Un moment difficile à passer ?
mercredi 16 août 2000
En résumé, ...
Le christianisme se résume à ces deux faits : Le Christ pour nous et le Christ en nous.
Augustus Strong
Christianity is summed up in the two facts: Christ for us and Christ in us.
Augustus Strong
mardi 15 août 2000
Le jugement moral
"On ne peut jamais porter de jugement moral sur une chose sans examiner sa finalité. . . . Comment, alors, pouvons-nous dire si un être humain est bon ou mauvais ? Seulement si nous connaissons notre but, le but de la vie humaine. Si vous ne connaissez pas la réponse à cette question, alors vous ne pouvez jamais déterminer le 'bon' et le 'mauvais' comportement humain."
Tim Keller, Making Sense of God : An Invitation to the Skeptical
“A moral judgment about something can never be made apart from an examination of its given purpose. . . . How, then, can we tell if a human being is good or bad? Only if we know our purpose, what human life is for. If you don’t know the answer to that, then you can never determine ‘good’ and ‘bad’ human behavior.”
Tim Keller, Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical
lundi 14 août 2000
L'amour de Dieu
C.S. Lewis
To ask that God’s love should be content with us as we are is to ask that God should cease to be God.
C.S. Lewis
dimanche 13 août 2000
Nier son propre état de pécheur ?
John Broger, Self-Confrontation Manual, Lesson 4, Page 1.
“Man, in his own wisdom, has developed a vast number of philosophies and theories seeking to explain one's thoughts, words, and actions. In doing so, man has pridefully sought to deny his own sinfulness and has confused any clear definition of God's standards of right and wrong.”
John Broger, Self-Confrontation Manual, Lesson 4, Page 1.
samedi 12 août 2000
Il existe trois types de dons
Il existe trois types de dons : le don par rancune, le don par devoir et le don par reconnaissance. Le don par rancune dit : "Je dois" ; le don par devoir dit : "Je dois" ; le don par gratitude dit : "Je veux".
Robert Rodenmeyer
There are three kinds of giving: grudge giving, duty giving, and thanksgiving. Grudge giving says, “I have to”; duty giving says, “I ought to”; thanksgiving says, “I want to”
Robert Rodenmeyer
vendredi 11 août 2000
Des serres mentales
Jerry Bridges
“Our minds are mental greenhouses where unlawful thoughts, once planted, are nurtured and watered before being transplanted into the real world of unlawful actions... These actions are savored in the mind long before they are enjoyed in reality. The thought life, then, is our first line of defense in the battle of self-control.”
Jerry Bridges
jeudi 10 août 2000
L'obéissance à la volonté de Dieu
Eric Liddell.
"Obedience to God's will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight."
Eric Liddell.
mercredi 9 août 2000
Le message de l'Evangile
Ligon Duncan
They may seem weak in the eyes of the worldly strong. They may seem foolish in the eyes of the worldly wise. But the Gospel message is the power of God unto salvation, and the Gospel means are effectual to salvation. These are the Spiritual instruments given by God with which Christian congregational Spiritual life is nurtured, the Spirit’s tools of grace and growth in grace appointed by God in the Bible.
Ligon Duncan
mardi 8 août 2000
La faim d'amour
Mère Teresa
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”
Mother Teresa
lundi 7 août 2000
Comment vaincre le péché ?
Randy Smith
Sure, people can counsel us on some strategies to overcome sin such as Bible memorization, prayer, accountability partners and providing no opportunity for the flesh, but our primary hope to be victorious is not faith in a technique but rather, 2 Corinthians 3:3, faith in a promise that we have power through “the Spirit of the living God.” Never shall a sin again, if we are truly saved, be able to dominate, enslave or defeat us. By God’s grace through the New Covenant provision of the Holy Spirit, we can rise out of the gutter of sin and stand joyously with the freedom we now have in Christ. We are as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17 completely new creatures!
Randy Smith
dimanche 6 août 2000
La doctrine est importante
John MacArthur
Doctrine matters. What you believe about God, the gospel, the nature of man, and every major truth addressed in Scripture filters down to every area of your life. You and I will never rise above our view of God and our understanding of His Word.
John MacArthur
samedi 5 août 2000
Un point capital
Thomas Boston, Of the Decrees of God, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism.
For as the sun darts its beams upon a dunghill, and yet is no way defiled by it; so God decrees the permission of sin…yet is not the author of sin.
Thomas Boston, Of the Decrees of God, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism.
vendredi 4 août 2000
Nous restons en Christ
Nous restons en Christ en communiquant avec lui, en faisant ce qu'il dit, en vivant par la foi et en nous reliant par amour à la communauté des croyants.
We remain in Christ by communicating with him,doing what he says, living by faith, and relating in love to the community of believers.So stay close, be nourished, and bear fruit.
jeudi 3 août 2000
Reconnaître notre misère
mercredi 2 août 2000
Votre niveau de don
Votre niveau de don est plus important que votre niveau de vie.
Auteur inconnu
Your standard of giving is more important that your standard of living.
Unknown Author
mardi 1 août 2000
La paix profonde
Que la paix des vagues vous accompagne,
La paix profonde de l'air qui circule pour toi,
La paix profonde de la terre tranquille pour toi,
La paix profonde des étoiles brillantes pour toi,
La paix profonde des ombres de la nuit pour toi,
La lune et les étoiles te donnent toujours de la lumière,
La paix profonde du Christ, le Fils de la Paix, pour vous.
Peace of the running waves to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the shades of night to you,
Moon and stars always giving light to you,
Deep peace of Christ, the Son of Peace, to you.