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samedi 31 octobre 1987
Les problèmes de la terre
vendredi 30 octobre 1987
J'écoute un cri
Vance Havner a écrit : « Les premiers croyants n'attendaient pas que quelque chose se produise, ils attendaient la venue de Quelqu'un. Attendre que le train arrive est une chose, mais attendre que quelqu'un que nous aimons vienne dans ce train en est une autre... En ce qui concerne le retour de notre Seigneur, nous mettons l'accent sur la préparation sans l'attente. Bien sûr, trop souvent, on ne parle pas du tout de son retour. On prêche l'avènement du Royaume, mais pas le retour du Roi.... Je ne cherche pas de signes. Nous en avons eu beaucoup. Je suis à l'écoute d'un son. Chaque fois que vous voyez un moqueur qui dit qu'il n'y a pas de signes de Sa venue, vous venez de voir un autre signe. J'écoute un cri. »
Vance Havner wrote : ''The early believers were not looking for something to happen, they were looking for Someone to come. Looking for the train to arrive is one thing, but looking for someone we love to come on that train is another matter...With regard to our Lord's return, we emphasize preparation without expectation. Of course, all too generally nothing is said of His return at all. Bringing in the Kingdom is preached, but not bringing back the King....I'm not looking for signs. We've had plenty of them. I'm listening for a sound. Every time you see a scoffer who says there are no signs of His coming, you've just seen another sign. I'm listening for a shout.''
jeudi 29 octobre 1987
La création du monde
mercredi 28 octobre 1987
La différence entre le non-pardon et le pardon
mardi 27 octobre 1987
Exposer nos besoins à Dieu
Dieu s’intéresse à chacun de nous car il nous aime. Il voudrait que nous fassions appel à lui par la prière pour chaque moment de notre vie. Notre existence est parsemée de soucis. À qui en parler ? Nous avons le privilège d’avoir un Père céleste qui nous écoute et qui est prêt à nous donner au-delà même de ce que nous demandons ou même pensons, selon sa sagesse. Il n’est pas limité, n’hésitons pas à l’honorer en lui ouvrant notre coeur. Acceptons aussi ses réponses qui ont toujours pour but notre bien. »
Auteur inconnu
lundi 26 octobre 1987
Ce que l'Esprit met dans nos coeurs
Martin Luther
How shall a work please God, if it proceeds from a reluctant and resisting heart? To fulfill the law, however, is to do its works with pleasure and love, and to live a godly and good life of one’s own accord, without the compulsion of the law. This pleasure and love for the law is put into the heart by the Holy Ghost.
Martin Luther
dimanche 25 octobre 1987
La voie unique
samedi 24 octobre 1987
Dieu est souverain
William Farley
God is sovereign, but parents are responsible. God’s sovereignty is our hope. Parents are utterly dependent on God. He can save any child, no matter how dark the circumstances. On the other hand, God normally reaches children through their parents. It is fatal to presume on God’s sovereignty by neglecting parental faithfulness. Yet it is also a mistake to assume that it all depends on us. It doesn’t. In fact, none of your efforts will prevail unless God bestows the gift of faith on your children. We are utterly dependent and responsible at the same time.
William Farley
vendredi 23 octobre 1987
La vision de Paul du corps du Christ
James Dunn
Paul’s vision of the body of Christ is of a unity which consists in diversity, that is, a unity which is not denied by diversity, but which would be denied by uniformity, a unity which depends on its diversity functioning as such – in a word, the unity of a body, the body of Christ.
James Dunn
jeudi 22 octobre 1987
Par la grâce de Dieu, je suis ce que je suis
John Newton
I am not what I might be, I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I wish to be, I am not what I hope to be. But I thank God I am not what I once was, and I can say with the great apostle, “By the grace of God I am what I am.”
John Newton
mercredi 21 octobre 1987
C'est la parole perpétuelle de Dieu pour nous
mardi 20 octobre 1987
Les tentatives de Satan
Randy Smith
Satan tempts (to make us weaker), but God’s goal is to test (to make us stronger) and oftentimes we are tested by God permitting Satan to tempt us. In the Bible (Luke 4) we see Jesus being tested by God as He is led by God into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Randy Smith
lundi 19 octobre 1987
La puissance de résurrection du Christ
Lailah Gifty Akita
May the resurrection power of Christ, awake in us a greater spiritual force and strength, so that we can passionately pursue our God-given dreams.
Lailah Gifty Akita
dimanche 18 octobre 1987
La sanctification progressive
Rien n'est plus pertinent pour la sanctification progressive que le fait de s'estimer mort au péché et vivant pour Dieu par Jésus-Christ (cf. Romains 6, 11).
John Murray, The Pattern of Sanctification (Le modèle de la sanctification).
Nothing is more relevant to progressive sanctification than the reckoning of ourselves to be dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ (cf. Romans 6:11).
John Murray, The Pattern of Sanctification.
samedi 17 octobre 1987
Se repentir
J.D. Greear
Repentance is not subsequent to belief; it is part of belief. It is belief in action-choice that flow out of conviction. Repentance literally means "a change of mind" (in Greek, metanoia; meta-"new", noia="mind") about Jesus. Repentance is not merely changing your action; it is changing your actions because you have changed your attitude about Jesus' authority and glory.
J.D. Greear
vendredi 16 octobre 1987
Le contraire du péché
Robert Farrar Capon
In the Bible, the opposite of Sin, with a capital 'S,' is not virtue - it's faith: faith in a God who draws all to himself in his resurrection.
Robert Farrar Capon
jeudi 15 octobre 1987
Chacun de nous peut être découragé à un moment ou un autre de sa vie chrétienne
Dans sa Parole, Dieu nous invite à compter sur lui : “Sur Dieu seul mon âme se repose paisiblement ; de lui vient mon salut… Mon attente est en lui. Lui seul est mon rocher et mon salut, ma haute retraite : je ne serai pas ébranlé” (Psaume 62. 1, 5, 6). “L’Éternel est la force de ma vie” (Psaume 27. 1). Que Satan se présente comme le lion rugissant, ou comme le serpent rusé, nos ressources sont toujours en Celui qui l’a vaincu à la croix ».
mercredi 14 octobre 1987
Croire et suivre le Christ
James Montgomery Boice, The Preacher and God’s Word.
We are to believe and follow Christ in all things, including His words about Scripture. And this means that Scripture is to be for us what it was to Him: the unique, authoritative, and inerrant Word of God, and not merely a human testimony to Christ, however carefully guided and preserved by God. If the Bible is less than this to us, we are not fully Christ’s disciples.
James Montgomery Boice, The Preacher and God’s Word.
mardi 13 octobre 1987
La repentance
La repentance est l'un des mots les plus positifs du vocabulaire chrétien ! Il désigne le fait de se détourner d'un chemin destructeur pour entrer dans la vie abondante de Dieu.
Richard Blackaby
Repentance is one of the most positive words in the Christian vocabulary! It refers to turning from a destructive path and moving instead into God’s abundant life.
Richard Blackaby
lundi 12 octobre 1987
La marche avec Dieu
Les faits sont que plus l'assurance du salut est intelligente, profonde et inébranlable, plus la vie, la marche et la conduite seront humbles, stables et circonspectes. Là où la proximité de la communion avec Dieu est maintenue, là où les plus hauts privilèges de la rédemption sont appropriés, là doivent régner la sainteté, l'amour et l'obéissance.
John Murray, The Assurance of Faith, Collected writings of John Murray, 1977.
The facts are that the more intelligent, the deeper and the more unwavering the assurance of salvation is, the humbler, the more stable and the more circumspect will be the life, walk and conduct. Where closeness of fellowship with God is maintained, where the highest privileges of redemption are appropriated, there holiness, love and obedience must reign.
John Murray, The Assurance of Faith, Collected writings of John Murray, 1977.
dimanche 11 octobre 1987
Rencontrer le Dieu élevé et saint
N.T. Wright
“We meet with the high and holy one, the God of fire, in order that we may ourselves be transformed and be agents for the healing of this world…To enjoy worship for its own sake, or simply out of a cultural appreciation of the ‘performance’ would be like Moses coming upon a burning bush and deciding to cook his lunch on it.”
N.T. Wright
samedi 10 octobre 1987
Le fruit de l'Esprit est la patience.
Adrian Rogers wrote : " The Bible says the fruit of the spirit is long-suffering. I'll tell you one thing about fruit: you will never see a fruit factory. Isn't that right? You see a shirt factory, but you see a fruit orchard. You see, there is no fruit without life. You cannot manufacture patience. The fruit of the Spirit is patience."
vendredi 9 octobre 1987
L'unité de la Bible
Adrian Rogers wrote : « The unity of the Bible is one of the wonderful proofs of the inspiration of God's Word- that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. »
jeudi 8 octobre 1987
Laisser Dieu gérer nos vies
Charles H. Spurgeon
Standing as we do in a position which makes us choice targets for the devil and his allies, our best course is to defend our innocence by our silence and leave our reputation with God. Yet there are exceptions to this general rule. When distinct, definite, public charges are made against a man he is bound to answer them, and answer them in the clearest and most open manner. To decline all investigation is in such a case practically to plead guilty, and whatever may be the mode of putting it, the general public ordinarily regard a refusal to reply as a proof of guilt. Under mere worry and annoyance it is by far the best to be altogether passive, but when the matter assumes more serious proportions, and our accuser defies us to a defense, we are bound to meet his charges with honest statements of fact.
Charles H. Spurgeon
mercredi 7 octobre 1987
Voir la grâce
Henri Künzler
mardi 6 octobre 1987
lundi 5 octobre 1987
À chaque jour suffit sa peine
dimanche 4 octobre 1987
Une estimation humaniste
samedi 3 octobre 1987
Le message de la réconciliation
Ray Ortlund
The gospel being what it is and always will be, “the message of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:19), our churches should be the most reconciling, peaceable, relaxed, happy places in town. We are so open to enemies, so meek in the face of insults and injuries, so forgiving toward the undeserving — if we do make people angry, let this be the reason. We refuse to join in their selfish battles. We’re following a higher call. We are the peacemakers, the true sons of God (Matthew 5:9).
Ray Ortlund
vendredi 2 octobre 1987
L'œuvre épique de Jésus
Derwin L. Gray
Jesus' epic work through his sinless life, atoning death, resurrection, and ascension, and the sending of the Spirit, was so that God could have an ethnically diverse family of Jews and Gentiles.
Derwin L. Gray